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REPORT: Health Spending and Revenues in Ontario: A closer look at financial trends and the recommendations of TD Economics

Posted: September 22, 2010

(September 22, 2010)

The Ontario Health Coalition’s critical review of the findings of the Ontario government commissioned TD Economics report on health spending finds that the TD report is rife with inaccuracies and contradictions. The authors appear to fail to understand the extent of restructuring in the 1990s, and they draw no lessons from it. Similarly their analysis of health care privatization is perfunctory and incomplete. There is no costing of the recommendations, and while the report is ostensibly about containing health costs, a number of the recommendations would likely increase expenditures. TD’s support of profit-driven health care is not a solution. It is not an amelioration of the public health system. It is fundamentally incompatible with the principles of equity and universality in Canada Health Act. It would undermine and dismantle efforts to create an effective health system that is organized to meet human need for care.

Click here for Executive Summary

Click here for Full Report