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ADVISORY: Press Conference: Court challenge to be heard Thursday re. Ford Government’s expansion & new 30-yr license for Southbridge’s Orchard Villa, for-profit long-term care with reprehensible record

(October 15, 2024) Toronto – On Thursday, a panel of judges at the Ontario Divisional court will hear a court challenge brought by the daughter of a deceased resident and the Ontario Health Coalition seeking a judicial review of the Ford government’s decision to grant an 88-bed expansion and new 30-year license for the 233-bed […]

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EVENT: Trojan Horse Ontario Tour to Fight Privatization of Hospital Surgeries

(October 2, 2024) To protest the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospital services, the CUPE Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and Ontario Health Coalition are kicking off a Trojan Horse tour this Friday at Queen’s Park, Toronto. The Ford government is privatizing surgeries by taking public funding and staff away from public hospitals […]

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RELEASE: Health care in crisis in northwestern Ontario: communities demand urgent solutions from Ford government

(September 13, 2024) Toronto/Rainy River/Thunder Bay/Emo: An unprecedented crisis in hospital, EMS, and primary care services in northwestern Ontario is unfolding. Physicians are leaving Rainy River’s hospital and clinic and the ambulance base in Emo is threatened with impending closure. The Mayor of Rainy River, the President of the District’s paramedics’ and hospital workers’ union […]

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MYTH BUSTER: 10 Big Myths about Health Care Privatization

(September 9, 2024) 1. The Ford government is indeed privatizing our public health care system. It is false to claim they are not. The Ford government has tried to downplay the extent to which they are privatizing, using words like “alternative”, “independent” or “community” health care facilities instead of referring to them as private for-profit […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: The Ford Government’s Plan to Privatize Ontario’s Public Hospital Services

(September 3, 2024) THE LATEST On January 16, 2023, Premier Doug Ford announced his plan to open new private for-profit day hospitals in three cities, expand other for-profit clinics and shunt tens of millions in public funding to private clinics and hospitals. The premier said that 50% of the surgeries done in our public hospitals […]

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More than 10,000 at huge protests form widespread, visible opposition against Ford’s privatization of our public health care

(June 19, 2024) Thousands of people made a stand at protests across the province on May 30, 2024 to show the Ford government that Ontarians oppose the privatization of our public health care system. We made it loud and clear that we will keep building the fightback to protect and improve our public health care, […]

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CAMPAIGN: Make it visible! Join the lawn sign campaign to stop Ford’s health care privatization

(June 19, 2024) As we head into the summer, we are building the fightback against health care privatization and putting out lawn signs across Ontario (see designs below). We have sent out 5,000 signs to local coalitions across the province and will order more if we are able to afford it. We are working to […]

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EVENT: Annual Locally-Grown Garlic Sale 2024

(June 19, 2024) The Ontario Health Coalition works to improve our provincial public health care system. We are committed to saving local health care services, stopping cuts and privatization and keeping our community hospitals vibrant. Every year we sell Ontario-grown organic and heirloom varieties of garlic to raise funds. It’s garlic season and our Annual […]

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EVENT & RELEASE: Public Hearings on Protecting & Improving Local Hospitals: Community members invited to give input

(June 3, 2024) TORONTO — In response to more than 1,200 closures of emergency departments and other local hospital services over the last year, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is holding public hearings across Ontario to develop recommendations for the future of our local hospitals, including small, rural and northern community hospitals. Mid size or […]

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EVENT: Now’s the time to make our stand… Giant protests and marches on Thursday, May 30

(May 24, 2024) More information can be found at A speech from executive director Natalie Mehra on the importance of this campaign can be found here. Toronto: Gather at noon at the south side of Nathan Phillips Square across from the Sheraton, 123 Queen St. W. We will march to the Ontario Legislature at Queen’s Park […]

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RELEASE: Community and union leaders announce legal action, demand Ford declare a moratorium to save the Durham hospital

(May 23, 2024) Toronto, Grey Bruce – The Durham hospital, located in Grey County, dates back to 1910. Its community supported its survival through two World Wars, the Great Depression, amalgamation, and many local hospital boards and provincial governments. Now, after more than a century, it is facing a potentially fatal blow with the imminent […]

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EVENT: Long-Term Care Virtual Townhall Summary

(April 23, 2024) A townhall was held to get an update from the lawyers on what is happening with the class action lawsuits against long-term care homes. Also, Natalie Mehra, Ontario Health Coalition executive director, gave a general update on long-term care. Click here for the long-term care townhall summary

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RELEASE & REPORT: Illegal, Unlawful and Unethical: Case Studies of Patients Charged for Medical Care in Ontario’s Private Clinics

(April 16, 2024) Anyone in Ontario can make a complaint or ask questions by calling toll-free at 1-888-662-6613 or by emailing Toronto, April 16, 2024 – Released today, a new report Illegal, Unlawful and Unethical: Case Studies of Patients Charged for Medical Care in Ontario’s Private Clinics, featured evidence from more than a hundred […]

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EVENT: May 30 Giant Protest & March: The fightback is on to save public health care

(March 18, 2024) More information can be found at Updated information on the campaign can be found here. Thursday May 30 12 pm noon The Fightback is On Either we save our public medicare now, or we are going to lose it Giant march & protest. Send a message to the Ford government & […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Fraud, criminal conviction, misrepresentation and unlawful user fees: New report exposes a “Wild West” of for-profit health care in Ottawa private clinics

(March 8, 2024) A new report released by the Ottawa and Ontario Health Coalitions contains shocking revelations about the ownership and management behind private health clinics in Ottawa. Based on a five-month investigation, Freedom of Information requests, corporate filings, interviews and court records, the report paints a picture of a dangerous and disturbing “Wild West” […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Robbing the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme

(February 21, 2024) A new report, Robbing from the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme reveals that local hospitals in every region of Ontario have operating rooms sitting idle the majority of the time. The public has funded local hospitals for more than 70 years to build operating room capacity that […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Health Coalition Exposes Significantly Higher Costs & Irregularities in Kingston Hospital Cataract Surgery Privatization: New Report

(February 15, 2024) The press release and report was released on February 15. An update with a response to statements made by the Kingston Health Sciences Centre CEO can be found below the initial release. The privatization of cataract surgeries in Kingston, Ontario, costs 56% more than if the same procedures had been done in […]

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RELEASE: Families & Advocates Announce Legal Action as Ford Government Grants New Long-Term Care Licenses to Corporations with Hideous Records

(February 13, 2024) Toronto – The daughter of a deceased long-term care resident and the Ontario Health Coalition are asking the court to require the Ford government live up to their own long-term care legislation. The advocates are seeking a judicial review of the Ford government’s decision to grant an 87-bed expansion and new 30-year […]

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EVENT: 2023-24 Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference

(December 9, 2023) Ontario Health Coalition Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference In person: Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, or by Zoom for those who want to participate virtually (from home by computer) Saturday January 20 & Sunday January 21 10 am – 4:30 pm       9 am – 12:30 pm The […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Number of Ontario hospital emergency closures soars to new record: Health Coalition demands Ford government finally take action

(December 5, 2023) Toronto – A new report, Unprecedented and Worsening: Ontario’s Local Hospital Closures 2023 released by the Ontario Health Coalition at Queen’s Park this morning, paints a stark picture of a health care system that has tipped into collapse. Across Ontario, vital hospital services, such as emergency departments, maternity and obstetrics, outpatient laboratories […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government Expanded For-Profit Hospital in Violation of the Law and While Lying to the Public: Health Coalition and Democracy Watch Call for Concrete Measures to Protect the Public Interest in Wake of Revelations about Former Health Minister Lobbying for For-Profit Hospital

(November 20, 2023) Toronto—The revelation that former Health Minister Christine Elliott has registered as a lobbyist for a for-profit hospital known as Don Mills Surgical Unit, now owned by Clearpoint Health Network, has raised serious questions about ethics and conflict of interest. The Ontario Health Coalition has looked into the funding increases given to that […]

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BRIEFING NOTE, ANALYSIS & SUBMISSION: Ford government’s new law (Bill 135) to further privatize home care

(November 5, 2023) Background Bill 135, the Convenient Care at Home Act has passed First and Second Reading in the Ontario Legislature. After Second Reading, bills are sent to Committees of the Legislature for public consultation. In this case, the bill has been referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy and there will be […]

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REPORT & RELEASE: Report advises Ontario government to scrap private surgeries and invest in public hospitals

(November 2, 2023) Toronto – Drawing on new data from Freedom of Information requests, financial and statistical analysis, and research, a new report raises red flags about the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospitals’ core services including diagnostics and surgeries. The report, At What Cost? Ontario hospital privatization and the threat to public health […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: Health care funding briefing note: putting the fall economic statement in context

(November 2, 2023) Today, the Ford government will release its fall economic statement. This briefing note is intended to give context with which to assess the claims of the government. As we write, Ontario is in the worst health care crisis in memory. The most urgent services in local public hospitals are facing repeated and […]

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EVENT: Major Protest to Stop the Ford Government’s Privatization of Our Public Hospitals’ Core Services

(Updated: September 21, 2023) MAJOR PROTEST  OPENING DAY OF THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Monday, September 25, 2023 at 12 Noon TORONTO at Queen’s Park outside the Main Legislative Building at 12 Noon THUNDER BAY at Mini Queen’s Park at South James St. at 12 Noon DRYDEN outside MPP Greg Rickford’s office, 439 Government St. at 11:30 a.m. CST (Dryden time) […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: Sampling of Recent Ontario Hospital Service Closures

(September 15, 2023) The following briefing note gives a sampling of local hospital emergency, ICU, birthing and other vital service closures across Ontario in 2023. There are many more. Dr. David Savage has been tracking Ontario emergency department closures. He found 848 emergency department closures in 2022. In 2023, up until the end of August […]

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OPEN LETTER: Open Letter to CMA on their private health care campaign with Globe & Mail

(September 8, 2023) Re. Canadian Medical Association/Globe and Mail Hearings on Health Care Privatization Dear Dr. Ross, We are writing with deep concern about the activities of the Canadian Medical Association in partnership with the Globe and Mail. We have seen your promotion of your “consultation” on privatization in health care. On the front of […]

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UPDATE: Update on Ford government’s attempt to push through expansion and redevelopment of Orchard Villa

(June 29, 2023) Under Bill 23 the Ford government gave itself extraordinary powers to override municipal governments and force through developments. This applies to housing developments and also long-term care homes. On March 7, Southbridge, the for-profit company that owns Orchard Villa, applied for a Ministerial Zoning Order (MZO) to rush through the process of […]

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RELEASE: More than 400,000 Ontarians vote to stop the privatization of Ontario’s public hospitals: Health Coalition announces results of Huge People’s Referendum

(May 31, 2023) The Ontario Health Coalition announced the results of a mass community-run referendum, where Ontarians were given the opportunity to have their say on if they would like their public hospital services to be privatized to for-profit hospitals and clinics. A massive pile of ballots were delivered to the government this morning, as […]

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EVENT: HUGE people’s referendum to stop hospital privatization Friday & Sat: maps & list of all vote counts/announcements

(May 25, 2023) Almost a thousand voting stations will be staffed by thousands of volunteers in a massive effort to force the Ford government to respect democratic process and input on their hospital privatization plans Vote counting & results announcement information listed here A map listing all voting stations across the province is available online […]

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UPDATE: Bill 60, the Ford government’s hospital privatization bill passed final vote yesterday: Health Coalition statement & update on the fightback

(May 9, 2023) When the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) warned last spring leading into the election that the Ford government was planning to privatize surgeries and diagnostic services , Ford repeatedly denied that was his plan. Those claims are shown to be totally false with Bill 60 , the Ford government’s hospital privatization legislation passed into law yesterday. With […]

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EVENT: Ontario referendum to stop Ford government’s privatization of our hospitals announced

(April 18, 2023) Ontario Health Coalition Province-Wide Community Referendum to Stop Ford Government’s Privatization of Our Public Hospitals Health Coalitions across Ontario launched a major fightback to stop the privatization of our public hospitals today. The Coalition is mounting a community-run referendum. Health Coalitions are organizing voting stations outside grocery stores, local corner stores, coffee shops, […]

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RELEASE: Major step forward for elderly patients whose Charter rights are violated by Ford government’s law coercing elderly patients into long-term care homes against their will: Patient advocates file court challenge

(April 13, 2023) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition and the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly have made a major step forward in their Charter Challenge to Bill 7, passed by the Ford government last summer. On Wednesday, April 12, 2023, the patient advocates filed a Notice of Application with the Ontario Superior Court of […]

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LEGAL CHALLENGE: Charter Challenge to Bill 7 “More Beds, Better Care Act”

(April 13, 2023) The Ontario Health Coalition and the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly have launched a Charter Challenge to the Ford government’s new law, Bill 7 the “More Beds, Better Care Act”. Despite its title, the law neither provides more beds in hospitals or long-term care homes, nor does it improve care. Instead, the […]

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ANALYSIS: Ontario Health Coalition Analysis of Bill 60, Your Health Act

(March 10, 2023) This legislation is ostensibly to facilitate the Ford government’s plan to expand private clinics. It replaces the Independent Health Facilities Act. Since the government already had the power to do what it announced publicly (privatize day surgeries and diagnostics from our public hospitals) under existing legislation, this part of our analysis of […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: Patients Who Have Been Extra-Billed Thousands of Dollars in Ontario Private Clinics Join Advocates to Call Out Ford Government’s False Claims

(February 27, 2023) Toronto – Leda Raptis from Kingston was charged $2,000 for an MRI at a private clinic. She needed the MRI for open heart surgery. When she looked at the bill, the clinic said the charge was for “contrast”. Either way, the two thousand dollar charge is illegal in Ontario and in Canada. […]

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RELEASE: Left unchallenged, “create a crisis and privatize” provincial schemes will destroy public health care: Health Coalition called on Trudeau to step up and show real leadership

(February 7, 2023) Toronto – For decades the Ontario Health Coalition has been on the front line of the fight to safeguard public health care against privatization and to protect patients from extra-billing. Few have followed the behaviour of the private clinics in Canada more closely. Today, the Coalition warned that the unprecedented health care […]

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RELEASE: Calling Ford’s plans to privatize Ontario’s public hospital surgeries a “fatal threat” and a “terrible blow” to our public hospitals, health advocates vow major fightback

(January 16, 2023) Toronto – The Ford government’s plans to privatize our public hospitals’ vital services are a fatal threat to the core tenet of Canadian Public Medicare that extra user fees are forbidden and patients will not be faced with user charges in their time of need. Already existing private for-profit clinics routinely extra-bill […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions warn health funding without strings is not in the public interest: Federal health dollars must come with accountability and national standards

(December 16, 2022) As Canada’s premiers and the federal NDP ramp up the pressure on the Trudeau government, Health Coalitions across Canada are demanding that any increase in public health funding be used in the public interest and not be used to privatize health care. The Health Coalitions support the call for a long-term increase […]

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RELEASE & LEGAL OPINION: Ontario Health Coalition & Advocacy Centre for the Elderly will go to court to challenge Ford government’s new law forcing elderly into long-term care homes against their choice: “an egregious violation of their Charter rights”

(November 21, 2022) Toronto –The Ontario Health Coalition and the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly launched a Constitutional Challenge this morning in response to the Ford government’s new law that forces elderly hospital patients into long-term care homes against their choice. The two groups will be co-applicants to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: The Ford government lied to the public re. their privatization of public hospital services: Health Coalition demands Ford stop their privatization of our hospitals, kicks off major campaign to save our local public hospitals

(October 26, 2022) Toronto –The Ontario Health Coalition released a brief today charging that the Ford government lied to the public about its privatization of Ontario’s public hospital services. The Coalition reported that the Ford government significantly increased funding to private clinics while at the same time denying that they were expanding the private clinics. […]

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REPORT & RELEASE: Ontario Hospital Crisis Province-Wide and By Community

(October 24, 2022) Toronto — Across Ontario, the hospital crisis continues to burn through the resilience of the province’s truly heroic health care staff. As the burden of infectious disease has increased, with the removal of virtually all public health measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19; the flu, other respiratory illnesses, and a severe […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Health Coalition Announces Our Highest Awards for 2022: This year’s recipients have shown extraordinary commitment to safeguarding public health care and advocacy for long-term care residents and their families

(October 21, 2022) Toronto – They contributed in unique ways, but each demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the public interest, the Ontario Health Coalition reported as it announced the winners of its highest awards. The awards celebrate the contributions of Ontarians who have made a remarkable contribution in public health care. “This year we have faced […]

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RELEASE: New report on the spread of COVID, LTC outbreaks, hospitalizations & deaths raises red flags despite the Ford government’s suppression of COVID Data

(October 21, 2022) Toronto – The Ford government has ceased regular reporting on the spread of COVID-19. Public Health no longer publishes daily and weekly epidemiologic reports and it has become steadily more difficult to get accurate numbers. Not only are the government and Public Health not reporting much of the data previously available, they […]

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UPDATE: Submission to Ministry of Long-Term Care Public Consultation on New License & Expansion for Southbridge Care Homes Orchard Villa

(October 21, 2022) Submission to Ministry of Long-Term Care Public Consultation on New License & Expansion for Southbridge Care Homes Orchard Villa To:       The Director under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 Ministry of Long-Term Care Capital Planning Branch 438 University Avenue, 8th Floor Toronto, Ontario M5G 2K8 Via email: From:   Ontario Health Coalition Re:       PROJECT #23-034 Orchard Villa […]

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BRIEFING NOTE & QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES: Municipal Election Key Health Care Issues

(September 27, 2022) Questions for Candidates Will you commit to maintaining our municipal long-term care homes as public homes, and oppose contracting out the operation of municipal LTC homes to for-profit companies? Will you commit to funding municipal LTC homes to provide safe, quality living and caring environments, and support a minimum care standard of […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions denounce for-profit deal by Canadian Blood Services that endangers Canada’s Blood Supply

(September 20, 2022) OTTAWA (the traditional and unceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin people) – Canada’s provincial and territorial Health Coalitions and the Canadian Health Coalition call for the resignation of the leadership of the Canadian Blood Services (CBS) including the CEO and Board of Directors. This call comes after the appalling decision by CBS […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Furious at the “grotesque” ageism and violation of human rights, advocates respond to Ford government’s planned regulations to push elderly patients out of hospital

(September 15, 2022) Toronto – The Ford government has released its regulations under the euphemistically titled More Beds, Better Care Act (formerly Bill 7) today. The regulations are the details under the legislation to provide new powers to push elderly patients and people with chronic care needs out of hospitals, overriding their right to consent. […]

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LETTER & RELEASE: “Rife with discrimination against the elderly,” Bill 7 prompts advocates to escalate call for Human Rights Commission investigation into systemic ageism in Ontario health policy

(August 31, 2022) Toronto, ON – At a press conference held today, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE), and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) announced they are escalating their call for the Ontario Human Rights Commission to launch a formal inquiry into systemic discrimination in the provision […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Ford Government’s Claims Re. Forcing Elderly Patients into Long-Term Care in Contravention of their Right to Consent

(August 25, 2022) Toronto – Here are the facts about the Ford government’s new legislation, Bill 7 – More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022, which was introduced in the Legislature last week and is currently under debate. The government has made an array of claims, some of which have been printed in major media stories, […]

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RELEASE: Doug Ford’s new legislation being pushed through the Legislature gives new powers to force the elderly & persons with disabilities into substandard long-term care homes: “morally repugnant”

(August 19, 2022) Advocates and experts spoke with one voice today decrying the new law that the Ford government introduced yesterday and intends to pass within just two weeks. The new law, disingenuously titled “More Beds, Better Care Act” gives new powers to force the elderly and persons with disabilities who are waiting in hospitals […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Health Coalition response to Ford government’s plans to move seniors out of hospitals & privatize hospital diagnostics and surgeries to for-profit clinics and hospitals

(August 18, 2022) The Ford government released what it called a five-point health care plan this morning in a press conference. In summary: On COVID-19 there was nothing new. On the unprecedented staffing crisis in Ontario’s hospitals, long-term care and home care, there was another in a long string of reannouncements of plans to bring […]

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EVENT: 2022 Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference

(September 28, 2022) Ontario Health Coalition Health Action Assembly & Annual Conference In person: Central YMCA, 20 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, or by Zoom for those who want to participate virtually (from home by computer) Saturday October 1st & Sunday October 2nd 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.        9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Featuring Key […]

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VIDEO: Ford Government’s Plan to Defund & Privatize Our Public Health Care System

(May 24, 2022) There is a large for-profit health care industry banging at our door. If we don’t provide the staffing, provide the funding in our public system, there is no choice but to privatize, because people still need care. We must tell Ford and the for-profit health care industry that our public health care […]

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VIDEO: Privatization of COVID-19 Vaccinations & Testing in Ontario

(May 20, 2022) One of the ways the Doug Ford government is privatizing health care is by privatizing COVID-19 vaccinations, which used to be provided by public health, and COVID-19 testing, which was handed off to for-profit companies charging more than $200 for a test. We must put an end to for-profit health care. Analysis

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VIDEO: Doug Ford & The For-Profit Long-Term Care Lobby Industry

(May 19, 2022) Despite for-profit long-term care companies being responsible for a majority of the deaths in long-term care during the pandemic, there has been no accountability and care has not improved. Instead, there is a revolving door between the Ontario Conservative Party, the Ford government and the for-profit long-term care industry. We must invest […]

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REPORT: Crisis Unabated: The Failure to Improve Dangerously Low Care Levels in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes

(May 18, 2022) Click here for printable version of report found below. Summary of Findings After enormous public pressure, the Ford government committed to improving care levels in Ontario’s long-term care homes. Even though residents were dying literally by the thousands in the pandemic, the plan which is very simple and could have been forged […]

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VIDEO: Doug Ford’s Broken Long-Term Care Promises

(May 6, 2022) Please share widely. Analysis Despite promising to fix long-term care, the Ford government let thousands of residents die and, rather than holding operators to account, they intend to give tens of thousands of beds to for-profit companies with ghastly records of care. We want accountability for what has happened, which we’ve never […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Election Health Care Primer: Health Coalition Brings Warning and Outlines Key Issues as the Writ Drops

(May 5, 2022) Toronto – As the writ was dropped for the June 2 provincial election, the Ontario Health Coalition warned against unprecedented health care privatization and called for it to be a key election issue. The Coalition also outlined a set of health care priorities for Ontarians. First, on privatization: The Ford government is […]

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RELEASE: Health & legal experts call for reinstatement of masking protections as Omicron – one of the most infectious viruses known – tears through Ontario population

(May 2, 2022) Their expertise is unassailable, their message clear: in a virtual press conference this morning hosted by the Ontario Health Coalition, health and legal experts called on the Ontario government, the Chief Medical Officer of Health and local Medical Officers of Health and their Public Health Boards of Directors to do their duty […]

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VIDEO: Doug Ford: Our Hospitals Are Not For Sale

(April 27, 2022) Analysis Don’t let the Doug Ford government do to our hospitals what they did to long-term care, where for-profit companies took tens of millions of dollars while residents have been left to die of dehydration, starvation, and neglect. Tell Doug Ford – and all Ontario political parties – Our Public Hospitals are […]

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CAMPAIGN: Fightback Against Health Care Privatization in Ontario

(March 31, 2022) The Ontario Health Coalition and Local Health Coalitions across Ontario are building the biggest fight-back we have ever mounted against the Ford government’s unprecedented health care privatization plans. Our goal is to protect and improve our vital public health care services and stop health care privatization. We are a non-partisan public watchdog […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: The Privatization of COVID-19 Testing in Ontario

(March 30, 2022) Click here for printable version of release Click here for printable version of briefing note   Health Coalition Demands the Ford Government Stop 2–Tier Privatization of COVID–Testing& Restore Access to Public Testing Urgently as the Pandemic’s 6th Wave Gains Amplitude Toronto – Step by step, the Ford government has been privatizing PCR […]

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EVENTS & ACTIONS: Become a Public Medicare Defender Today

(March 13, 2023) We are calling on all Ontarians to help fight against the privatization. Become a Public Medicare Defender today to force Doug Ford to fix the crisis in our public hospital system and stop privatization. To sign up to become a Public Medicare Defender, fill in the form found below the slideshow on […]

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EVENTS: Stop Ford’s Health Privatization: List of Emergency Local Summits

(March 11, 2022)     LOCAL SUMMITS TO STOP PRIVATIZATION Health Care Privatization, Cuts to Long-Term Care, Hospitals, Home Care & more It Stops Now! We will not let the Ford Government expand private hospitals. We will not accept the privatization of18,000 LTC beds for the next 30-yrs. We will not let them privatize the last remaining public parts […]

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RELEASE: Our governments cannot negotiate away public health measures: Flooding of 911 lines, blocking of ambulances & other reckless endangerment of public health must result in consequences, safety must be restored

(February 10, 2022) Toronto—The Ottawa police reported today that their 911 emergency and police phone lines are being flooded in a “concerted effort” by protesters, warning this is endangering peoples’ lives. Yesterday the Manitoba RCMP reported that a 74-year-old male was stuck in a demonstration convoy on Highway 3 last week as he was attempting […]

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EVENT: Emergency Summit to Kick-off Campaign to Stop Health Care Privatization and Austerity

(February 9, 2022) Last week Doug Ford’s Health Minister announced that she is bringing in private hospitals. They are midstream in privatizing 18,000 LTC beds for the next 30-yrs. They passed legislation to privatize the last remaining public parts of home care. They are privatizing vaccines and COVID-testing, and more. They are planning billions of dollars […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Health Coalition Announces Our Highest Awards for 2021: This year’s recipients have made extraordinary contributions to vaccine education, stopping for-profit long-term care, public health care activism and advocacy for long-term care residents and their families

(February 3, 2022) Toronto – They contributed in unique ways, but each demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the public interest, the Ontario Health Coalition reported as it announced the winners of its highest awards. The awards celebrate the contributions of Ontarians who have made a remarkable contribution in public health care. “This year we have faced […]

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RELEASE: Health Care System Besieged by COVID-19: Health Coalition demands Ford answer for lack of action

(January 20, 2022) Toronto – There are more than 4,000 patients with COVID-19 in Ontario’s hospitals, an all time high for this pandemic. Staffing levels across hospitals, long-term care and home care are catastrophic. Yet there is still no response from the Ford government except to talk about lifting public health measures. There are 594 […]

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RELEASE: Emergency Measures Needed to Address the Health Care Staffing Crisis

(January 14, 2022) Ontario’s hospitals, long-term care (LTC) and home care services face critical and growing staffing crises. Our province’s health care system is not on the brink of crisis, it is in crisis. It is not an overstatement to describe a number of facilities and services as being in staffing collapse. The Ontario government […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: Ontario Health Coalition Demands Answers from Ford Government on Long-Term Care & Hospital Crisis

(January 13, 2022) Toronto — The Ontario Health Coalition issued a statement today demanding that the Ford government explain what it is going to do about the spiralling crisis in Ontario’s long-term care homes and hospitals, and answer for their lack of preparedness. “The failures at this point in the pandemic are inexcusable,” said Natalie […]

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EVENT: Weekend Educational & Annual Action Assembly Registration

(December 8, 2021) Saturday January 29 & Sunday January 30 2022 (All events will be held virtually via Zoom and offered at no cost to participants) Saturday January 29, 2022 One-Day Educational Our Derrell Dular Memorial School was created from an endowment made in memory of Derrell Dular who was a board member of the […]

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RELEASE: Ford government’s response on long-term care is a travesty: “New” LTC bill to be pushed through imminently

(December 6, 2021) Toronto – The so-called “new” long-term care legislation introduced by the Ford government is scheduled for third and final reading in the legislature today and it will be passed by the Conservative majority likely today or tomorrow. The bill, which is really just a series of amendments to the existing Long-Term Care […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government is Awarding Thousands of Long-Term Care Beds to For-Profit Chains with Ghastly Records of Death and Suffering: New Coalition Report

(November 29, 2021) Toronto— The Ford government has been awarding tens of thousands of long-term care beds to for-profit operators and 30-year licenses paid by Ontario taxpayers. The Ontario Health Coalition warned the Ford government is on the cusp of privatizing an entire new generation of long-term care beds unless public outrage stops them. The […]

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REPORT: Public Money, Private Profit: The Ford Government & the Privatization of the Next Generation of Ontario’s Long-Term Care

(November 29, 2021) Click here for the full report with a list of all the new bed licenses. A summary of the report can be found below. ——- Introduction & Key Findings After watching horror-struck as among the worst death rates in the world devastated Ontario’s long-homes during the pandemic, Ontarians were promised fundamental change. […]

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EVENT: Emergency Summit on Health Care Privatization

(November 11, 2021) To view the recorded livestream of the health care privatization summit, click here. IT STOPS NOW! EMERGENCY SUMMIT ON HEALTH CARE PRIVATIZATION. Urgent Call for Ontarians who want to safeguard & improve our public health care for people not for profit. When: Wednesday November 17 at 7 p.m How to Join: Virtual […]

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OPEN LETTER: Urgent Letter to Ontario MPPs Regarding the New Long-Term Care Act

(November 8, 2021) Dear Members of Provincial Parliament, We are writing to request that you do not support or facilitate any plan to drive through the “new” long-term care bill with undemocratic speed.  We are asking that there be full public hearings across Ontario on this legislation. Bill 37 Providing More Care, Protecting Seniors, and […]

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RELEASE & ANALYSIS: Health Coalition Quick Initial Analysis of the Ford Government’s New LTC Act

(October 28, 2021) Toronto – The Ford government has gone to extreme lengths to brand this as a new LTC Act. It is not a new Act. It is almost clause by clause the existing Act. What improvements that could have and should have happened are far more than the changes that they have made. […]

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RELEASE: Coalition Responds to Long-Term Care Minister Rod Phillips’ Announcement Cutting Through the PR: No Commitment to Reinstate Annual Comprehensive Inspections

(October 26, 2021) Toronto – It has been a year-and-a-half since CBC exposed that the Ford government cancelled the annual surprise inspections of long-term care homes after it took office in 2018 and 17 months since Premier Ford promised to reinstate those comprehensive inspections. Yet today’s announcement from the Ford government’s Long-Term Care Minister Rod […]

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EVENT: OHC Long-Term Care Protest Round Up – Pics & Summaries from Across Ontario!

