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Hospitals Media Releases


RELEASE: Health care in crisis in northwestern Ontario: communities demand urgent solutions from Ford government

(September 13, 2024) Toronto/Rainy River/Thunder Bay/Emo: An unprecedented crisis in hospital, EMS, and primary care services in northwestern Ontario is unfolding. Physicians are leaving Rainy River’s hospital and clinic and the ambulance base in Emo is threatened with impending closure. The Mayor of Rainy River, the President of the District’s paramedics’ and hospital workers’ union […]

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EVENT & RELEASE: Public Hearings on Protecting & Improving Local Hospitals: Community members invited to give input

(June 3, 2024) TORONTO — In response to more than 1,200 closures of emergency departments and other local hospital services over the last year, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC) is holding public hearings across Ontario to develop recommendations for the future of our local hospitals, including small, rural and northern community hospitals. Mid size or […]

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RELEASE: Community and union leaders announce legal action, demand Ford declare a moratorium to save the Durham hospital

(May 23, 2024) Toronto, Grey Bruce – The Durham hospital, located in Grey County, dates back to 1910. Its community supported its survival through two World Wars, the Great Depression, amalgamation, and many local hospital boards and provincial governments. Now, after more than a century, it is facing a potentially fatal blow with the imminent […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Robbing the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme

(February 21, 2024) A new report, Robbing from the public to build the private: The Ford government’s hospital privatization scheme reveals that local hospitals in every region of Ontario have operating rooms sitting idle the majority of the time. The public has funded local hospitals for more than 70 years to build operating room capacity that […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Health Coalition Exposes Significantly Higher Costs & Irregularities in Kingston Hospital Cataract Surgery Privatization: New Report

(February 15, 2024) The press release and report was released on February 15. An update with a response to statements made by the Kingston Health Sciences Centre CEO can be found below the initial release. The privatization of cataract surgeries in Kingston, Ontario, costs 56% more than if the same procedures had been done in […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Number of Ontario hospital emergency closures soars to new record: Health Coalition demands Ford government finally take action

(December 5, 2023) Toronto – A new report, Unprecedented and Worsening: Ontario’s Local Hospital Closures 2023 released by the Ontario Health Coalition at Queen’s Park this morning, paints a stark picture of a health care system that has tipped into collapse. Across Ontario, vital hospital services, such as emergency departments, maternity and obstetrics, outpatient laboratories […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government Expanded For-Profit Hospital in Violation of the Law and While Lying to the Public: Health Coalition and Democracy Watch Call for Concrete Measures to Protect the Public Interest in Wake of Revelations about Former Health Minister Lobbying for For-Profit Hospital

(November 20, 2023) Toronto—The revelation that former Health Minister Christine Elliott has registered as a lobbyist for a for-profit hospital known as Don Mills Surgical Unit, now owned by Clearpoint Health Network, has raised serious questions about ethics and conflict of interest. The Ontario Health Coalition has looked into the funding increases given to that […]

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REPORT & RELEASE: Report advises Ontario government to scrap private surgeries and invest in public hospitals

(November 2, 2023) Toronto – Drawing on new data from Freedom of Information requests, financial and statistical analysis, and research, a new report raises red flags about the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospitals’ core services including diagnostics and surgeries. The report, At What Cost? Ontario hospital privatization and the threat to public health […]

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RELEASE: Major step forward for elderly patients whose Charter rights are violated by Ford government’s law coercing elderly patients into long-term care homes against their will: Patient advocates file court challenge

(April 13, 2023) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition and the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly have made a major step forward in their Charter Challenge to Bill 7, passed by the Ford government last summer. On Wednesday, April 12, 2023, the patient advocates filed a Notice of Application with the Ontario Superior Court of […]

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RELEASE: Calling Ford’s plans to privatize Ontario’s public hospital surgeries a “fatal threat” and a “terrible blow” to our public hospitals, health advocates vow major fightback

