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What overcrowding in hospitals looks like in Ontario – CBC Radio One interview with Natalie Mehra, April 27, 2018

Posted: May 1, 2018

(May 2, 2018)

The stories were shocking… and heartbreaking. Caller after caller on Ontario Today’s noon call-in show told CBC Ontario Today host Rita Celli and Ontario Health Coalition executive director Natalie Mehra about being left in broom closets, storage areas, a bathroom and hallways waiting for a hospital bed in overcrowded hospitals across Ontario. Family members told of their loved ones dying without the dignity and privacy of a hospital room. People talked about worries about hygiene and inadequate staffing.

“If ever there was a call to our collective conscience, this is it,” said Natalie, reflecting on the show. “We must make what can only be called a crisis in our hospitals a top election issue and win clear commitments from all political parties to take urgent action to reopen closed hospital wards and restore services. Ontario’s hospitals have been downsized for 40-years almost without relent. This situation simply cannot be allowed to continue.”
By popular request, we are sending out the link to the show. You can listen here: