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PRIVATIZATION EASY ACCESS LIST: Major Privatization Reports, Analyses, Backgrounders, Fact Sheets, Briefing Notes & Media Releases

On this page you can find a roundup of Ontario Health Coalition Privatization: Reports & Analyses Backgrounders, Facts Sheets & Briefing Notes Media Releases   Reports/Analyses Backgrounders/Fact Sheets/Briefing Notes Media Releases

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EVENT: Trojan Horse Ontario Tour to Fight Privatization of Hospital Surgeries

(October 2, 2024) To protest the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospital services, the CUPE Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and Ontario Health Coalition are kicking off a Trojan Horse tour this Friday at Queen’s Park, Toronto. The Ford government is privatizing surgeries by taking public funding and staff away from public hospitals […]

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MYTH BUSTER: 10 Big Myths about Health Care Privatization

(September 9, 2024) 1. The Ford government is indeed privatizing our public health care system. It is false to claim they are not. The Ford government has tried to downplay the extent to which they are privatizing, using words like “alternative”, “independent” or “community” health care facilities instead of referring to them as private for-profit […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: The Ford Government’s Plan to Privatize Ontario’s Public Hospital Services

(September 3, 2024) THE LATEST On January 16, 2023, Premier Doug Ford announced his plan to open new private for-profit day hospitals in three cities, expand other for-profit clinics and shunt tens of millions in public funding to private clinics and hospitals. The premier said that 50% of the surgeries done in our public hospitals […]

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BRIEFING NOTE & FACT SHEETS: Health Care Privatization Fact Sheets & Information

(August 28, 2024) Below is a quick summary of the key issues. Here are some fact sheets and additional information: 10 big myths about health care privatization Updated briefing note on Ford government’s plan to privatize our public hospital services Questions and answers about for-profit clinics and hospitals   Why not privatize our public health […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Illegal, Unlawful and Unethical: Case Studies of Patients Charged for Medical Care in Ontario’s Private Clinics

(April 16, 2024) Anyone in Ontario can make a complaint or ask questions by calling toll-free at 1-888-662-6613 or by emailing Toronto, April 16, 2024 – Released today, a new report Illegal, Unlawful and Unethical: Case Studies of Patients Charged for Medical Care in Ontario’s Private Clinics, featured evidence from more than a hundred […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Fraud, criminal conviction, misrepresentation and unlawful user fees: New report exposes a “Wild West” of for-profit health care in Ottawa private clinics

(March 8, 2024) A new report released by the Ottawa and Ontario Health Coalitions contains shocking revelations about the ownership and management behind private health clinics in Ottawa. Based on a five-month investigation, Freedom of Information requests, corporate filings, interviews and court records, the report paints a picture of a dangerous and disturbing “Wild West” […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Robbing the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme

(February 21, 2024) A new report, Robbing from the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme reveals that local hospitals in every region of Ontario have operating rooms sitting idle the majority of the time. The public has funded local hospitals for more than 70 years to build operating room capacity that […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Health Coalition Exposes Significantly Higher Costs & Irregularities in Kingston Hospital Cataract Surgery Privatization: New Report

(February 15, 2024) The press release and report was released on February 15. An update with a response to statements made by the Kingston Health Sciences Centre CEO can be found below the initial release. The privatization of cataract surgeries in Kingston, Ontario, costs 56% more than if the same procedures had been done in […]

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URGENT SURVEY: Ontario Health Coalition Survey on Extra Fees in Private Clinics

(February 5, 2024) The Canada Health Act says that patients cannot be charged for medically necessary hospital and physician services, such as cataract surgeries and MRIs. Public health care is supposed to cover all Canadians equally, but sometimes private clinics charge extra fees to patients unlawfully. Private clinics also sometimes charge fees for medically unnecessary tests […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government Expanded For-Profit Hospital in Violation of the Law and While Lying to the Public: Health Coalition and Democracy Watch Call for Concrete Measures to Protect the Public Interest in Wake of Revelations about Former Health Minister Lobbying for For-Profit Hospital

(November 20, 2023) Toronto—The revelation that former Health Minister Christine Elliott has registered as a lobbyist for a for-profit hospital known as Don Mills Surgical Unit, now owned by Clearpoint Health Network, has raised serious questions about ethics and conflict of interest. The Ontario Health Coalition has looked into the funding increases given to that […]

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BRIEFING NOTE, ANALYSIS & SUBMISSION: Ford government’s new law (Bill 135) to further privatize home care

(November 5, 2023) Background Bill 135, the Convenient Care at Home Act has passed First and Second Reading in the Ontario Legislature. After Second Reading, bills are sent to Committees of the Legislature for public consultation. In this case, the bill has been referred to the Standing Committee on Social Policy and there will be […]

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REPORT & RELEASE: Report advises Ontario government to scrap private surgeries and invest in public hospitals

(November 2, 2023) Toronto – Drawing on new data from Freedom of Information requests, financial and statistical analysis, and research, a new report raises red flags about the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospitals’ core services including diagnostics and surgeries. The report, At What Cost? Ontario hospital privatization and the threat to public health […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: Health care funding briefing note: putting the fall economic statement in context

(November 2, 2023) Today, the Ford government will release its fall economic statement. This briefing note is intended to give context with which to assess the claims of the government. As we write, Ontario is in the worst health care crisis in memory. The most urgent services in local public hospitals are facing repeated and […]

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EVENT: Major Protest to Stop the Ford Government’s Privatization of Our Public Hospitals’ Core Services

(Updated: September 21, 2023) MAJOR PROTEST  OPENING DAY OF THE ONTARIO LEGISLATURE Monday, September 25, 2023 at 12 Noon TORONTO at Queen’s Park outside the Main Legislative Building at 12 Noon THUNDER BAY at Mini Queen’s Park at South James St. at 12 Noon DRYDEN outside MPP Greg Rickford’s office, 439 Government St. at 11:30 a.m. CST (Dryden time) […]

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OPEN LETTER: Open Letter to CMA on their private health care campaign with Globe & Mail

(September 8, 2023) Re. Canadian Medical Association/Globe and Mail Hearings on Health Care Privatization Dear Dr. Ross, We are writing with deep concern about the activities of the Canadian Medical Association in partnership with the Globe and Mail. We have seen your promotion of your “consultation” on privatization in health care. On the front of […]

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RELEASE: More than 400,000 Ontarians vote to stop the privatization of Ontario’s public hospitals: Health Coalition announces results of Huge People’s Referendum

(May 31, 2023) The Ontario Health Coalition announced the results of a mass community-run referendum, where Ontarians were given the opportunity to have their say on if they would like their public hospital services to be privatized to for-profit hospitals and clinics. A massive pile of ballots were delivered to the government this morning, as […]

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EVENT: HUGE people’s referendum to stop hospital privatization Friday & Sat: maps & list of all vote counts/announcements

(May 25, 2023) Almost a thousand voting stations will be staffed by thousands of volunteers in a massive effort to force the Ford government to respect democratic process and input on their hospital privatization plans Vote counting & results announcement information listed here A map listing all voting stations across the province is available online […]

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UPDATE: Bill 60, the Ford government’s hospital privatization bill passed final vote yesterday: Health Coalition statement & update on the fightback

(May 9, 2023) When the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) warned last spring leading into the election that the Ford government was planning to privatize surgeries and diagnostic services , Ford repeatedly denied that was his plan. Those claims are shown to be totally false with Bill 60 , the Ford government’s hospital privatization legislation passed into law yesterday. With […]

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EVENT: Making a Killing: Everything you want to know about privatization of public hospitals

(May 1, 2023) Making a Killing: Everything you want to know about privatization of public hospitals Wednesday May 3 at 7 p.m. Briefing & question and answer session By request of our members and supporters, we are holding a briefing with a question and answer session on the privatization of public hospitals including: what the real-world […]

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EVENT: Ontario referendum to stop Ford government’s privatization of our hospitals announced

(April 18, 2023) Ontario Health Coalition Province-Wide Community Referendum to Stop Ford Government’s Privatization of Our Public Hospitals Health Coalitions across Ontario launched a major fightback to stop the privatization of our public hospitals today. The Coalition is mounting a community-run referendum. Health Coalitions are organizing voting stations outside grocery stores, local corner stores, coffee shops, […]

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ANALYSIS: Ontario Health Coalition Analysis of Bill 60, Your Health Act

(March 10, 2023) This legislation is ostensibly to facilitate the Ford government’s plan to expand private clinics. It replaces the Independent Health Facilities Act. Since the government already had the power to do what it announced publicly (privatize day surgeries and diagnostics from our public hospitals) under existing legislation, this part of our analysis of […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: Patients Who Have Been Extra-Billed Thousands of Dollars in Ontario Private Clinics Join Advocates to Call Out Ford Government’s False Claims

(February 27, 2023) Toronto – Leda Raptis from Kingston was charged $2,000 for an MRI at a private clinic. She needed the MRI for open heart surgery. When she looked at the bill, the clinic said the charge was for “contrast”. Either way, the two thousand dollar charge is illegal in Ontario and in Canada. […]

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RELEASE: Calling Ford’s plans to privatize Ontario’s public hospital surgeries a “fatal threat” and a “terrible blow” to our public hospitals, health advocates vow major fightback

(January 16, 2023) Toronto – The Ford government’s plans to privatize our public hospitals’ vital services are a fatal threat to the core tenet of Canadian Public Medicare that extra user fees are forbidden and patients will not be faced with user charges in their time of need. Already existing private for-profit clinics routinely extra-bill […]

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EVENTS: Protests & Town Halls to Save our Public Hospitals

(November 21, 2022) Protests Our public hospitals are in an unprecedented crisis. The Ford government has done substantially nothing to help them. Instead they have funnelled millions into for-profit corporations to privatize our public hospital services. Almost 100 Emergency Departments have had closures across Ontario. If the Ford government continues to ignore & downplay the […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: The Ford government lied to the public re. their privatization of public hospital services: Health Coalition demands Ford stop their privatization of our hospitals, kicks off major campaign to save our local public hospitals

(October 26, 2022) Toronto –The Ontario Health Coalition released a brief today charging that the Ford government lied to the public about its privatization of Ontario’s public hospital services. The Coalition reported that the Ford government significantly increased funding to private clinics while at the same time denying that they were expanding the private clinics. […]

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BRIEFING NOTE & QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES: Municipal Election Key Health Care Issues

(September 27, 2022) Questions for Candidates Will you commit to maintaining our municipal long-term care homes as public homes, and oppose contracting out the operation of municipal LTC homes to for-profit companies? Will you commit to funding municipal LTC homes to provide safe, quality living and caring environments, and support a minimum care standard of […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions denounce for-profit deal by Canadian Blood Services that endangers Canada’s Blood Supply

(September 20, 2022) OTTAWA (the traditional and unceded territory of the Anishinabe Algonquin people) – Canada’s provincial and territorial Health Coalitions and the Canadian Health Coalition call for the resignation of the leadership of the Canadian Blood Services (CBS) including the CEO and Board of Directors. This call comes after the appalling decision by CBS […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Health Coalition response to Ford government’s plans to move seniors out of hospitals & privatize hospital diagnostics and surgeries to for-profit clinics and hospitals

(August 18, 2022) The Ford government released what it called a five-point health care plan this morning in a press conference. In summary: On COVID-19 there was nothing new. On the unprecedented staffing crisis in Ontario’s hospitals, long-term care and home care, there was another in a long string of reannouncements of plans to bring […]

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VIDEO: Ford Government’s Plan to Defund & Privatize Our Public Health Care System

(May 24, 2022) There is a large for-profit health care industry banging at our door. If we don’t provide the staffing, provide the funding in our public system, there is no choice but to privatize, because people still need care. We must tell Ford and the for-profit health care industry that our public health care […]

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ELECTION QUESTIONS: Health Care Questions for Candidates for Ontario Provincial Election

(May 13, 2022) We have provided you with questions below for candidates who come to your door or for use in all candidates’ meetings. These questions include background and extra information for your own knowledge. Often there are time limits for questions in all candidates’ meetings. Please feel free to use these questions as a […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Election Health Care Primer: Health Coalition Brings Warning and Outlines Key Issues as the Writ Drops

(May 5, 2022) Toronto – As the writ was dropped for the June 2 provincial election, the Ontario Health Coalition warned against unprecedented health care privatization and called for it to be a key election issue. The Coalition also outlined a set of health care priorities for Ontarians. First, on privatization: The Ford government is […]

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VIDEO: Doug Ford: Our Hospitals Are Not For Sale

(April 27, 2022) Analysis Don’t let the Doug Ford government do to our hospitals what they did to long-term care, where for-profit companies took tens of millions of dollars while residents have been left to die of dehydration, starvation, and neglect. Tell Doug Ford – and all Ontario political parties – Our Public Hospitals are […]

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CAMPAIGN: Fightback Against Health Care Privatization in Ontario

(March 31, 2022) The Ontario Health Coalition and Local Health Coalitions across Ontario are building the biggest fight-back we have ever mounted against the Ford government’s unprecedented health care privatization plans. Our goal is to protect and improve our vital public health care services and stop health care privatization. We are a non-partisan public watchdog […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: The Privatization of COVID-19 Testing in Ontario

(March 30, 2022) Click here for printable version of release Click here for printable version of briefing note   Health Coalition Demands the Ford Government Stop 2–Tier Privatization of COVID–Testing& Restore Access to Public Testing Urgently as the Pandemic’s 6th Wave Gains Amplitude Toronto – Step by step, the Ford government has been privatizing PCR […]

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EVENTS & ACTIONS: Become a Public Medicare Defender Today

(March 13, 2023) We are calling on all Ontarians to help fight against the privatization. Become a Public Medicare Defender today to force Doug Ford to fix the crisis in our public hospital system and stop privatization. To sign up to become a Public Medicare Defender, fill in the form found below the slideshow on […]

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EVENTS: Stop Ford’s Health Privatization: List of Emergency Local Summits

(March 11, 2022)     LOCAL SUMMITS TO STOP PRIVATIZATION Health Care Privatization, Cuts to Long-Term Care, Hospitals, Home Care & more It Stops Now! We will not let the Ford Government expand private hospitals. We will not accept the privatization of18,000 LTC beds for the next 30-yrs. We will not let them privatize the last remaining public parts […]

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FACT SHEET: The Privatization of Ontario’s Public Hospital Services

(March 8, 2022) The Ford government’s privatization plans The Ford government has continued plans to privatize health care by contracting private facilities to perform surgeries and other procedures such as diagnostic imaging. Taking it further, on Tuesday, February 1, the Ford government announced its plans to allow private clinics (called “Independent Health Facilities”) to operate private hospitals. […]

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FACT SHEET: Why Stop the Privatization of Long-Term Care

(March 8, 2022) How Long-Term Care is Being Privatized There have been two big initiatives to privatize LTC in Ontario in recent decades: In 1998, Ontario’s Conservative Mike Harris government built 20,000 new long-term care beds and allocated the majority of them to for-profit corporations, including large chain companies. This tipped the balance from a […]