(October 19, 2021) Ontario Health Coalition’s Long-Term Care Protest Round Up Pictures & Summaries from our Day of Action Across the Province on October 4 “Enough Suffering, Care Can’t Wait!”– the slogan rang out in town after town across Ontario. More than a thousand concerned citizens gathered outside MPPs Offices, City Halls, Parks and busy […]

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EVENT: Let’s Make it HUGE: Cross-Province on October 4, 12 pm RISE UP for LTC!

ONE WEEK AWAY #RiseupforLTC Monday October 4, 12 p.m. CROSS-ONTARIO LONG-TERM CARE PROTESTS NO MORE SUBSTANDARD CARE   As the Ontario Legislature opens on October 4, let’s set the message for the next session. No more broken promises. No more substandard care. We demand real action now! With the new opening date of the legislature […]

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RELEASE: “Unreasonable and Contrary to Law”: Legal Opinion on New 30-Year License & Expansion at For-Profit LTC Orchard Villa Coalition & Families Call on Ford Government to Respond

(September 1, 2021) Toronto/Durham: The Ontario Health Coalition was joined by The Families of Orchard Villa today demanding a response from the Ford government regarding their opposition to a proposal to give a new 30-year license to rebuild and an 87-bed expansion to Southbridge, the for-profit long-term care home operator of the 233-bed home whose […]

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LEGAL OPINION: Proposal from Southbridge Care Homes Inc. re Orchard Villa in Pickering, Ontario

(September 1, 2021) Click here for full legal opinion. A summary of the legal opinion can be found below. Click here for press conference releasing the legal opinion. Click here for media release. The Ministry of Long-Term Care is reviewing a proposal from Southbridge Care Homes Inc. (“Southbridge”) for a 30-year license to redevelop, expand […]

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RELEASE: Provincial Health Coalitions Put Federal Parties on Notice: Canadians Demand Real Action to Fix Long-Term Care

(August 19, 2021) (Canada-wide) – With a federal election called for September 20, provincial Health Coalitions across Canada are putting all federal political parties on notice. The federal government could have already set real national standards for long-term care in legislation or an emergency federal-provincial-territorial funding accord with sufficient funding attached to leverage real change. […]

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OPEN LETTER: Ontario Health Coalition Open Letter to LTC Minister Rod Phillips On For-Profit LTC Home Orchard Villa

(July 27, 2021) Hon. Rod Phillips Minister of Long-Term Care Room 436 Main Legislative Building, Queen’s Park Toronto, ON M7A 1A8 By email:   Dear Minister Rod Phillips, We are writing today to urgently insist that you extend the deadline for the decision regarding the issuance of a new license and expansion to for-profit […]

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EVENT: Large Crowd Expected to Protest Doug Ford’s Plans to Reward Orchard Villa Long-Term Care Home with Horrific Record a New 30-Year License & Expansion

(July 13, 2021) Click here for a petition to stop the plan to give a new 30-year license & an expansion of 87 more LTC beds to Orchard Villa. Pickering/Durham – Rain or shine, outraged families and community members will be outside Orchard Villa, a for-profit long-term care home in which more than 200 residents […]

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REPORT: Long-Term Care Survey Report Released by Kawartha Lakes Health Coalition, Northumberland Health Coalition, and the Peterborough Health Coalition

(June 22, 2021) Introduction We are here to discuss the problems in Long Term care because of an anonymous survey completed by front-line workers within Long-Term Care workplaces in Kawartha Lakes-Peterborough-Northumberland regions. Long-Term Care Homes is the term now used for nursing homes, charitable homes, and municipal homes for the aged. We are not talking […]

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EVENT: MAKE REVERA PUBLIC – Building Our Momentum

(June 17, 2021) June 23 update: A recording of the Town Hall meeting can be found here. A virtual Town Hall Meeting Tuesday, June 22nd, 7:00pm – 8:30pm EDT. Register HERE Since it’s launch in May 2020, the campaign to ‘Make Revera Public’ has been growing and gaining strength. As Revera’s ownership by the federal […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: A Critically Important Warning in New Financial Accountability Office Report: Ford Government’s Long-Term Care Plan is a House of Cards

(May 27, 2021) Toronto – The new report on long-term care from Ontario’s Financial Accountability Office “FAO” supports what the Ontario Health Coalition has been warning about and more. In the neutral language of accounting, it highlights that there is no actual plan to fund needed health care services in the Ford government’s budget. It […]

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REPORT: Investing in Care, Not Profit: Recommendations to Transform Long-Term Care in Ontario

(May 20, 2021) A summary of the report and the list of recommendations can be found below. Click here for the full report. Click here for media release. **A group of nine eminent policy experts are weighing in today on one of the most urgent policy debates in our province and our country. They are calling […]

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RELEASE: ‘Total Disrespect’: LTC Residents, Families & Staff Incensed that Premier Ford Dodged Question Period Today While Hundreds Waited for Commitments to Improve Care

(May 18, 2021) Toronto –More than 570 families, residents, staff and supporters registered to virtually fill the galleries of the Ontario Legislature for Question Period today. Thousands more watched on the Ontario Health Coalition’s Facebook livestream. They came to hear the Ford government answer their questions and demands for vital improvements to long-term care. However, […]

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EVENT: Pack the Public Galleries of the Ontario Legislature

(May 11, 2021) Outraged at the Ford government’s response on Long-Term Care Tuesday May 18 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. PACK THE PUBLIC GALLERIES of the ONTARIO LEGISLATURE  (virtually) Use the hashtag #FordFailedSeniors We can’t fill the Legislature physically during the shutdown but we can organize thousands of Ontarians to pack the Public Galleries virtually for Question Period. […]

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RELEASE, SUMMARY & ANALYSIS: Ontario Health Coalition Summary & Analysis of Ontario’s Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission Final Report

(May 5, 2021) A media release and the Ontario Health Coalition’s full summary & analysis of Ontario’s Long-Term COVID-19 Commission final report can be found below. Coalition Outraged at Ford Government Response to Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission: “Total Failure in Leadership, no Conscience” Toronto – Premier Doug Ford returned to the Legislature today after being […]

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RELEASE: “We are outraged”: Health Coalition slams Ford government’s response to Auditor General on LTC, No responsibility taken for the among the worst death rates in the world

(April 29, 2020) The Minister of Long-Term Care’s response to yesterday’s Auditor General’s long-term care report has left LTC families and advocates livid, reported the Ontario Health Coalition. Minister Fullerton, who has never taken responsibility for the almost 4,000 residents and staff who have died from COVID-19 in Ontario’s LTC homes, claimed that the government […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Auditor General Report on COVID-19 in Ontario’s LTC Homes Supports Longstanding Calls for Real Change

(April 28, 2021) Toronto – Ontario’s Auditor General released a 107-page report today assessing the province’s response to COVID-19 in long-term care homes, listing a litany of problems that contributed to the lack of preparedness and inadequate management of the pandemic in the homes. Major issues highlighted in the report include: overcrowded homes, offloading of […]

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RELEASE: OHC Raises Alarm About Ford Government’s New Emergency Order Transferring Hospital ALC Patients Without Consent into LTC and Retirement Homes

(April 28, 2021) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition, which has for decades advocated for an end to hospital cuts and an expansion of capacity in our public hospitals and long-term care homes, reacted with shock and opposition to today’s new emergency order made by the Ford government that will enable forced transfers of patients […]

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EVENT: Demand Our Federal and Provincial Governments Set National Standards to Improve Long-Term Care

(April 22, 2021) Join the National Day of Action Tuesday, April 27, 2021   HOW YOU CAN JOIN: The Day of Action will roll across Canada through the different time zones.   On Tuesday April 27 Join our Facebook livestream in Ontario at 12:00 p.m. here: Or join the Facebook livestream at to watch the rolling livestreams hosted by […]

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RESOURCES & ANALYSIS: COVID-19 Resources & Analysis of the Ford Government’s Response

This page contains the following information: Tracking report on COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings Tracking report on COVID-19 outbreaks in non-health care settings List of COVID-19 assessment centres COVID-19 roundups Additional resources Media releases, statements, & campaigns Analysis & backgrounder of Ontario’s March 25 economic statement   Tracking Report on COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health […]

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RELEASE: Record Case Numbers, COVID-19 Third Wave Emergency: Ontarians Need Clearer Message, Stronger Protections- Coalition

(April 12, 2021) Toronto — Yesterday was the worst day for the spread of the pandemic so far. In one 24-hour period, 4,456 Ontarians were diagnosed with COVID-19. In that single day, 21 lives were lost to COVID-19. The 3rd wave is devastating, deadly, and it is overwhelming our health care system. Yesterday’s 4,456 new […]

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REPORT: Briefing Report: Investigating Real Registered Nurse Staffing Levels in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes

(April 7, 2021) While acuity levels in Ontario’s LTC homes have risen for decades, daily hands-on care levels have been generally static and even have declined over the last 14 years. Shortages of daily hands-on care staff, including RNs and PSWs were significant and problematic before the pandemic, but have worsened through the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition’s New Report Tracks Alarming Spread of COVID-19 in Ontario’s Third Wave: Hardest Hit Industries