(January 16, 2023) Toronto – The Ford government’s plans to privatize our public hospitals’ vital services are a fatal threat to the core tenet of Canadian Public Medicare that extra user fees are forbidden and patients will not be faced with user charges in their time of need. Already existing private for-profit clinics routinely extra-bill […]

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RELEASE & LEGAL OPINION: Ontario Health Coalition & Advocacy Centre for the Elderly will go to court to challenge Ford government’s new law forcing elderly into long-term care homes against their choice: “an egregious violation of their Charter rights”

(November 21, 2022) Toronto –The Ontario Health Coalition and the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly launched a Constitutional Challenge this morning in response to the Ford government’s new law that forces elderly hospital patients into long-term care homes against their choice. The two groups will be co-applicants to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: The Ford government lied to the public re. their privatization of public hospital services: Health Coalition demands Ford stop their privatization of our hospitals, kicks off major campaign to save our local public hospitals

(October 26, 2022) Toronto –The Ontario Health Coalition released a brief today charging that the Ford government lied to the public about its privatization of Ontario’s public hospital services. The Coalition reported that the Ford government significantly increased funding to private clinics while at the same time denying that they were expanding the private clinics. […]

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REPORT & RELEASE: Ontario Hospital Crisis Province-Wide and By Community

(October 24, 2022) Toronto — Across Ontario, the hospital crisis continues to burn through the resilience of the province’s truly heroic health care staff. As the burden of infectious disease has increased, with the removal of virtually all public health measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19; the flu, other respiratory illnesses, and a severe […]

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RELEASE: New report on the spread of COVID, LTC outbreaks, hospitalizations & deaths raises red flags despite the Ford government’s suppression of COVID Data

(October 21, 2022) Toronto – The Ford government has ceased regular reporting on the spread of COVID-19. Public Health no longer publishes daily and weekly epidemiologic reports and it has become steadily more difficult to get accurate numbers. Not only are the government and Public Health not reporting much of the data previously available, they […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Furious at the “grotesque” ageism and violation of human rights, advocates respond to Ford government’s planned regulations to push elderly patients out of hospital

(September 15, 2022) Toronto – The Ford government has released its regulations under the euphemistically titled More Beds, Better Care Act (formerly Bill 7) today. The regulations are the details under the legislation to provide new powers to push elderly patients and people with chronic care needs out of hospitals, overriding their right to consent. […]

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LETTER & RELEASE: “Rife with discrimination against the elderly,” Bill 7 prompts advocates to escalate call for Human Rights Commission investigation into systemic ageism in Ontario health policy

(August 31, 2022) Toronto, ON – At a press conference held today, the Ontario Health Coalition (OHC), the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly (ACE), and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) announced they are escalating their call for the Ontario Human Rights Commission to launch a formal inquiry into systemic discrimination in the provision […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Ford Government’s Claims Re. Forcing Elderly Patients into Long-Term Care in Contravention of their Right to Consent

(August 25, 2022) Toronto – Here are the facts about the Ford government’s new legislation, Bill 7 – More Beds, Better Care Act, 2022, which was introduced in the Legislature last week and is currently under debate. The government has made an array of claims, some of which have been printed in major media stories, […]

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RELEASE: Doug Ford’s new legislation being pushed through the Legislature gives new powers to force the elderly & persons with disabilities into substandard long-term care homes: “morally repugnant”

(August 19, 2022) Advocates and experts spoke with one voice today decrying the new law that the Ford government introduced yesterday and intends to pass within just two weeks. The new law, disingenuously titled “More Beds, Better Care Act” gives new powers to force the elderly and persons with disabilities who are waiting in hospitals […]

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FACT CHECKER & RELEASE: Health Coalition response to Ford government’s plans to move seniors out of hospitals & privatize hospital diagnostics and surgeries to for-profit clinics and hospitals