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FACT SHEET: Two-Tier Health Care and Private Clinics

(March 8, 2022) Canada Health Act Principles The 1984 Canada Health Act is rooted in the core principles of equity and compassion. Its primary objective is “to protect, promote, and restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and to facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial or other barriers.” The Canada […]

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FACT SHEET: Home Care Privatization

(March 8, 2022) The privatization of home care in Ontario Home care provides individuals with complex medical conditions care in the comfort of their homes and enables the frail elderly to live at home as long as possible. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health (MOH), home care services may be government-funded but are […]

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JUST THE FACTS: Facts About Health Care, Cuts & Privatization

(March 1, 2022) Here are fact sheets on health care cuts & privatization, with sources for all data: Why Not Privatize Our Public Health Care Services Fightback to Save Public Health Care & Stop Privatization Long-Term Care Privatization Home Care Privatization Privatization of COVID-19 Testing in Ontario Fast Facts on Health Care Funding in Ontario

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EVENT: Emergency Summit to Kick-off Campaign to Stop Health Care Privatization and Austerity

(February 9, 2022) Last week Doug Ford’s Health Minister announced that she is bringing in private hospitals. They are midstream in privatizing 18,000 LTC beds for the next 30-yrs. They passed legislation to privatize the last remaining public parts of home care. They are privatizing vaccines and COVID-testing, and more. They are planning billions of dollars […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government is Awarding Thousands of Long-Term Care Beds to For-Profit Chains with Ghastly Records of Death and Suffering: New Coalition Report

(November 29, 2021) Toronto— The Ford government has been awarding tens of thousands of long-term care beds to for-profit operators and 30-year licenses paid by Ontario taxpayers. The Ontario Health Coalition warned the Ford government is on the cusp of privatizing an entire new generation of long-term care beds unless public outrage stops them. The […]

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REPORT: Public Money, Private Profit: The Ford Government & the Privatization of the Next Generation of Ontario’s Long-Term Care

(November 29, 2021) Click here for the full report with a list of all the new bed licenses. A summary of the report can be found below. ——- Introduction & Key Findings After watching horror-struck as among the worst death rates in the world devastated Ontario’s long-homes during the pandemic, Ontarians were promised fundamental change. […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget: Health Coalition is Watching for Sufficient Health Funding, Strings Attached in For-Profit LTC & A Stop to the Ford Government’s Privatization of Health Care

(March 24, 2021) Toronto – The Health Coalition said today that the funding numbers for health care in the budget are going to look huge of course, due to the pandemic, but the Coalition will be watching to make sure that funding is indeed enough. Equally important to the amount of funding, are strings attached […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions Call for Increased Federal Health Care Funding and Accountability

(December 10, 2020) Ottawa, December 10, 2020- Canada’s premiers are meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to request an increase to federal funding for health care. Health coalitions from across the country support the call for a long-term increase to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT). This funding must be accompanied by a robust accountability framework […]

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RELEASE: Throne Speech: Premiers Should Not Play Partisan Politics with Health Care; Concrete Commitments Needed From Provincial & Federal Governments

(September 29, 2020) Health Coalitions across Canada were pleased with Throne Speech promises to expand public health care to create a universal comprehensive public pharmacare program and to set national standards for long-term care. However, concrete commitments are conspicuously absent. As reported in the speech, more than 9,000 Canadians have died in the last six […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Health Coalition Demands that Ford Government Stop Privatizing Health Care Under Cover of COVID-19: “There is no excuse not to use reopen & ramp up existing capacity in public system”, Coalition will do everything in its power to stop the undermining of public health care

(September 24, 2020) Toronto – The Health Coalition expressed deep concern about the Ford government’s privatization of health care services, the lack of a coherent plan for a second-wave of COVID-19, and cuts and layoffs at public hospitals while the government shifts funding to private companies for COVID-19 related services. On Monday, Premier Ford said, […]

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RELEASE: Victory for Patients Over Private Clinics in B.C. Court Challenge: Historic Victory Against Profit-Driven Health Care

(September 10, 2020) Toronto – A ten-year legal attack launched by one of the largest private for-profit surgical centres in Canada seeking to strike down key protections for single-tier health care has reached a critical juncture. Today a B.C. Court ruled on the case upholding the provisions in British Columbia law that protect our system […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Plans Protests Across Ontario As Ford Government Pushes Through New Laws to Privatize Home & Community Care, Stifle Class Action Suits, In Midst of Pandemic & Fails to Take Action on Emergency Staffing Crisis in Long-Term Care

(June 22, 2020) Toronto – Tragically, over the last two weeks there have been several well-publicized deaths of residents in long-term care as a result of malnutrition and insufficient care. The situation is worse than ever, reports the Health Coalition. Yet the Ford government has not taken any policy action to address the staffing shortage […]

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EVENTS: Day of Protest Against the Ford Government Pushing Through Its Terrible New Home/Community Care Law While Failure to Act on the LTC Care/Staffing Crisis

(June 22, 2020) June 30 update: For more information about a second day of action on the new home care act & failure to fix long-term care issues, please click here. Urgent Join the Day of Protest Against the Ford Government Pushing Through Its Terrible New Home/Community Care Law While Failure to Act on the […]

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RELEASE & SUBMISSION: Ford Government’s New Home Care Bill “Irredeemable” and Should Not Be Pushed Through During a Pandemic: Coalition Calls for it to be Withdrawn

(June 15, 2020) Toronto — The Ontario Health Coalition released its submission on Bill 175, the Ford government’s new home care law which guts existing home and community care legislation, dismantles public oversight and parcels out currently public home care functions to an array of providers including for-profit companies, according to the Coalition’s analysis. Coalition […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Province Ignored Repeated Warnings and Evidence Leading to Yesterday’s Declaration of “State of Emergency” in Brampton Hospital, Similar Issues Apply Across Ontario

(January 24, 2020) Following the city’s declaration of a health care emergency in Brampton, on the heels of CBC’s release of new hospital overcrowding data, the Ontario Health Coalition revealed repeated warnings and reports from the District Health Council, thousands of Brampton residents, the Ontario Health Coalition and other groups showing that the community’s hospital […]

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UPDATE: Mounting Health Care Cuts

List of the Ford government health care cuts to date: Cut OHIP+ so families with sick children will have to seek private coverage first and pay deductibles and co-payments (June 2018). Cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million per year (July 2018). Cancelled all new planned overdose prevention sites. (Autumn 2018). Cut […]

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UPDATE: Mounting Health Care Cuts

An updated version of this list can be found here. List of the Ford government health care cuts to date: ● Cut OHIP+ so families with sick children will have to seek private coverage first and pay deductibles and co-payments. (June 2018) ● Cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million. (July 2018) […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: Ontario Health Coalition Briefing Note on Ontario Cabinet Shuffle: Deep Concerns about Ideological Positions of New Minister of Long-Term Care & Associate Minister of Mental Health & Addictions

(June 21, 2019) Toronto – In his press conference announcing the cabinet shuffle, Premier Doug Ford claimed that more than 80 percent of his platform had been implemented. The Health Coalition notes that nothing could be further than the truth when it comes to health care.  The Coalition also raised concerns about the pro-privatization, anti-public health […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: List of local hospital and health services cuts/mergers/privatization

(May 30, 2019) Cut over 120 full time equivalent staff including nurses, health professionals and patient support staff from Sudbury’s Health Sciences North. After protests by the public and the Health Coalition some of the cuts were rolled back but significant cuts continued nonetheless. (November 2018) Privatized lab service, transcription, and patient transportation; outsourced microbiology […]

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RELEASE: More than 10,000 Protest to tell Ford Government to stop health privatization, cuts

(May 1, 2019) Toronto –  They came from across Ontario in the middle of a work day by the thousands with a message for the Doug Ford government. From a stage in front of the Ontario Legislature Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition called on the crowd of more than 10,000 to […]

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UPDATE: 13++ Reasons to Come to the Giant Health Care Rally!