(March 30, 2021) As the curve of the third wave rises steeply, the Ontario Health Coalition released its new report today Ontario’s Reopening and the Third Wave: The Spread of COVID-19 in Workplaces & Schools tracking the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces, schools and childcare through February and March to date. On March 28, Ontario […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget: Health Coalition is Watching for Sufficient Health Funding, Strings Attached in For-Profit LTC & A Stop to the Ford Government’s Privatization of Health Care

(March 24, 2021) Toronto – The Health Coalition said today that the funding numbers for health care in the budget are going to look huge of course, due to the pandemic, but the Coalition will be watching to make sure that funding is indeed enough. Equally important to the amount of funding, are strings attached […]

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RELEASE, BRIEFING NOTE & LEGAL OPINION: Advocates Representing More Than 1 Million Canadians Call For National Standards to Improve Quality, Accountability and Take Profit Out of Long-Term Care

(March 22, 2021) Click here for the legal opinion on national standards. The media release and briefing note can be found below. Legal Opinion on National Standards Media Release Ottawa/Across Canada – Today, advocates representing more than a million Canadians came together to demand that the federal government and provinces work together to establish national […]

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LETTER & EVENTS: Call for Human Rights Inquiry Into Systemic Discrimination Against the Elderly in Ontario Hospitals and Long-Term Care

(March 16, 2021) Click here for a link to the letter to the Ontario Human Rights Commissioner. The Ontario Health Coalition, the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly & CUPE/OCHU are calling on the Ontario Human Rights Commissioner to conduct a formal Inquiry into the human rights discrimination against the elderly in access to and levels […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Almost 4,000 Dead in Long-Term Care as We Approach End of Wave 2: Wave 2 Deaths Exceed Wave I

(March 12, 2021) Toronto – As the devastation of the second wave of COVID-19 abates, we are left with certainty that Ontario failed to adequately prepare its health care setting despite months of warning. The Ontario Health Coalition has been tracking COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings since mid-March, and released a new report today […]

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EVENT: Southwest Ontario Online Protest for Long-Term Care Crisis

(March 3, 2021) Printable Save Our Seniors posters can be found below. To email your local MPP and Premier Doug Ford to take action now and Save our Seniors, click here. ————– There are 4 Save Our Seniors posters to choose from. To select the poster you wish to print, simply click the link found […]

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RELEASE: OHC Responds to Ford Government’s PSW Announcement with Incredulity: 373 PSWs for Long-Term Care Nowhere Near What is Needed

(February 22, 2021) Toronto –Today the Ford government announced funding to train 373 new long-term care PSWs in Lanark and Renfrew, North Bay, Hamilton, Ottawa, the Greater Toronto Area, Kitchener, London and Burlington. This number of PSWs would not be enough to improve care in one middle-sized town, let alone across nine regions encompassing half […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: The Spread of COVID-19 Pre- and Post- Winter Lockdown in Ontario Workplaces & Schools

(February 22, 2021) Toronto— The Ontario Health Coalition released its new report today tracking the spread of COVID-19 in workplaces, schools and childcare prior to the stricter lockdown and since, as well as the spread of the virus in the general population, The Spread of COVID-19 Pre- and Post- Winter Lockdown in Ontario Workplaces & […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Health Care Outbreaks are Still Fatally High: Long-Term Care Deaths Surpass Wave I & COVID-19 Infections 50% More than Wave I

(February 17, 2021) Toronto – The results of the Ford government’s inaction prior to the winter holidays are in, and the second wave of COVID-19 now has 50% more long-term care cases than the first wave. The Ontario Health Coalition has been tracking COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings since mid-March, and released a new […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Health Coalition Releases Tracking of UK Variant COVID-19 As COVID-19 U.K. Variant Spreads Ford Government Can Not Fail Us Again: Stronger Enforced Public Health Measures Are Missing

(February 10, 2021) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition has tracked all the cases of the U.K. variant (B. 1.1.7) for which we can find public information. The Coalition released the data today with a call for the Ford government to take fast action to protect Ontarians. The spread of the variant in Ontario is […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Calls on Ford Government to Stop For-Profit Long-Term Care Chain Companies from Banning Essential Caregivers: COVID-19

(February 8, 2021) Toronto/Sudbury – The Ontario Health Coalition has been hearing from family members of loved ones in long-term care homes who are being stopped from getting into the homes to provide support and care for their loved ones. This is happening in a range of long-term care homes across Ontario, and the Coalition […]

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EVENT: PROTEST: Ontario’s Long-Term Care Crisis

(January 25, 2021) Printable Save Our Seniors posters can be found below. To email your local MPP and Premier Doug Ford to take action now and Save our Seniors, click here. To view a recording of the live-stream protest on Facebook (no login required), click here. ———— PROTEST: ONTARIO’S LONG-TERM CARE CRISIS Join mass live-stream […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions call for Federal Leadership to Defend Public Health Care

(January 25, 2021) (Ottawa) Seven health coalitions, representing concerned Canadians from PEI to British Columbia, are calling for stronger federal action on health care ahead of Monday’s opening of Parliament. Canada’s universal, public health care system requires federal vision and leadership. Health coalitions across Canada recognize the federal government’s extraordinary contribution of resources and support […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Long-Term Care COVID-19 Crisis: 100 Organizations Send Clear Message to Premier Ford, This is an Emergency, We Need Action Now

(January 22, 2021) Click here for printable version of the release found below. Click here for a video of the press conference. Toronto – 100 organizations representing more than one million families of loved ones in long-term care, residents, care workers, health professionals, advocacy groups, seniors’ groups and community groups held a press conference today […]

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REPORT: Shocking Number of Long-Term Care Homes with Majority of Residents Infected – Data updated to January 19

(January 22, 2021) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report with a list of all outbreaks. A summary of the report can be found below. Having become alarmed at how many long-term care homes have COVID-19 outbreaks that are out of control in which a significant proportion of the residents have […]

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REPORT: Wave 2 Continues to Devastate Long-Term Care, Far Surpassing the 1st Wave – Data updated to January 19

(January 22, 2021) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report with a list of all outbreaks. A summary of the report can be found below.                           The second wave of COVID-19 in Ontario’s long-term care homes has now far […]

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RESOURCES: Briefing for Long-Term Care Families: Access for Visitors and Essential Caregivers

(January 14, 2021) A briefing for long-term care families about access to homes for visitors and essential caregivers took place on January 13, 2021. A video recording of the meeting can be found below and via the link here. Analysis Long-term care resources *Note: These resources are for long-term care only. For retirement home resources, […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Care Settings Threaten to Topple Devastating Records Set in the First Wave

(January 11, 2021) The second wave of COVID-19 in long-term care has sharply escalated, today surpassing the peak of the first wave, and is spreading further across the province than the first wave.  The Ontario Health Coalition released its latest tracking report covering the large outbreaks in health care settings, including long-term care, hospitals and […]

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RELEASE: Emergency: COVID-19 Crisis Situation In Ontario Requires Stronger Measures AND Stronger Supports for People Impacted, Today is Deadliest Day of Pandemic So Far

(January 7, 2021) Toronto – Today is the deadliest day of the pandemic so far, 89 people died in the last 24-hour period. By every measure the situation is critical, warns the Ontario Health Coalition, and there can be no question remaining that stronger measures are needed to control the devastation the virus is wreaking. […]

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REPORT: COVID-19 Second Wave Survey of Staff in Long-Term Care Homes with Large Outbreaks

(December 18, 2020) The Ontario Health Coalition had been conducting surveys of front-line staff in homes with large outbreaks (more than 10 staff and/or residents infected) across Ontario from mid-November to December of 2020. We have collected 88 surveys filled in by long-term care staff who work in dozens of different long-term care homes that […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Disappointed with Ford Government’s Staffing Report Announcement: No Recruitment Drive Announced, Timelines for Staffing Improvements Mean Slight Improvements Year After Next

(December 17, 2020) Toronto – As more and more long-term care homes fall into dire staffing crises, the Ontario Health Coalition expressed its anger and disappointment with the government’s staffing report released today. “We expected that they would launch a recruitment drive right now because long-term care is in the worst crisis it has ever […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: A Call to Conscience: New Report on the COVID-19 Crisis in Long-Term Care in Wave 2 Reveals Huge Gaps in Ford Government’s Response

(December 17, 2020) Click here for full report Click here for slideshow with a quick sample of just a few of the exploding outbreaks in long-term care Click here for printable version of media release Media Release Coalition Calls for Urgent Improvements as Staffing and Care is Collapsing & Large Outbreaks Spread Toronto – In […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Updated Report on the Spread of COVID-19 in Non-Health Care Workplaces Shows Huge Growth in Manufacturing, Schools, Construction and Retail

(December 15, 2020) Toronto– It is evident that the “lockdowns” in hotspots and measures in most Public Health Unit regions have been inadequate to stem the spread of COVID-19 and the numbers are alarming, according to a new tracking report released today by the Ontario Health Coalition here: The numbers released by Public Health Ontario […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions Call for Increased Federal Health Care Funding and Accountability

(December 10, 2020) Ottawa, December 10, 2020- Canada’s premiers are meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to request an increase to federal funding for health care. Health coalitions from across the country support the call for a long-term increase to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT). This funding must be accompanied by a robust accountability framework […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Applauds Excellent Recommendations Released by Long-Term Care Commission Today: Calls on Ford Government to Implement Them Immediately

(December 4, 2020) Toronto – The second set of recommendations from Ontario’s Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission were released today (here: The Commission continues to do excellent work and the Ontario Health Coalition said it is fully in support of the recommendations which focus on restoring comprehensive inspections in all LTC homes, improving compliance and […]

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RELEASE: By No Measure are they Under Control: Large Outbreaks of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care, Hospitals, Retirement Homes Escalating Sharply- New Tracking Report

(December 3, 2020) Toronto — The number of large COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings is escalating sharply reports the Ontario Health Coalition. Despite the rhetoric by political leaders minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in recent weeks, the Coalition’s new tracking report shows alarming numbers infected in the spread of the virus through large outbreaks […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Updated Report on the Spread of COVID-19 in Workplaces (excluding Health Care) and Schools Shows Huge Growth in Schools, Construction, Retail/Restaurants/Entertainment and Public Services