(August 18, 2022) The Ford government released what it called a five-point health care plan this morning in a press conference. In summary: On COVID-19 there was nothing new. On the unprecedented staffing crisis in Ontario’s hospitals, long-term care and home care, there was another in a long string of reannouncements of plans to bring […]

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RELEASE: Health Care System Besieged by COVID-19: Health Coalition demands Ford answer for lack of action

(January 20, 2022) Toronto – There are more than 4,000 patients with COVID-19 in Ontario’s hospitals, an all time high for this pandemic. Staffing levels across hospitals, long-term care and home care are catastrophic. Yet there is still no response from the Ford government except to talk about lifting public health measures. There are 594 […]

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RELEASE: Emergency Measures Needed to Address the Health Care Staffing Crisis

(January 14, 2022) Ontario’s hospitals, long-term care (LTC) and home care services face critical and growing staffing crises. Our province’s health care system is not on the brink of crisis, it is in crisis. It is not an overstatement to describe a number of facilities and services as being in staffing collapse. The Ontario government […]

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RELEASE & BRIEFING NOTE: Ontario Health Coalition Demands Answers from Ford Government on Long-Term Care & Hospital Crisis

(January 13, 2022) Toronto — The Ontario Health Coalition issued a statement today demanding that the Ford government explain what it is going to do about the spiralling crisis in Ontario’s long-term care homes and hospitals, and answer for their lack of preparedness. “The failures at this point in the pandemic are inexcusable,” said Natalie […]

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RELEASE: OHC Raises Alarm About Ford Government’s New Emergency Order Transferring Hospital ALC Patients Without Consent into LTC and Retirement Homes

(April 28, 2021) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition, which has for decades advocated for an end to hospital cuts and an expansion of capacity in our public hospitals and long-term care homes, reacted with shock and opposition to today’s new emergency order made by the Ford government that will enable forced transfers of patients […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget: Health Coalition is Watching for Sufficient Health Funding, Strings Attached in For-Profit LTC & A Stop to the Ford Government’s Privatization of Health Care

(March 24, 2021) Toronto – The Health Coalition said today that the funding numbers for health care in the budget are going to look huge of course, due to the pandemic, but the Coalition will be watching to make sure that funding is indeed enough. Equally important to the amount of funding, are strings attached […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: Almost 4,000 Dead in Long-Term Care as We Approach End of Wave 2: Wave 2 Deaths Exceed Wave I

(March 12, 2021) Toronto – As the devastation of the second wave of COVID-19 abates, we are left with certainty that Ontario failed to adequately prepare its health care setting despite months of warning. The Ontario Health Coalition has been tracking COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings since mid-March, and released a new report today […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Health Care Outbreaks are Still Fatally High: Long-Term Care Deaths Surpass Wave I & COVID-19 Infections 50% More than Wave I

(February 17, 2021) Toronto – The results of the Ford government’s inaction prior to the winter holidays are in, and the second wave of COVID-19 now has 50% more long-term care cases than the first wave. The Ontario Health Coalition has been tracking COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings since mid-March, and released a new […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Outbreaks in Health Care Settings Threaten to Topple Devastating Records Set in the First Wave

(January 11, 2021) The second wave of COVID-19 in long-term care has sharply escalated, today surpassing the peak of the first wave, and is spreading further across the province than the first wave.  The Ontario Health Coalition released its latest tracking report covering the large outbreaks in health care settings, including long-term care, hospitals and […]

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RELEASE: Emergency: COVID-19 Crisis Situation In Ontario Requires Stronger Measures AND Stronger Supports for People Impacted, Today is Deadliest Day of Pandemic So Far

(January 7, 2021) Toronto – Today is the deadliest day of the pandemic so far, 89 people died in the last 24-hour period. By every measure the situation is critical, warns the Ontario Health Coalition, and there can be no question remaining that stronger measures are needed to control the devastation the virus is wreaking. […]

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RELEASE: By No Measure are they Under Control: Large Outbreaks of COVID-19 in Long-Term Care, Hospitals, Retirement Homes Escalating Sharply- New Tracking Report