Doug Ford made cuts to OHIP+ and families with sick children now need to seek private insurance and pay deductibles and co-payments on medications for their sick children. Doug Ford cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million! Doug Ford canceled ALL new planned overdose prevention sites. Doug Ford cut over $700,000 in […]

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RELEASE: Unprecedented Health Action Day Calls on Doug Ford to Halt Health Privatization Plans

Toronto – For the first time, more than 150,000 health professionals, nurses, support workers, doctors and tens of thousands of patient advocates are joining together in a Health Action Day, unified in their deep concern that the Ford government intends unprecedented health care privatization.  In hospitals and other health facilities tens of thousands will wear […]

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RELEASE: Ford’s ambulance and public health cuts and restructuring come with high costs, reduced services: Coalition warns

(April 18, 2019) Toronto – It has been done before and it resulted in enormous costs, not savings, and it compromised services. This was the message of the Ontario Health Coalition in reaction to the growing array of health care services that the Doug Ford government plans to restructure and cut. The Coalition released their […]

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URGENT UPDATE: Undeniable signals Doug Ford intends major health care privatization

(April 18, 2019) Toronto – The signals that Doug Ford intends major health care privatization, restructuring and cuts have become undeniable: if you care about health care for all it is time to come out. Cuts: The Ontario Budget contains bad news for health care. Cuts are coming. Overall health funding increases are less than […]

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RELEASE, ANALYSIS & BRIEFING NOTE: Health Care Omnibus Bill Sets Up Ontario for Health System Mega-Mergers & Privatization: Worse than the Leaked Draft, Health Coalition Warns

(Updated: April 1, 2019) Click here for our submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 74 (April 2019) Click here for update on health omnibus bill hearings (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill briefing note (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill media […]

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VIDEO: Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott obfuscate questions on health privatization

Analysis Watch as Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott sidestep the opposition leader, Andrea Horwath’s, question in the legislature on whether private for-profit health corporations will play a role in Bill 74, the new health care legislation. The Ford government repeatedly refuses to disavow for-profit privatization of our public health care system. It is […]

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Ford government gives 2-days notice for public hearings to be in Toronto only The new health care law that the Ford government is pushing through has been “time allocated” for public hearings. That means that the Ford Conservatives have limited the time for public hearings. We have been asking for broad public hearings on this […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government is Steamrolling Health Restructuring Law Through in “Outrageously Undemocratic” Process Warns Health Coalition: Local Services at Risk

(March 18, 2019) The Ontario Health Coalition expressed outrage at the process by which the Ford government is rushing their new sweeping health care restructuring legislation through and is demanding public hearings across Ontario. In the new law, the Ford government has given itself new powers to order the privatization of health care services, along […]

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VIDEO: Better health care through innovation “The Agenda, March 4, 2019”

Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition, joined a health care panel on The Agenda with Steve Paikin. A video of the panel can be found below. Analysis Click here for original video

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RELEASE: Warning that Leaked Health Care Omnibus Bill Would Create Health Care Chaos: Longstanding Leaders of Organizations Representing Patients, Care Workers, Doctors

Academic leaders, democracy advocates, patient advocates, front-line care workers and doctors are all speaking with one voice when it comes to the leaked health care omnibus bill that has secretly been planned by the Ford government for months: if passed, it would cause health care chaos that will last for years. Speaking at a Queen’s […]

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RELEASE: Leaked Draft Health Care Legislation a “Gargantuan Nightmare Scenario”: Community and Labour Groups Join Forces for Major Fightback

(February 1, 2019) Analysis Calling it a “bombshell”: the Ontario Health Coalition and the Ontario Federation of Labour responded to a leaked document revealing a draft health care legislation written by the Ford government in secret that would create a “super agency” with extraordinary powers to restructure Ontario’s entire health care system. The Ontario NDP […]

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RELEASE: Thousands Demand Doug Ford Disavow Health Care Privatization and Cuts – Other Political Parties Respond Positively to Coalition’s Demand for Services to be Rebuilt & Restored

(October 23, 2018) Thousands Demand Doug Ford Disavow Health Care Privatization and Cuts, Other Political Parties Respond Positively to Coalition’s Demand for Services to be Rebuilt & Restored Toronto – “Hands Off Our Health Care” chanted a capacity crowd of an estimated 8,000 people who joined hands and encircled Queen’s Park today at the largest […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Election 2018 Health Care Resources

Click on each heading for Ontario election resources: **New  Leaflet inside (note: if printing use legal size paper)  Leaflet outside (note: if printing used legal size paper) Election Platform- top issues and “asks” for our political parties Media Release Provincial Election Platform release Health Care Questions for Candidates  All Candidates’ Meetings Media coverage of Health […]

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RELEASE: $22 billion in cuts to funding for public services planned by Mr. Ford, worse than Harris, we are “extremely worried”

posted June 3, 2018

By Natalie Mehra, Executive Director Many Ontarians are captured by the idea of getting the same or more services for less money. But few know what the numbers might actually mean. Since Doug Ford did not release a clear platform, Ontarians know more about how much a beer may cost if the Conservative leader is […]

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RELEASE: Provincial Election Discussion Should be About Rebuilding Public Hospitals & Long-Term Care Not “Efficiencies” or “Lean” or Code Words for Cuts: Health Coalition Calls for Concrete Commitments to Redress the Crisis in Access to Care

(May 16, 2018) Toronto – After touring Ontario in recent weeks, Health Coalition spokeswoman Natalie Mehra returned to Toronto this morning at a press conference outside the Emergency Department at Mount Sinai Hospital to talk about the crisis in access to health care. Noting that the Coalition’s mandate is to protect public health care in […]

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RELEASE: Deeply concerned about Doug Ford’s planned revenue cuts, comparison of parties’ commitments on key health care issues

(April 13, 2018) Toronto – Following the release of Doug Fords “platform” the Ontario Health Coalition has tried to analyze how Mr. Ford’s plan will impact health care funding.  Over the next four years, with four days until the provincial election we still have no firm commitment on the level of hospital funding, nor any […]

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ISSUE UPDATE: Ontario Health Coalition Succeeds in Protecting & Strengthening Ontario’s Ban on Private Hospitals

(February 9, 2018) We sent out an update in early December, but it appears that many of you did not get it. Here is the final update on our campaign in late November/early December to restore Ontario’s ban on private clinics after the government removed it in their omnibus health care bill that was brought […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: New Bill Allows Private For-Profit Hospitals & More Private For-Profit Clinics

(November 23, 2017) The Ontario government is moving forward with legislation that lifts the ban on private hospitals, rolls private hospitals in with private clinics and renames them, offensively, Community Health Facilities, and makes it easier for private hospitals and clinics to expand and more difficult for the Minister to stop them. This legislation was brought […]

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RELEASE: Public Home Care Would Benefit Ontarians Despite Claims of Vested Interests/For-Profit Home Care Companies: Health Coalition Calls for More Details

(November 6, 2017) Toronto – A leaked presentation from the Ministry of Health revealed by CBC today indicates that the government is planning some sort of public home care agency for personal support work in the home. The Ontario Health Coalition has been advocating for public home care since the 1990s and reacted with cautious […]

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RELEASE: Wynne Government’s Hospital Bed Announcement a Temporary Band-Aid But Health Coalition Slams Expanding Health Care Privatization