(November 30, 2020) Toronto — As Ontario has introduced new measures to try to minimize the spread of COVID-19 with Peel and Toronto entering lockdown and Hamilton, Waterloo, Durham, Halton and York enforcing stricter regulations, it is important to evaluate the spread of the disease in workplaces and schools in the weeks leading up to […]

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REPORT: Tracking the Spread of COVID-19: COVID Numbers in Health Care Outbreaks Escalating Dramatically – Data Updated to November 17

(November 19, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report found below. Total long-term care outbreaks: 100 Large outbreaks (including more that 10 residents/patients/staff): 10 RH, 34 LTC, 5 hospitals with 10 outbreaks.   As of November 18 there are 100 active outbreaks in Ontario’s long-term care homes, up from 76 […]

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INTEGRITY COMPLAINT: Health Coalition Requests Integrity Commissioner Investigate Political Donations & High-Level Personnel Links Between For-Profit LTC Industry and Ford Government Prior to Passage of Legal Liability Bil

(November 16, 2020) Today, the Ontario Health Coalition submitted a complaint to the Integrity Commissioner to investigate political donations and high-level personnel links between the for-profit long-term care industry and key ministers & MPPs in the Ford Government prior to the passage of Bill 218, which indemnifies for-profit long-term care homes from liability for negligence […]

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Call for Access to Justice – Watch Today’s Press Conference on Bill 218

(November 11, 2020) WATCH THE VIDEO OF OUR PRESS CONFERENCE TODAY to stop the Ford government’s new law that indemnifies long-term care homes against lawsuits for negligence resulting in harm and death in COVID-19 pandemic. It is fundamentally unjust. Families seeking access to justice for their loved ones who have died, many of them in […]

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REPORT & RELEASE: Ontario Is Experiencing Exponential Growth of COVID-19 Cases In Long-Term Care – OHC’s Roundup of Most Recent Case Numbers

(November 10, 2020)  Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report found below. ———- Toronto – COVID-19 is spreading and the Ontario Health Coalition is warning that there is exponential growth in positive cases in long-term care homes in particular. There are also large outbreaks in a number of hospitals and retirement […]

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SUBMISSION: Submission to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy on Bill 218

(November 4, 2020) Bill 218 submissions from the Ontario Health Coalition, the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly and Will Davidson LLP, media releases from the 3 organizations and a chart containing connections between the Conservative Party and the long-term care lobby industry can all be found at the end of this post. Mission and Mandate […]

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RELEASE: Almost Four Dozen People Who Applied to Testify Before the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Bill 218 Limiting Legal Liability for COVID-19 Harms for Long-Term Care Homes and Others, Cut Out of the Hearings Today

(November 4, 2020) Toronto –  Increasingly frustrated with the lack of accountability for the response to COVID-19 in Ontario’s long-term care homes, Coalition executive director Natalie Mehra called today’s revelation that dozens of people who applied for standing in today’s legislative hearings on Bill 218 which limits legal liability for the home operators, “Injustice heaped […]

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RELEASE: 181 COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings leaving 89 residents dead & more than 1,800 staff & patients infected in 6-wks, numbers way up across the board, warns Ontario Health Coalition

(November 4, 2020) Toronto- The spread of COVID-19 in long-term care, retirement homes and hospitals is growing at an alarming rate. By every measure– case numbers, number and size of outbreaks and death numbers which follow the former a few weeks later — COVID-19 is spreading much more rapidly. Tracking from the period of September […]

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RELEASE: New Report on COVID-19 Outbreaks in Non-Health Care Workplaces Shows Growth in Cases Far Surpass the General Population in Schools, Retail, Public Services: Data & Communication Still Poor, Only One Public Health Unit is Reporting All Outbreaks with Names of Businesses

(November 3, 2020) Toronto – As COVID-19 cases in Ontario’s general population hit an all-time, increasing 24% in two weeks from October 13, 2020 to October 28, 2020, the Ontario Health Coalition released its most recent outbreaks report for non-health care settings. It is available here: The Ontario Health Coalition reported that clear data […]

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RELEASE: Ford’s 4-hour long-term care announcement too late: Need commitment to deal with staffing crisis now

(November 2, 2020) While the Ontario Health Coalition is happy that the Ford government has finally adopted the 4-hour minimum care standard as policy, the timeline that they have given is so long that it is meaningless for the people who are suffering and dying in long-term care now, warns the Coalition. The Coalition has […]

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REPORT: Tracking of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Non-Health Care Settings – Data Updated to October 13

(October 26, 2020) Click here for full version of the non-health care outbreaks report with a list of all outbreaks. A summary of the report can be found below. ———- Introduction As wave two has now officially hit Ontario, we have tracked devastating increases in workplace infections outside of the health care industry.  Our tracking […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Supports Interim Recommendations from Long-Term Care Commission: Calls on Ford Government to Implement Them Immediately

(October 23, 2020) The Ford government’s Long-Term Care Commission’s interim recommendations support the need for immediate action on improving care levels by increasing the supply of PSWs and an appropriate staff mix including nurses to meet the complex care needs of residents. They also validate the Coalition’s long-standing call for a minimum average care standard […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government’s New Legislation Will Make It Significantly Harder to Hold For-Profit Long-term Care Homes Liable for COVID-19 Harms

(October 21, 2020) Toronto – The Ford government has introduced legislation that would make it significantly harder for residents and families to hold long-term care homes liable for harm resulting from exposure to and infection with COVID-19. The legislation covers any individual, corporation or entity and includes the crown (which means the government and its […]

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EVENT: 2020 Annual Health Action Virtual Assembly

(October 29, 2020) On Saturday October 24, more than 300 registrants joined us as we held our Annual Health Action Virtual Assembly. A myriad of health care topics were discussed during the assembly, with topics ranging from how COVID-19 has affected health and non-health settings & racialized groups, the legal actions surrounding long-term care as […]

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RELEASE & EVENT ROUNDUP: Cross-Province Protest Decries Ford’s Inadequate Response to Long-Term Care Crisis

(October 8, 2020) Toronto – Outside the Ontario Legislature and in 25 towns across Ontario, the Ontario Health Coalition held protests today to call upon the Ford government to take action to address the critical shortage of staffing and care in long-term care homes. In Ottawa, families and staff describe conditions in which residents were […]

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EVENT: Day of Action on Long-Term Care

Updated as of October 5.  PDF version can be found at the bottom of this post.   Ontario Health Coalition UPDATED LIST BELOW Day of Action on Long-Term Care Thursday October 8 9:30 Queen’s Park & 11:00 Across Ontario** ** In keeping with the Toronto Chief Medical Officer of Health’s call this week to limit […]

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RELEASE & ANALYSIS: Health Coalition Calls for Government to Flow Urgently Needed Money to Hospitals and Long-Term Care; Staffing Announcements Far Less Than Other Provinces

(October 2, 2020) Toronto – Over the last week, the Ford government has rolled out a series of media announcements about health care funding and staffing. Today the Ontario Health Coalition issued the following statement to break down what has been announced, what it means, and whether it is enough. “Hospitals are reporting across Ontario […]

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RELEASE: Throne Speech: Premiers Should Not Play Partisan Politics with Health Care; Concrete Commitments Needed From Provincial & Federal Governments

(September 29, 2020) Health Coalitions across Canada were pleased with Throne Speech promises to expand public health care to create a universal comprehensive public pharmacare program and to set national standards for long-term care. However, concrete commitments are conspicuously absent. As reported in the speech, more than 9,000 Canadians have died in the last six […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Huge Jump in COVID-19 Cases in Schools and Child Care, Increase in Workplace Outbreaks: Health Coalition Releases Updated Tracking of the Virus Spread in Non-Health Care Industries

(September 25, 2020) Toronto – Since June, the Ontario Health Coalition has been tracking COVID-19 outbreaks in non-health care industries, adding to its regular updates on the spread of the virus in health care settings. Both sets of reports are available on the Coalition’s website here. In the most recent period (end of August to […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Health Coalition Demands that Ford Government Stop Privatizing Health Care Under Cover of COVID-19: “There is no excuse not to use reopen & ramp up existing capacity in public system”, Coalition will do everything in its power to stop the undermining of public health care

(September 24, 2020) Toronto – The Health Coalition expressed deep concern about the Ford government’s privatization of health care services, the lack of a coherent plan for a second-wave of COVID-19, and cuts and layoffs at public hospitals while the government shifts funding to private companies for COVID-19 related services. On Monday, Premier Ford said, […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Rate of Increase in COVID-19 among Staff, Residents, and Patients in Ontario’s Health Care Settings More Than Doubled: Coalition Fears Second Wave in Long-Term Care

(September 23, 2020) Toronto- The Ontario Health Coalition released its most recent report detailing the COVID-19 outbreaks it has tracked from reliable sources in health care settings since the beginning of the pandemic. The OHC has tracked 90 currently active outbreaks, 33 of which started from the end of August. Ottawa has 11 outbreaks in […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government’s Failure to Release a Plan for COVID-19 Underscored by Alarming Spread of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Homes in Ottawa, 11 Residents Have Died, Problems Apparent with Testing, Isolation, PPE: Ontario Health Coalition Calls for Province-Wide Protests

(September 22, 2020) In Ottawa, the alarming spread of COVID-19 in long-term care homes underscores the lack of a clear plan and action on the part of Ontario’s Ford government to address the issues that have been raised repeatedly. More than 100 residents have contracted COVID-19 in Ottawa’s long-term care homes in recent weeks. As […]

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FACT SHEET: Fact Sheet on Revera Inc. For-Profit Long-Term Care & Retirement Home Chain Owner

(September 16, 2020) October 3 Update: Information on what action can be taken to end for-profit long-term care and what you can do to help make Revera public, along with follow up to a virtual town hall meeting that took place on September 16, can be found below the fact sheet. Revera Fact Sheet Who […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Litigation & Legal Actions