(December 3, 2020) Toronto — The number of large COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings is escalating sharply reports the Ontario Health Coalition. Despite the rhetoric by political leaders minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in recent weeks, the Coalition’s new tracking report shows alarming numbers infected in the spread of the virus through large outbreaks […]

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RELEASE: 181 COVID-19 outbreaks in health care settings leaving 89 residents dead & more than 1,800 staff & patients infected in 6-wks, numbers way up across the board, warns Ontario Health Coalition

(November 4, 2020) Toronto- The spread of COVID-19 in long-term care, retirement homes and hospitals is growing at an alarming rate. By every measure– case numbers, number and size of outbreaks and death numbers which follow the former a few weeks later — COVID-19 is spreading much more rapidly. Tracking from the period of September […]

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RELEASE & OPEN LETTER: Ford Government Given Failing Marks in Response to Recommendations on Long-Term Care COVID-19 Response in Joint Open Letter from more than 200 Organizations Representing Almost 2 Million Ontarians

(June 30, 2020) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition issued an open letter to Premier Doug Ford on May 28, 2020 calling for key improvements to safety and care in Ontario’s beleaguered long-term care homes where more than 1,860 residents and staff have died as a result of COVID-19. Recently a number of media reports, […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Outbreaks Have Grown Exponentially In Health Care Settings: Health Coalition tracking report finds 3,783 people infected and 435 patients/residents/staff deceased

(April 23, 2020) Today, the Ontario Health Coalition released a 70-page report tracking 1,127 confirmed staff, 1,936 residents/ patients and 720 additional confirmed cases (for whom public health authorities did not specify whether they are health care staff or patients) for a total of 3,783 people who have been infected with COVID-19 in health care […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Pre-budget brief: Ontario so far behind that emergency funding just brings us to where we should have been pre-COVID-19

(March 25, 2020) In advance of the Ford government’s economic statement being released this afternoon, the Ontario Health Coalition released an analysis of the numbers to date to give some context to the announcements that are being made regarding COVID-19 health care funding as follows: “We believe that governments are beginning to flow resources and […]

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RELEASE: COVID-19 Roundup: Health Workers/LTC Residents Infected, Government Supports & Relief Measures

(March 24, 2020) A printable version of the COVID-19 roundup can be found here. ———- We have gathered the following information (sources are included) for your information. This round up includes: List of COVID-19 Assessment Centres in Ontario Number of cases/status in Ontario List of hospital and long-term care health care workers & long-term care […]

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RELEASE: Residents Plan to Step Up Pressure to Ask MPP Fedeli to Save the North Bay Hospital’s Residential Addictions Treatment Program

(March 11, 2020) North Bay – About 40 people attended a public meeting last night to plan next steps to save the North Bay hospital’s residential addictions treatment program and committed to ratcheting up the pressure to ask MPP the Honourable Vic Fedeli to step in and stop the closure. The next step will be […]

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RELEASE: New CBC Hospital Overcrowding Data Should Compel Much More Substantive & Urgent Response from Ford Government: Health Coalition

(January 22, 2020) Toronto – Responding to the CBC’s release of new Ontario hospital overcrowding data that shows the majority of the province’s hospitals have been operating at gravely unsafe levels of overcrowding for more than a month out of the most recent six months measured, the Ontario Health Coalition reported that the data should […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition & Broad Array of Groups Launch Campaign to Build Mass “Stadium-filling” Event to Save Local Health Care Services

(October 10, 2019) Chatham/S/W Ontario – Groups from Chatham Kent and across Southwestern Ontario are coming together to build an event that cannot be ignored. Their goal is to save the local Public Health Units and ambulance services from closure and protect their local governance. The groups are also advocating to stop funding cuts to […]

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RELEASE: Ford Governments Health Cuts Negatively Impact Patient Care: Coalition Calls Out Ford Government for “Dissembling” and Lack of Public Accountability