(October 23, 2017) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition congratulated the Health Minister for recognizing the crisis in Ontario’s hospitals and announcing 1,200 new hospital beds today. However, the coalition cautioned that this is only temporary band-aid that will partially alleviate the crisis but not solve it. One-fourth of the hospital money announced today was […]

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RELEASE: Private Clinics & the Threat to Public Medicare in Canada: Results of Surveys with Private Clinics and Patients

(June 10, 2017) From the autumn of 2016 to the spring of 2017, researchers at the Ontario Health Coalition called all the private clinics we could reach across Canada. Included in the survey are private surgical clinics including cataract surgery clinics, MRI/CT, colonoscopy/endoscopy clinics and “boutique” physician clinics. In total, we surveyed a sample of […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: Pre-Budget Note

(April 26, 2017) In a speech April 13 to the Empire Club, Ontario Finance Minister Charles Sousa reported that in every corner of Ontario he heard from residents, civic leaders and businesses that health care and public hospitals are top priority issues, and he promised significant investments in this year’s budget. These increases will follow […]

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UPDATE: Giant Teddy Bear Brings Message of Compassion to London

 (October 18, 2016) We Can’t “Bear” To Lose Medicare!! The London Health Coalition is launching a Care Bear Tour today on Tuesday, October 18th. With a giant teddy bear, aptly nicknamed “Tommy”, the coalition seeks to convey the message that care (not profit) must be the centre of our public health care system. Their goal […]

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RELEASE: Coalition Warns Health Minister: Privatization of Ontario’s Health Systems for Patient Records and Information Will Incite Massive Public Opposition

(October 7, 2016) Banking Executive is Not Trusted to Protect Patient or Public Interest, Especially After Hydro Privatization Debacle   Toronto –This afternoon, the Wynne government has made public a formal invitation from the Health Minister to Ed Clark to “assess and validate the value these [health data, e-health records and related intellectual property and infrastructure] […]

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ANALYSIS: Chamber of Commerce Privatization Report Poorly Researched, Not in Public Interest: Health Coalition

(March 15, 2016) Toronto – The Ontario’s Chamber of Commerce waded into health care reform today with a poorly-researched and argued report that would cause Ontarians harm if implemented, noted the Ontario Health Coalition. The OCC report is not grounded in evidence. It is comprised of a hodgepodge of anecdotes that are often inaccurate and […]

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EVENTS: Take Back Our Hospitals: Fall Days of Action in S/E Ont, N/E Ont, and Scarborough/Durham

(October 23, 2015) Take Back Our Hospitals Days of Action in S/E Ontario, N/E Ontario and Scarborough/Durham Southeastern Ontario Rally Friday November 13, 12 p.m. Centennial Park, Trenton Buses will be traveling in from the whole region. For more info on buses email us at Active citizens have succeeded in stopping cuts all across Ontario. Let’s […]

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CALL-OUT: It’s Time to Take a Stand! Regional Days of Action to Stop Hospital Cuts and Hospital /Home Care Privatization

(May 11, 2015) Days of Action Rallies at senior government Ministers’ offices Hamilton/Niagara 10 a.m. Rally @ Cabinet Minister Ted McMeekin’s office, 299 Dundas St. E., Waterdown *For ride/carpool from Hamilton, meet by 9 a.m. at the Steelworkers’ Hall, 350 Kenilworth Ave. N., Hamilton. For more information contact Rolf Gerstenberger 289-260-9547 Hamilton residents will then […]

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RELEASE: Hundreds Rally to Stop Health Care Cuts and Privatization in First Day of Action — Protests Planned Across Ontario

(April 17, 2015) (Sudbury, Ottawa, Hamilton, Niagara, London) – In response to severe hospital cuts and the threat of privatization of home care and hospital services, organizations representing hundreds of thousands of seniors, patients, health care workers, nurses, health professionals and concerned citizens have joined forces to call for mass protests in each region of […]

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ADVISORY: Leaders of Organizations Representing More than Half-A-Million Ontarians Join Forces to Stop the Hospital Cuts & Hospital/Home Care Privatization

(April 15, 2015) Advisory: Leaders of Organizations Representing More than Half-A Million Ontarians Join Forces to Stop the Hospital Cuts & Hospital/Home Care Privatization   (Toronto) – Hospital wards, emergency departments, even entire hospitals are being closed down. Hundreds of nurses have received lay-off notices in recent months. Health professionals’ services are being systematically cut […]

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EVENTS: Photos from Rally at Queen’s Park

(November 21, 2014) Many thanks to the thousands of people who came out to the November 21 Rally at Queen’s Park. Thanks to your support and hard work, the event was a huge success! The sun was shining as more than 3000 participants from across Ontario gathered to call on Ontario’s government to Stop the […]

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ADVISORY: Thousands Rally at Ontario Legislature to Stop Unprecedented Cuts and Privatization that Threaten Community Hospitals All Across Ontario

(November 18, 2014) Thousands Rally at Ontario Legislature to Stop Unprecedented Cuts and Privatization that Threaten Community Hospitals All Across Ontario Where: In front of main doors (South doors) of Main Legislative Building, Queen’s Park When: Friday November 21 at 12 noon What: A massive rally at Queen’s Park with more than 3000 people in […]

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CALL-OUT: Get on the bus to join the November 21 Giant Rally at Queen’s Park!

(November 10, 2014) STOP private clinics SAVE our local public hospitals 12 p.m. Friday November 21 Giant Rally @ Ontario Legislature, Queen’s Park Toronto Buses will be coming from all over Ontario! Please see below for a list of buses and who to contact to get on the bus in your community + more information on […]

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URGENT: Save Our Community Hospitals Upcoming Meetings and Events across Ontario

(November 4, 2014) The government of Ontario is undertaking an aggressive plan to dismantle community hospitals and contract-out hospital surgeries and diagnostics to private clinics. In the most aggressive cuts plan that we have ever seen, after more than five years of budget slashing, they plan to close all of the outpatient services that they […]

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CALL-OUT: November 21 Giant Rally at Queen’s Park to STOP the private clinics

(October 24, 2014) STOP private clinics SAVE our local public hospitals 12 p.m. Friday November 21 Giant Rally @ Ontario Legislature, Queen’s Park Toronto

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RELEASE: User fees threatened for patients across Canada if court challenge negotiations fail to uphold Medicare

(September 29, 2014) At a press conference this morning, speakers Natalie Mehra, Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition, Dr. Rupinder Brar, Board Member of Canadian Doctors for Medicare, Dr. Ryan Meili, Vice-Chair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare and Steven Shrybman, LL.B., Partner, Sack Goldblatt Mitchell raise the alarm about the threat of user fees […]

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RELEASE: More than 80,000 Ontarians Vote to Stop Wynne Government Plan to Cut Local Community Hospitals and Contract Out Care to Private Clinics: Health Care Advocates Call On the Premier and New Health Minister to Stop the Privatization Plan

(July 8, 2014) One of the first major controversial issues faced by Ontario’s new Health Minister is the government’s plan to cut clinical services from local public hospitals and contract them out to regional private clinics. Today at the Ontario Legislature, hundreds of health care advocates representing every region of Ontario gathered to deliver more […]

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RELEASE: More than 56,000 Ontarians vote to stop the dismantling of community hospitals in volunteer-led referendum: Health Coalition

(April 7, 2014) Over the last two and a half weeks, hundreds of volunteers with the Ontario Health Coalition have opened public voting stations to collect opinions about the government’s plan to cut services from local community hospitals and contract them out to high-volume private clinics. Balloting at over 100 voting stations and over 200 […]

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(April 4, 2014) Vote to stop the Ontario government’s plan to cut local public hospitals and contract clinical services out to private clinics. Ontarians are asked to vote for one of the following statements in voting booths across Ontario: I support our local public hospitals. I do not want the government to cut their services […]

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REPORT: Private Health Clinics Using Manipulative Tactics to Over-Bill Patients: Ontario Health Coalition Report

(March 25, 2014) Ontario Government’s Plan to Cut Medical Services from Local Public Hospital and Contract Them Out to Private Clinics Called a Significant Threat to Single-Tier Medicare.