(September 16, 2020) Click here for printable version of the briefing note found below. ——- There have been at least two dozen legal actions as a result of the conditions in long-term care and the responses to the spread of the virus, exposed during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, including filing […]

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RESOURCES: List of Ontario COVID-19 Assessment Centres & Their Individual Criteria

(November 5, 2020) As of November 1, 2020- The Ontario Health Coalition has compiled this list from trusted media sources, hospital and public health websites, and by calling hospitals and assessment centres directly to confirm information. Please note things are changing rapidly. Different assessment centres have different criteria for access. Some do testing on site, […]

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RELEASE: Victory for Patients Over Private Clinics in B.C. Court Challenge: Historic Victory Against Profit-Driven Health Care

(September 10, 2020) Toronto – A ten-year legal attack launched by one of the largest private for-profit surgical centres in Canada seeking to strike down key protections for single-tier health care has reached a critical juncture. Today a B.C. Court ruled on the case upholding the provisions in British Columbia law that protect our system […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Ford Government Must Be Transparent About COVID-19 Outbreaks, Improve Public Access to Information: Health Coalition Releases Updated Reports on Outbreaks in Health & Non-Health Sectors

(September 9, 2020) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition, which has been tracking COVID-19 outbreaks since the beginning of the pandemic, released two new reports today tracking the trends in outbreaks to the end of August in health care settings and in non-health care industries. The Coalition has highlighted in each report the information that […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Updated Tracking Reports Shows New 30 Outbreaks & Increase in Deaths in Health & Congregate Care Settings; New Outbreaks in Agriculture, Retail, Shelters and other Non-Health Care Industries

(July 23, 2020) Toronto – Since mid-March as COVID-19 began to spread in Ontario’s health care system, the Ontario Health Coalition has been tracking the numbers of residents/patients and staff that have contracted the virus in health and congregate care settings. As Phase 2 reopening began, the Coalition began tracking outbreaks in other industries. Two […]

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REPORT: COVID-19 Outbreaks in Non-Health Care Industries – Data Updated to July 14

(July 23, 2020) Click here for full version of the non-health care outbreaks report found below. —- Introduction & Summary As most of Ontario enters Stage 3 of reopening, excluding the Greater Toronto Area and the Golden Horseshoe, there continue to be significant numbers of COVID-19 cases and outbreaks in non-health care of industries. This […]

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REPORT: Tracking of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Care Settings – Data Updated to July 13

(July 23, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report with a list of all outbreaks. A summary of the report can be found below. —- Introduction Each number included in this tracking data represents a human being who is loved and who has experienced the terrible toll of COVID-19: staff […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: 95% of Ontario Long-Term Care Staff Report Staffing Shortages Leaving Basic Care Needs Unmet: Health Coalition Releases Staffing Survey Calling for Ford Government to Take Action

(July 22, 2020) Toronto – Staff describe it as “heartbreaking”, “wrong” and “a far cry from what they deserve”. The Ontario Health Coalition released the results of a survey today of more than 150 long-term care staff about staffing and care levels in Ontario’s long-term care homes. The survey asked whether staffing is worse, better […]

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RELEASE, ANALYSIS & BACKGROUNDER: “There are not enough staff for existing beds & why should more money go to profit? We need care, urgently.” Health Coalition Responds to Ford Government’s Announcement of Enriched Capital Funding for LTC Homes

(July 16, 2020) Toronto – In Thunder Bay there are more than 60 long-term care beds that have not been able to open for years because there is a critical shortage of long-term care staff despite a wait list that numbers almost as many as the total available beds and stretches to more than five […]

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REPORT: COVID-19 Outbreaks Spreading outside of the Health Care Industry – Data Updated to June 29

(July 3, 2020) Click here for full version of the non-health care outbreaks report found below. —— Introduction As Ontario starts to reopen as most of the province has gone to Stage 2, outbreaks have spread from health care settings to workplaces.  The COVID-19 pandemic has cut a path of grief and devastation through health […]

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RELEASE & EVENTS: Actions Across Ontario to Tell Premier Ford that the priority of Ontarians is to fix the long-term care crisis, not to privatize home care

(June 30, 2020) Media events will include updates on the Ford government’s failure to respond to the crisis in long-term care, and on their attempt to push through Bill 175 the new law that privatizes and removes oversight for home and community care, and Bill 161 the new law to make it harder to launch […]

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RELEASE & OPEN LETTER: Ford Government Given Failing Marks in Response to Recommendations on Long-Term Care COVID-19 Response in Joint Open Letter from more than 200 Organizations Representing Almost 2 Million Ontarians

(June 30, 2020) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition issued an open letter to Premier Doug Ford on May 28, 2020 calling for key improvements to safety and care in Ontario’s beleaguered long-term care homes where more than 1,860 residents and staff have died as a result of COVID-19. Recently a number of media reports, […]

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OPEN LETTER: Open Letter to Doug Ford signed by over 200 organizations & almost 2 million Ontarians – LTC commission & immediate measures

(Updated: June 30, 2020) The Ontario Health Coalition sent an open letter to Premier Doug Ford signed by family councils, health professionals, social organizations, cultural organizations, seniors’ and retirees’ groups, health coalitions, legal clinics, and many others who collectively represent almost 2 million Ontarians. The letter is below. If your organization wants to sign on […]

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REPORT: Tracking of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Care Settings – Data Updated to June 17

(June 23, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report with a list of all outbreaks. A summary of the report can be found below. ——- Introduction Each number included in this tracking data represents a human being who is loved and who has experienced the terrible toll of COVID-19: staff […]

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EVENTS: Day of Protest Against the Ford Government Pushing Through Its Terrible New Home/Community Care Law While Failure to Act on the LTC Care/Staffing Crisis

(June 22, 2020) June 30 update: For more information about a second day of action on the new home care act & failure to fix long-term care issues, please click here. Urgent Join the Day of Protest Against the Ford Government Pushing Through Its Terrible New Home/Community Care Law While Failure to Act on the […]

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RELEASE: “It is a New Low” Behaviour of Government MPPs in Home Care Legislation Public Hearings Unprecedented and Unacceptable: Health Coalition

(June 17, 2020) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition is making a formal complaint today regarding the behaviour of three government MPPs in the public hearing into Bill 175 the Ford government’s new home and community care legislation. The Coalition reported that yesterday Ford government MPPs, Christina Maria Mitas, Robin Martin and Sam Oosterhoff on […]

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RELEASE & SUBMISSION: Ford Government’s New Home Care Bill “Irredeemable” and Should Not Be Pushed Through During a Pandemic: Coalition Calls for it to be Withdrawn

(June 15, 2020) Toronto — The Ontario Health Coalition released its submission on Bill 175, the Ford government’s new home care law which guts existing home and community care legislation, dismantles public oversight and parcels out currently public home care functions to an array of providers including for-profit companies, according to the Coalition’s analysis. Coalition […]

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RELEASE & STATEMENT: Statement in Support of the Protests Against Anti-Black Racism & Police Brutality

(June 5, 2020) Anti-Black Racism is a Public Health Crisis…and Much More We are at an historic crossroads for democracy, human rights and social justice in the United States and here in Canada also. Across Canada and the United States, and around the world, health sector organizations are declaring anti-Black racism a public health crisis. […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Death Toll Among Patients, Residents and Staff in Health Care Settings up 18.4% in 2 weeks: OHC Tracking Numbers Still Growing But More Slowly

(June 5, 2020) Toronto – Since the week of March 12, the Ontario Health Coalition has been tracking all people who have been infected with COVID-19 in outbreaks in health care settings including hospitals, long-term care, retirement homes, public health units, clinics and congregate care settings, as well as among other health professionals such as […]

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REPORT: Tracking of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Care Settings – Data Updated to June 2

(June 5, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report with a list of all outbreaks. A summary of the report can be found below. ——- Introduction Each number included in this tracking data represents a human being who is loved and who has experienced the terrible toll of COVID-19: staff […]

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REPORT: New Report on COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Settings – Data Updated to May 19

(June 2, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report with a list of all outbreaks. A summary of the report can be found below. Introduction Each number included in this tracking data represents a human being who is loved and who has experienced the terrible toll of COVID-19: staff who […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: Fact Check & Briefing Note on Inspections in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes

(May 29, 2020) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition, which has advocated for more than two decades for annual unannounced full resident quality inspections of all long-term care homes, issued a fact checker to clarify what has happened with the homes’ inspection and enforcement regimen. The following are the facts as released today by the […]

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RELEASE: Military Report on Conditions in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes: “Beyond Frustrated” Health Coalition Calls on Ford Government to Implement Repeated Recommendations to Improve Access to PPE, Workplace Safety and Infection Control

(May 26, 2020) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition, which has released major reports annually on the state of long-term care in Ontario in recent years, expressed its frustration upon reading the description of infection control practices at the facilities to which military personnel were dispatched. The Coalition has called on the Ford government repeatedly […]

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OPEN LETTER: Open Letter to Premier Doug Ford to Call for an Independent Inquiry on Long-Term Care

(May 25, 2020) We are inviting organizations to sign onto the following open letter. We are on a tight timeline and would appreciate hearing back from organizations with your approval to be added as soon as possible. Please email us at with your clear approval and the full name of your organization. For individuals […]

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RELEASE: Inquiry into Long-Term Care & COVID-19 Cannot Preclude Immediate Actions that are Needed, Must be Independent and Transparent: Health Coalition

(May 19, 2020) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition, which has called for a full public commission or inquiry into the province’s response to COVID-19, responded to the Ford government’s announcement today supporting an independent commission or inquiry into long-term care, with some caveats. The Coalition called for the commission into long-term care to be […]

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REPORT: COVID-19 outbreaks in health settings almost doubled, death toll up by 333.7% – Data updated to May 5

(May 12, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report found below. Each number included in this tracking data represents a human being who is loved and who has experienced the terrible toll of COVID-19: staff who have gone to work despite the risk and the fear; residents and patients who […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Staff & Patients Infected by COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Care Settings Almost Doubled, Death Toll increased by 333.7 % in 2-weeks: Outbreaks are Not Under Control

(May 12, 2020) Toronto – By every measure COVID-19 outbreaks in health and congregate care settings, including hospitals, long term care, retirement homes, public health units and clinics are increasing dramatically, reported the Ontario Health Coalition today as it released its most recent data tracking 7,894 staff, patients and residents infected. The report, COVID-19 UPDATE: […]

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RELEASE & ANALYSIS: COVID-19 Death Rates in Ontario Long-Term Care Homes Significantly Higher and Increasing in For-Profit Homes vs. Non-Profit and Publicly-Owned Homes: New Data Analysis

(May 6, 2020) Toronto – A new analysis released today by the Ontario Health Coalition shows a significantly higher death rate as a result of COVID-19 in long-term care homes that are owned by for-profit corporations as compared to non-profit and public (municipal) homes. The research, done by Rabbi Shalom Schachter, LL.B., executive member of […]

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EVENT: Online Day of Action to Fix Long-Term Care This Friday!