(June 19, 2019) Toronto – In what the Health Coalition has termed a bad news day for Ontario’s health care, the Ford government revealed that it has eliminated more than 800 full-time equivalent positions in the LHINs (Local Health Integration Network) and in the six health care agencies (including Cancer Care Ontario, Health Quality Ontario, […]

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RELEASE: Ford’s ambulance and public health cuts and restructuring come with high costs, reduced services: Coalition warns

(April 18, 2019) Toronto – It has been done before and it resulted in enormous costs, not savings, and it compromised services. This was the message of the Ontario Health Coalition in reaction to the growing array of health care services that the Doug Ford government plans to restructure and cut. The Coalition released their […]

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RELEASE: Budget Health Care Briefing: What is being Cut, Myth Buster, What is Coming

(April 11, 2019) Toronto – In anticipation of this afternoon’s budget the Ontario Health Coalition provided a budget health care briefing for Ontarians.  The Coalition will issue an update after the budget is released. “There have been a lot of re-announcements and PR spin to cover for what is the leading edge of the most […]

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RELEASE, ANALYSIS & BRIEFING NOTE: Health Care Omnibus Bill Sets Up Ontario for Health System Mega-Mergers & Privatization: Worse than the Leaked Draft, Health Coalition Warns

(Updated: April 1, 2019) Click here for our submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 74 (April 2019) Click here for update on health omnibus bill hearings (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill briefing note (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill media […]

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VIDEO: Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott obfuscate questions on health privatization

Analysis Watch as Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott sidestep the opposition leader, Andrea Horwath’s, question in the legislature on whether private for-profit health corporations will play a role in Bill 74, the new health care legislation. The Ford government repeatedly refuses to disavow for-profit privatization of our public health care system. It is […]

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RELEASE: Warning that Leaked Health Care Omnibus Bill Would Create Health Care Chaos: Longstanding Leaders of Organizations Representing Patients, Care Workers, Doctors

Academic leaders, democracy advocates, patient advocates, front-line care workers and doctors are all speaking with one voice when it comes to the leaked health care omnibus bill that has secretly been planned by the Ford government for months: if passed, it would cause health care chaos that will last for years. Speaking at a Queen’s […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Election 2018 Health Care Resources

Click on each heading for Ontario election resources: **New  Leaflet inside (note: if printing use legal size paper)  Leaflet outside (note: if printing used legal size paper) Election Platform- top issues and “asks” for our political parties Media Release Provincial Election Platform release Health Care Questions for Candidates  All Candidates’ Meetings Media coverage of Health […]

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RELEASE: $22 billion in cuts to funding for public services planned by Mr. Ford, worse than Harris, we are “extremely worried”

posted June 3, 2018

By Natalie Mehra, Executive Director Many Ontarians are captured by the idea of getting the same or more services for less money. But few know what the numbers might actually mean. Since Doug Ford did not release a clear platform, Ontarians know more about how much a beer may cost if the Conservative leader is […]

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RELEASE: Provincial Election Discussion Should be About Rebuilding Public Hospitals & Long-Term Care Not “Efficiencies” or “Lean” or Code Words for Cuts: Health Coalition Calls for Concrete Commitments to Redress the Crisis in Access to Care

(May 16, 2018) Toronto – After touring Ontario in recent weeks, Health Coalition spokeswoman Natalie Mehra returned to Toronto this morning at a press conference outside the Emergency Department at Mount Sinai Hospital to talk about the crisis in access to health care. Noting that the Coalition’s mandate is to protect public health care in […]

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RELEASE: Deeply concerned about Doug Ford’s planned revenue cuts, comparison of parties’ commitments on key health care issues

(April 13, 2018) Toronto – Following the release of Doug Fords “platform” the Ontario Health Coalition has tried to analyze how Mr. Ford’s plan will impact health care funding.  Over the next four years, with four days until the provincial election we still have no firm commitment on the level of hospital funding, nor any […]