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SUBMISSION: OHC Provincial Budget Submission

(January 16, 2014) Submission to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs Pre-Budget Hearings. Click here for Submission

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RELEASE: Ontario’s Wynne Government Plans to Bring In Private Clinics: Threatens Non-Profit Community Hospital Care

(October 8, 2013) The Ontario government plans to introduce private specialty clinics to take the place of local community hospitals’ services. The government’s proposal would bring in legal regulations under the Independent Health Facilities Act and the Local Health System Integration Act to usher in private clinics and shut down services in community hospitals.

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SUBMISSION: Submission on the proposed new regulation under the Independent Health Facilities Act (IHFA), 1990 and the proposed amendment to regulation 264/07 under the Local Health System Integration Act (LHSIA) 2006

(October 10, 2013) The Ontario government is proposing regulatory changes that would appear to transfer some or all funding and oversight of private clinics (IHFs) to the LHINs regime, allow Cancer Care Ontario to fund private clinics and expand the private clinic/IHF model in order to cut and privatize public hospital services. On October 10, […]

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BRIEFING NOTE: New Legal Regulations Planned by Ontario’s Liberal Government to Cut Community Hospital Services and Expand Private Clinics

(October 8, 2013) Ontario’s Liberal government has announced plans to bring in new legal regulations to expand the use of private clinics to take hospital services out of our community hospitals. Is this the end of our community hospitals as we know them? In the Ontario government’s vision for health care, community hospitals are the […]

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FACT SHEET: Comparison of Public Hospitals Act to Independent Health Facilities Act

(October 8, 2013) Item Under Public Hospitals Act Under IHFA Comparison Power to approve new facilities, and sell, lease or dispose of facilities. Minister must approve new hospitals. Minister must approve articles before they are filed under the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act. (These establish the name and location of the hospital, among other provisions.) Minister must approve expansions, […]

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OPEN LETTER: Formal Complaints Lodged Against LHIN: Request for Disclosure Launched in Ottawa Hospital Cuts and Privatization Scheme

(March 11, 2013) The Ontario Health Coalition and OPSEU have launched formal complaints about the Champlain LHIN’s process regarding the decision by the Ottawa Hospital to cut and privatize thousands of surgeries and other health care services.

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RELEASE: “OHC Austerity Index Part II” details how Hospital Cuts and Privatization Reach New Levels: Coalition Announces “S.O.S.” – Save Our Services – Day of Action

(January 25, 2013) At a Queen’s Park press conference this morning, the Ontario Health Coalition, representing more than 400 organizations dedicated to protecting public health care, warned that the Ontario government’s austerity budget is causing unprecedented cuts to and privatization of hospital services.

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OPEN LETTER: Hospital CEO Does Chatham-Kent Community a Disservice

(January 23, 2013) Chatham-Kent Hospital CEO Colin Patey made headlines last week when he advocated for-profit privatization…

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REPORT: The Austerity Index Part I: Health Care cuts and deficits across Ontario

(December 5, 2012) Ontario’s health care funding, already nearly the lowest per person in the country, is being curtailed by $3 billion, resulting in unprecedented hospital and home care service cuts across the province. The Ontario Health Coalition has produced a tally of the cuts by region and community.

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OPEN LETTER: Stop For-Profit Hospital Chain’s Expansion in Ontario UPDATE: Sale stopped, thanks for your help!

(September 28, 2012) UPDATE: The purchase of the Shouldice Hospital by Centric Health a for-profit corporation with an ambitous expansion agenda has been stopped. A big thank you to all of you who sent letters into the Minister of Health to ask her to stop the deal. The Ontario and Canadian Health Coalitions have teamed up with the Council of Canadians […]

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ANALYSIS: Ontario Conservative Party Health Paper A Recipe for Privatization

(September 10, 2012) The Ontario PC party has released its White Paper on Health Care. The OHC has issued an analysis of the White Paper in response.

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RELEASE: Schedule 28 Update: Weak amendments to McGuinty omnibus budget bill facilitate sweeping privatization – Citizens’ groups call for privatization clause to be struck down

(June 15, 2012) The Council of Canadians and Ontario Health Coalition are outraged that despite promises made by Ontario’s government, proposed amendments are too weak to stop the mass privatization of public services in Budget Bill 55, Schedule 28.

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Backgrounder on Schedule 28 of the Budget Bill (Bill 55)

(June 11, 2012) The Budget Bill (Bill 55) contains a dangerous section that, if implemented, could facilitate the largest privatization of public assets and services in Ontario’s history. Schedule 28 of the Budget Bill creates an über “Minister of Privatization”. This Schedule sets up new powers for cabinet and a new Minister to override existing legislation and […]

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BACKGROUNDER: The Drummond Commission: A Cover for Cuts and Privatization

(January 23, 2012) The Ontario Health Coalition exposes the Drummond Commission, Drummond’s history of dismantling our social safety net and privatizing public assets when he was in government …

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RELEASE: McGuinty Warned to Stop Health Care Privatization: OHC Responds to Drummond Commission

(December 7, 2011) The Ontario Health Coalition warns that the McGuinty government’s Drummond Commission must consider the vast body of evidence against health care privatization when drafting its report on public service reform in a press conference today at the Ontario Legislative building.

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RELEASE: Coalition Applauds McGuinty Government for Taking Steps to Safeguard Single-Tier Medicare

(June 21, 2011) All Ontario Political Parties Should Make Clear Commitment Against For-Profit Privatization of Health Care Before October 6 Provincial Election

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RELEASE: OHC Calls on McGuinty Government to Stop NHS Privatization Plan in Welland

(April 28, 2011) The Niagara Health System is planning to close about 120 hospitals beds at the Welland Hospital.

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BACKGROUNDER: B.C. Private Clinics Challenge to Single-Tier Health Care

(January 1, 2011) For-profit health care has mushroomed in British Columbia. In our 2008 report Eroding Public Medicare: Lessons and Consequences of For-Profit Health Care Across Canada we found that B.C. and Quebec were ground zero for private clinics. In B.C. alone,  there were 25 private surgical hospitals and 12 for-profit MRI/CT clinics in the […]

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RELEASE: OHC Response to Throne Speech: Fears that New Hospital Funding System Threatens Patient Access, Leads to Privatization

(March 8, 2010) Premier Dalton McGuinty is planning changes to hospital funding systems, according to his Throne Speech today.