(April 30, 2020) Join us for an online Day of Action to Fix Long-Term Care! [See event details and RSVP on the Ontario Health Coalition Facebook event here!] Join the online Day of Action to Fix Long-Term Care This Friday COVID-19 is spreading exponentially in Ontario’s long-term care homes. The homes already suffered critical staffing shortages […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 numbers still escalating in a “devastating” way in Ontario’s long-term care homes: Health Coalition calls a Day of Action to press Ford government for more concrete measures to stop the spread and stabilize the sector

(April 30, 2020) Toronto – As the Ontario Health Coalition is completing the gargantuan task of updating its tracking of the spread of COVID-19 in health care settings that now encompasses thousands of staff, patients and residents, it is reporting that the infectious disease continues its devastation through long-term care and retirement homes. The Coalition […]

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RESOURCES: What are our governments doing and how do they compare? COVID-19 federal and provincial support resources

(April 29, 2020) Click here for printable version of the comprehensive list found below. —— Here is a comprehensive list of Federal and Provincial Support available for individuals who are experiencing income loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you scroll down you will find information and contact information for the supports as they apply […]

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UPDATE: Hospital and Long-Term Care Health Care Workers & Long-Term Care Residents Infected with COVID-19 – Data updated to April 21

(April 23, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report found below. Compiling this list has been a heartbreaking task and we must pause to recognize the real human toll of COVID-19 — patients, residents, staff and families who are affected– you are in our hearts and we send you our […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Grown Exponentially In Health Care Settings: Health Coalition tracking report finds 3,783 people infected and 435 patients/residents/staff deceased

(April 23, 2020) Today, the Ontario Health Coalition released a 70-page report tracking 1,127 confirmed staff, 1,936 residents/ patients and 720 additional confirmed cases (for whom public health authorities did not specify whether they are health care staff or patients) for a total of 3,783 people who have been infected with COVID-19 in health care […]

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RELEASE: Action Plan to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Inadequate: Ford government must match rhetoric with stronger, concrete measures to protect residents and staff

(April 16, 2020) Toronto – The Ford government’s Action Plan to address COVID-19 outbreaks in Ontario’s long-term care homes is still less than what is needed stop the spread of the virus and stabilize the workforce, warned the Ontario Health Coalition today, and is inconsistent with the “iron ring” rhetoric and promises for widespread testing […]

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CALL TO ACTION: Stop the Spread of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care

Long-term care deaths from COVID-19 now account for almost half of all of Ontario’s deceased. The numbers of staff and residents who have tested positive is escalating at a devastating pace. Following an emergency meeting of the Ontario Health Coalition long-term care committee including family councils, unions, health professionals, seniors’ advocates and experts on long-term […]

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ANALYSIS & RESPONSE: New Directive and Guidelines for COVID-19 in Long-Term Care Homes Inadequate: Coalition Calls for Full Testing, Better Access to PPE, Respect for Human Rights in Care

(April 9, 2020) Long-term care deaths from COVID-19 now account for almost half of all of Ontario’s deceased, according to the provincial data on infections. The numbers of staff and residents who have tested positive is escalating at a devastating pace. Following an emergency meeting of the Ontario Health Coalition long-term care committee including family […]

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UPDATE: Hospital and Long-Term Care Health Care Workers & Long-Term Care Residents Infected with COVID-19 – Data updated to April 7

(April 7, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report found below. Compiling this list has been a heartbreaking task and we must start by recognizing the people affected by the outbreaks– patients, residents, staff of all classifications — you are in our hearts and we send you our very best […]

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UPDATE: Hospital and Long-Term Care Health Care Workers & Long-Term Care Residents Infected with COVID-19 – Data updated to April 2

(April 2, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report found below. The following lists the public reports that we have found regarding hospital staff and patient infections and long-term care staff and resident outbreaks. All our best wishes and hopes go to them and their families and to all Ontarians […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Spreading in Hospitals and Long-Term Care Homes: Updated List & Call for Ford Government to Take More Concrete Action

(April 2, 2020) The Ontario Health Coalition, which has been tracking and posting confirmed cases of COVID-19 in health care settings since the third week of March, released its latest update with new outbreaks in hospitals and long-term care. The Coalition has tracked 198 of the 226 confirmed cases among health care staff reported by […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Roundup: Health Workers/LTC Residents Infected, Government Supports & Relief Measures

(April 2, 2020) A printable version of the COVID-19 roundup can be found here. ———- We have gathered the following information (sources are included) for your information. This round up includes: List of COVID-19 Assessment Centres in Ontario Number of cases/status in Ontario List of hospital and long-term care health care workers & long-term care […]

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UPDATE: Hospital and Long-Term Care Health Care Workers & Long-Term Care Residents Infected with COVID-19 – Data updated to March 30

(March 31, 2020) Click here for full version of the health care outbreaks report found below. The following lists the public reports that we have found regarding hospital staff and long-term care staff and residents that have tested positive, as of March 30. All our best wishes and hopes go to them and their families […]

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RELEASE: Why Are So Few Ontarians Being Tested and Tracked? Health Coalition Raises Questions About COVID-19 Numbers

(March 31, 2020) Around the world, stories are emerging from jurisdictions that have done thorough testing and tracking of COVID-19 cases. There is a deep consensus that more testing and tracking can be a key component of reducing the transmission of the virus. Indeed, on February 24, the World Health Organization recommended countries outside China […]

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ANALYSIS: Key Message & Quick Analysis of Ford Government Economic Statement Just Released

(March 25, 2020) Ontario’s government released its economic statement today. Overall, they are providing $3.3 billion for health care, another $3.7 billion in supports for people and businesses, and $10 billion for other deferrals and tax “relief”.   Health Coalition key message: The overall funding announcement for health care of $3.3 billion amounts to a funding […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Pre-budget brief: Ontario so far behind that emergency funding just brings us to where we should have been pre-COVID-19

(March 25, 2020) In advance of the Ford government’s economic statement being released this afternoon, the Ontario Health Coalition released an analysis of the numbers to date to give some context to the announcements that are being made regarding COVID-19 health care funding as follows: “We believe that governments are beginning to flow resources and […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Roundup: Health Workers/LTC Residents Infected, Government Supports & Relief Measures

(March 24, 2020) A printable version of the COVID-19 roundup can be found here. ———- We have gathered the following information (sources are included) for your information. This round up includes: List of COVID-19 Assessment Centres in Ontario Number of cases/status in Ontario List of hospital and long-term care health care workers & long-term care […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions’ Joint Statement on COVID-19 and Public Health Care

(March 24, 2020) Please find below an urgent call upon governments at every level in Canada to build capacity in the public health care, expand equity, and resist privatization in the face of COVID-19 from Provincial, Territorial and National Health Coalitions representing more than a million Canadians. Printable version is attached below. Deeply concerned about […]

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RELEASE: Residents Plan to Step Up Pressure to Ask MPP Fedeli to Save the North Bay Hospital’s Residential Addictions Treatment Program

(March 11, 2020) North Bay – About 40 people attended a public meeting last night to plan next steps to save the North Bay hospital’s residential addictions treatment program and committed to ratcheting up the pressure to ask MPP the Honourable Vic Fedeli to step in and stop the closure. The next step will be […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Ford Government’s Home Care Changes Dismantle Public Control, Risk Privatization

(March 5, 2020) Toronto – In a press conference at the Ontario Legislature today, spokespeople for the Ontario Health Coalition raised concerns about the Ford government’s new home care legislation that the Health Coalition reported is being rushed through the legislature at break-neck speed. The Bill, Connecting People to Home and Community Care Act 2020, […]

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ANALYSIS: Analysis of the North Bay Mayor’s Roundtable Report

(February 10, 2020) North Bay — This is a very quick initial review and analysis of the Mayor’s Roundtable Report. This is the report that ostensibly led to the decision to cut 31 crisis and residential treatment beds from the North Bay Regional Health Centre (NBRHC). It is still not clear who made this “decision”, […]

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REPORT: Review of the Plan to Close More than Half of the Existing Residential Addiction Treatment Beds and Hospital Crisis/Safe Beds from North Bay Regional Health Centre

(February 6, 2020) In September, North Bay mayor Al McDonald Mayor convened a meeting of organizations to discuss addictions, homelessness, mental health and poverty issues in North Bay. Out of that round table meeting and under the authorization of the North East Local Health Integration Network (NE LHIN), the government-appointed body responsible for regional health […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Province Ignored Repeated Warnings and Evidence Leading to Yesterday’s Declaration of “State of Emergency” in Brampton Hospital, Similar Issues Apply Across Ontario

(January 24, 2020) Following the city’s declaration of a health care emergency in Brampton, on the heels of CBC’s release of new hospital overcrowding data, the Ontario Health Coalition revealed repeated warnings and reports from the District Health Council, thousands of Brampton residents, the Ontario Health Coalition and other groups showing that the community’s hospital […]

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