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Primary Care Backgrounders, Fact Sheets & Briefing Notes


JUST THE FACTS: Facts About Health Care, Cuts & Privatization

(March 1, 2022) Here are fact sheets on health care cuts & privatization, with sources for all data: Why Not Privatize Our Public Health Care Services Fightback to Save Public Health Care & Stop Privatization Long-Term Care Privatization Home Care Privatization Privatization of COVID-19 Testing in Ontario Fast Facts on Health Care Funding in Ontario

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UPDATE: Mounting Health Care Cuts

List of the Ford government health care cuts to date: Cut OHIP+ so families with sick children will have to seek private coverage first and pay deductibles and co-payments (June 2018). Cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million per year (July 2018). Cancelled all new planned overdose prevention sites. (Autumn 2018). Cut […]

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UPDATE: Mounting Health Care Cuts

An updated version of this list can be found here. List of the Ford government health care cuts to date: ● Cut OHIP+ so families with sick children will have to seek private coverage first and pay deductibles and co-payments. (June 2018) ● Cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million. (July 2018) […]

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RELEASE, ANALYSIS & BRIEFING NOTE: Health Care Omnibus Bill Sets Up Ontario for Health System Mega-Mergers & Privatization: Worse than the Leaked Draft, Health Coalition Warns

(Updated: April 1, 2019) Click here for our submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 74 (April 2019) Click here for update on health omnibus bill hearings (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill briefing note (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill media […]

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