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RELEASE: Documents Revealed Through Freedom of Information Request Show Increasing Privatization and Consolidation of Ontario’s Medical Laboratory Services

(October 8, 2009) Documents released after a two-year Freedom of Information battle reveal almost complete control of Ontario’s community medical laboratory services by three multinational corporations. Three multinational corporations are the big winner while local communities are losing lab services. Click here for Media Release

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REPORT: Private Clinics Report: Eroding Public Medicare: Lessons and Consequences of For-Profit Health Care Across Canada

(October 6, 2008) groundbreaking report on the growth and practices of for-profit surgical, MRI and boutique physician clinics across Canada. Where are they? How are they making their profits? How are they promoting two-tier medicare? Where do they get their staff from? What does this mean for public health care in Canada. Click here for […]

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REPORT: Private Clinics Report: First Do No Harm

(October 1, 2007) Lessons from Ontario’s Experiences with For-Profit Diagnostic and Hospital Clinics. Click here for Media Release Click here for Full Report

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BACKGROUNDER: Canadian Constitution Foundation Challenge Against Single-Tier Medicare

(May 31, 2007) According to a press conference held this month, the Canadian Constitution Foundation is funding a Charter challenge to single-tier Public Medicare in Ontario. Click here for Backgrounder

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RELEASE: Tory’s Health Platform: A Recipe For Privatization

(May 24, 2007) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Legal Challenge to Medicare: Charter Challenge against Medicare in Ontario opportunistic and dishonest

(May 2, 2007) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Private Clinic Aligns with Conservatives in Misleading Campaign to Privatize Health System

(March 22, 2007) Click here for Media Release

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BACKGROUNDER: Ontario Health Coalition Backgrounder on Private Clinics

(March 22, 2007) Evidence from the system-wide experiment in Britain and some Quick Facts Click here for Backgrounder

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(March 22, 2007) This is urgent. Supporters of public medicare – your help is needed today. Please read and forward to all your contacts. Thank you very much. Natalie Mehra, Ontario Health Coalition John Tory and the Ontario Conservatives have aligned themselves with for-profit health interests and have launched an aggressive offensive to try to […]

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Save Public Medicare! Information

(March 20, 2007) OHC: URGENT ALERT This is urgent. Supporters of public medicare – your help is needed today. Please read and forward to all your contacts. Thank you very much. Natalie Mehra, Ontario Health Coalition John Tory and the Ontario Conservatives have aligned themselves with for-profit health interests and have launched an aggressive offensive […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Health Coalition Slams Private Clinic Proposal & John Tory’s Support for Privatization

(March 16, 2007) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions Accuse Harper Government of Allowing Privatization and Not Improving the Public System

(February 5, 2007) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Two-Tier Health Clinic in Kingston Contravenes Law: OHC Calls on Ministry to Take Action

(December 12, 2006) Click here for Media Release

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ADVISORY: 16 Ontario Communities Chosen to Host National Campaign “Medicare Works: We Can’t Afford Private Health Care”

(November 14, 2006) Click here for Media Advisory

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RELEASE: Unprecedented Privatized Hospital “News Blackout”

(October 13, 2006) Secret tenders issued to private companies for seven hospitals MEDIA RELEASE

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RELEASE: McGuinty should stop emergency room privatization: For-Profit Med-Emerg is not a solution for doctor shortages

(September 27, 2006) MEDIA RELEASE

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MEDICARE WORKS! Town Hall Reports

(Fall 2006) Click here for MEDICARE WORKS! Town Hall Reports (printable version)

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RELEASE: George Smitherman on the right track in war of words against two-tier healthcare: must stop his own government’s privatization

(September 11, 2006) MEDIA RELEASE

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RELEASE: Legal Opinion on the Copeman Clinic

(January 30, 2006) Update: The Ontario Health Coalition released this legal opinion in a media conference. It was carried in a story on the front page of the Toronto Star, among other media. The Minister of Health, George Smitherman, took action against the unlawful practices described in our legal opinion. Ultimately the Copeman Clinics did […]

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OPEN LETTER: Letter to Minister Smitherman regarding Sack, Goldblatt, Mitchell legal opinion on Copeman Clinic

(January 27, 2006) Click here for Letter to Minister

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LEGAL OPINION: Legal Opinion on Proposed Copeman Clinic

(January 19, 2006) The OHC obtained a legal opinion from Sack, Goldblatt, Mitchell LLB regarding the Copeman Clinic which found the proposed Ontario clinic to be in contravention of the law. Click here for Memorandum

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Toronto Star Editorial: Public health care cheapest and best

(December 22, 2005) While debate rages in Canada over private versus public approaches to health care, elsewhere the evidence is pouring in that public is best. In Britain, a major audit on the financial difficulties at London’s public Queen Elizabeth Hospital shows that so-called P3s, or public-private partnerships, may promise savings but in fact carry […]

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Toronto Star Editorial: Public health care cheapest and best

(December 22, 2005) Ontario Health Coalition 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Y8 Phone (416) 441-2502 Fax (416) 441-4073 email reprinted from <> Toronto Star Editorial: Public health care cheapest and best Dec. 22, 2005. 01:00 AM While debate rages in Canada over private versus public approaches to health care, elsewhere the […]

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UPDATE: The Supreme Court Ruling on Private Health Care

(June 15, 2005) Chaoulli vs. Attorney General of Quebec: What the Supreme Court Really Said By Steven Shrybman, Sack, Goldblatt, Mitchell and Two-Tier Health Systems: A Quick Glance Around the World Click here for Urgent Update

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Up to 23 New Hospitals to Be Privatized Under Government’s 5-Year Infrastructure Plan: Coalition Launches Major Plebiscite to Keep Hospitals Public

(May 25, 2005) Ontario Health Coalition 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Y8 tel: 416-441-2502 fax: 416-441-4073 email: May 25, 2005  For Immediate Release Attn: Assignment Editor Up to 23 New Hospitals to Be Privatized Under Government’s 5-Year Infrastructure Plan: Coalition Launches Major Plebiscite to Keep Hospitals Public Toronto/St. Catharines – […]

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Budget Announcement Outlines Wholesale Hospital Privatization: Health Coalition Outraged at Betrayal

(May 11, 2005) Ontario Health Coalition 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Y8 Phone (416) 441-2502 Fax (416) 441-4073 email May 11, 2005 For Immediate Release Attn: Assignment Editor Budget Announcement Outlines Wholesale Hospital Privatization: Health Coalition Outraged at Betrayal Toronto – The Ontario government has announced its intention to bring in […]

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Billions in Public Taxes Risked by P3 Hospital Privatization: 100 Failed, Flawed and Abandoned Projects Used to Warn Politicians

(April 7, 2005) Toronto- As Ontario’s government is making plans to privatize hospitals, roads and schools under controversial long term deals with private finance and service corporations, a group of citizens’ organizations has issued a warning that the projects run the risk of being billion-dollar failures. Last July, Ontario’s Ministry of Infrastructure Renewal announced it […]

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Billions in Public Taxes Risked by P3 Hospital Privatization: 100 Failed, Flawed and Abandoned Projects Used to Warn Politicians

(April 7, 2005) For Immediate Release Attn: Assignment Editor, Queen’s Park Media Billions in Public Taxes Risked by P3 Hospital Privatization: 100 Failed, Flawed and Abandoned Projects Used to Warn Politicians Toronto- As Ontario’s government is making plans to privatize hospitals, roads and schools under controversial long term deals with private finance and service corporations, […]

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RELEASE: MRI – CT In-Hospital Investment Applauded by Ontario Health Coalition

(February 4, 2005) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: MRI Buyback A Sound Investment – Health Coalition Slams Tory Hypocricy

(July 23, 2004) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE/BACKGROUNDER: “Payments for care at private for-profit and private not-for-profit hospitals: a systematic review and meta-analysis”

(June 6, 2004) A major study by Dr. P. J. Devereaux finds that health care costs more and delivers less at investor-owned private for-profit hospitals. Click here for Media Release and Backgrounder  

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BRIEFING NOTE: Canadian Health Coalition: Medicare is sustainable, for-profit care is not

(May 14, 2004) Canadians are being told that Medicare is not sustainable and that spending must be shifted from public to private budgets and delivery. Click here for Briefing Note  

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OPEN LETTER: to Health Minister George Smitherman

(November 11, 2003) The OHC expresses concern at indicators that the McGuinty government may renege on commitments to cancel plans to build P3 hospitals and scrap privatized MRI/CT delivery. Click here for Open Letter

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RELEASE: Coalition says private operator not appropriate for mental health and addictions facility on Queen

(September 9, 2003) Click here for Media Release

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Tenacious Trojan Horse Crosses the Province

(September 1, 2003) The Ontario Health Coalition and the Ontario Electricity Coalition are co-sponsoring the Trojan Horse Tour which is crossing Ontario during the provincial election campaign, warning of the dangers of privatization. Click here for Tour Schedule

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RELEASE: Profits poached from public health: Ontario government must cancel for-profit MRI and CT clinic, says Ontario Health Coalition

(August 6, 2003) Click here for Media Release

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BRIEFING NOTE: For-Profit MRI/CT Clinics

(April 22, 2003) Click here for Briefing Note

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RELEASE: For-Profit Hospitals & Clinics threaten the future of Medicare: Ontario Health Coalition Launches Fight Back

(March 31, 2003) Click here for Media Release

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FACT SHEET: Funny Numbers – Ontario Health Coalition Brief on Ministry of Health Publicity re. For-Profit MRI/CT Clinics

(March 1, 2003) FACT SHEET

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RELEASE: Coalition casts doubt on Clement’s MRI numbers, calls them “Unbelievable”

(February 28, 2003) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Eves guilty of hidden money, misspending: Ontario Health Coalition

(February 4, 2003) In anticipation of the First Ministers’ meetings in Ottawa this week, the Ontario Health Coalition is releasing a briefing note on provincial transparency and accountability in health spending. The coalition takes issue with the Eves government’s attempts to win more health spending without accountability. The briefing note outlines the enormous difficulty in […]

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FACT SHEET: Women and Medicare: Privatization of Medicare and Women

(February 1, 2003)

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FACT SHEET: Women and Medicare: Privatization of Medicare and Women

(February 1, 2003) FACT SHEET

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RELEASE: For-Profit MRI & CT Scan Update: Clement says he’s looking at it, Eves says “policy is evolving”

Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: For-Profit MRI and CT clinics Slower, More Expensive, More Risky: Report

(September 19, 2002) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Banff Health Ministers’ Meeting: Minister Clement’s Semantics Disguise Fatal Poison Pill: Health Coalition Warns

(September 4, 2002) Click here for Media Release

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BACKGROUNDER: “The Pulse” OHC Newsletter – Private MRI and CT Clinics

(September 3, 2002) Click here for Backgrounder

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FACT SHEET: Public Private Partnerships of Profit Over patients? The Facts About For-Profit Hospitals

(September 2, 2002) FACT SHEET

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REPORT: Scanning For Profit: A Critical Review of the Evidence Regarding For-Profit MRI and CT Clinics

This is a report prepared for the Ontario Health Coalition by Ross Sutherland which demonstrates that for-profit MRI and CT Clinics are slower, more expensive and riskier. FULL REPORT (ONLINE) FULL REPORT (DOC)

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REPORT: McMaster Study Shows Mortality Rates Higher in For-Profit Hospitals

(July 15, 2002) Full study published in Canadian Medical Association Journal: Click here for Full Report Short article on study by co-author Dr. Gordon Guyatt: Click here for Article

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RELEASE: For-Profit MRIs and CT Scans Extremely Grave Threat: Ontario Health Coalition Warns of Public Response

(July 8, 2002) Click here for Media Release

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REPORT: Ownership Matters: Lessons from Ontario’s Long Term Care Facilities

(May 27, 2002) A report prepared for the Hospital Employees’ Union of British Columbia by the OHC which examines the effect of the Ontario Tory government’s privatization of Long Term Care on the quality of care and patients.

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ARTICLE: Private Finance and “Value for Money” in NHS Hospitals: a policy in search of a rationale?

(May 18, 2002) British Medical Journal article on the impact of the Private Finance Initiative (the British version of P3s). Authors: A. Pollack, J. Shaoul and N. Vickers. Click here for Article

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RELEASE: Throne Speech – Tories still stuck in privatization rut

(May 10, 2002) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: What Doesn’t the CD Howe Institute Understand About Who Pays for Health Costs?

(May 1, 2002) Click here for Media Release

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UPDATE: “The Pulse” – Eves Appoints Privatizer Lobbyist As Chief of Staff

(May 2002) Click here for Update

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UPDATE: “The Pulse” – Extend Medicare, Not Extendicare – Big Business and the Kirby Commission

(May 2002) Click here for Update

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FACT SHEET: Medicare’s Critics: Back to the “Good Old Days”?

(January 2002) FACT SHEET

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UPDATE: “The Pulse” – Cancer Treatment Privatized Without Considering Public Options: Auditor and Province Hands Off Millions in Public Assets to Developers

(January 2002) Click here for Update

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UPDATE: “The Pulse” National Medicare Update – Summary on the Romanow Commission and an Update on the Kirby Committee Report and the Mazankowski Report

(January 2002) Click here for Update

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RELEASE: End Botched Cancer Care Privatization Now!

(December 13, 2001) Click here for Media Release

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REPORT: Social Cohesion and Privatization in Canadian Healthcare

(December 2001) A report by Prof. Hugh Armstrong of Carleton University’s School of Social Work originally published in the Canadian Journal of Law and Society 16:2 (December 2001), pp. 65-81. Click here for Report Click here for printable version of report

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RELEASE: Senate Report Fatally Biased

(October 29, 2001) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: OHC Holds Events Province-Wide to Demand Real Public Consultations on Healthcare

(October 24, 2001) Click here for Media Release

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ARTICLE: Regulating Nursing Homes – Caring for Older People in the Private Sector in England

(September 8, 2001) By S. Kerrison and A. Pollock, British Medical Journal. Click here for Article

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RELEASE: US and Canadian Activists Target Health Privateers

(August 9, 2001) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Urgent Province-Wide Campaign Against Harris Private Hospital Plans Targets MPPs in their Home Constituencies

(May 22, 2001) Click here for Media Release

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FACT SHEET: Privatization Fact Sheet: Why NOT Privatize

(May 2001) FACT SHEET

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FACT SHEET: Health Care Spending: The Facts

(May 2001) FACT SHEET

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RELEASE: More than $190,000 in political donations from another big winner in Harris health policy

(March 21, 2001) Tory donors Extendicare and CPL REIT benefit from privatization. Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Health Care Watchdog Slams Privatization of Cancer Treatment in Ontario

(February 19, 2001) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Telehealth Launch a Milestone in Privatization Agenda

(February 15, 2001) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Community Activists Come Together in Sudbury to Form Local Health Coalition and Organize Public Forum on Privatization

(March 20, 2000) Click here for Media Release

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ARTICLE: Beds in the NHS: The National Bed Inquiry Exposes Contradictions in Government Policy

(February 19, 2000) By Pollock and Dunnigan, British Medical Journal.   ARTICLE

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LETTER: to Prime Minister Jean Chretien re. Alberta Proposals to Contract with For-Profit Hospitals

(February 3, 2000) Click here for Letter

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RELEASE: Witmer’s Home Care Policies Forcing Privatization

(January 24, 2000) Click here for Media Release

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SUMMARY: Tipping the Balance: Health Care Restructuring and Privatization in Ontario

(2000) Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.   SUMMARY

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RELEASE: Tory Support for Private, For-Profit Sector Increasing Cost of Health Care

(January 10, 2000) Click here for Media Release

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FACT SHEET: Health Facts: Privatization

(May 1999) FACT SHEET

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