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RELEASE: Doug Ford’s Figures “Way Off”: Coalition Deeply Concerned About His Statements on Hospitals in Northern Ontario

(April 13, 2018) On this week’s swing through Northwestern Ontario PC Party Leader Doug Ford cited wildly incorrect numbers for hospital bed costs and raised the spectre of another round of hospital bed cuts. Mr. Ford was quoted in Thunder Bay’s media yesterday falsely stating that comparable hospital beds cost $3,500 while long-term care beds […]

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RELEASE: Better but not cured:  Health Coalition responds to Wynne pre-election funding announcement

(March 22, 2018) Toronto – Today’s hospital funding announcement is a move in the right direction but still falls short, the Ontario Health Coalition reported at Queen’s Park after the announcement. Premier Kathleen Wynne announced a 4.6 per cent increase in hospital funding to be unveiled in next week’s provincial Budget, just weeks in advance […]

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RELEASE: Health Minister’s hospital bed announcement welcome but it is only a temporary band aid, more is needed: Health Coalition

Health Minister’s hospital bed announcement welcome but it is only a temporary band aid, more is needed: Health Coalition (February 2, 2018)  Toronto – “Although the Minister’s announcement today promising to extend funding for 1,235 ‘temporary’ hospital beds for one year is a positive step it is only a temporary band aid that will not […]

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RELEASE: Thousands of Patients Lining Hospital Hallways in Brampton “Code Gridlock” Just the Tip of the Iceberg

(October 31, 2017) Coalition Calls for Long-Term Plan to Reinvest & Rebuild Hospital Bed Capacity Toronto – A memo obtained by the NDP, released in the media today, reveals that more than 4,300 patients stayed on stretchers in hospital corridors and the like for significant lengths of time, often waiting 40 – 70 hours for […]

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RELEASE: Wynne Government’s Hospital Bed Announcement a Temporary Band-Aid But Health Coalition Slams Expanding Health Care Privatization

(October 23, 2017) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition congratulated the Health Minister for recognizing the crisis in Ontario’s hospitals and announcing 1,200 new hospital beds today. However, the coalition cautioned that this is only temporary band-aid that will partially alleviate the crisis but not solve it. One-fourth of the hospital money announced today was […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: The Elephant at the Health Ministers’ Meetings: How Will Provinces Cope with $31 Billion Cut

(October 18, 2017) New National Report Outlines the Huge Cost of the Failed Health Accord As Health Ministers from across Canada meet in Edmonton today, Canada’s Health Coalitions released a report showing the recent bilateral health schemes pushed through by the Trudeau government have come at a huge cost.  The report “Health Accord Breakdown: Costs […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget Health Care Investments Do Not Meet Expectations: Hospital Funding Inadequate to Stop Cuts & Meet Community’s Needs

(April 27, 2017) Despite the hype, the Ontario Budget did not provide the relief from a decade of hospital cuts that was hoped. Overall health funding will increase by 3 percent, less than the rest of the public sector. Home and community care funding increases are positive and appear to remain at the same rate […]

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RELEASE: More than 94,000 Ontarians Join in Grassroots Referendum to Stop Devastating Hospital Cuts

(May 31, 2016) Massive Piles of Votes delivered to Opposition Party Leaders Outside Ontario Legislature Toronto – From across Ontario representatives from dozens of communities facing devastating cuts to their community hospitals carted thousands of ballots to the Ontario Legislature. The votes – 93,840 of them as of last night – were cast in a […]

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RELEASE: Volunteer-Led Referendum Launched Across Ontario to Save Local Hospitals: Ontarians to Vote Saturday May 28

(April 25, 2016) Volunteer-Led Referendum Launched Across Ontario to Save Local Hospitals: Ontarians to Vote Saturday May 28                                                                       (Toronto, ON) […]

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RELEASE: Welland Hospital Awareness Day at Ontario Legislature: Patients, Residents Demand Plan to Close Welland Hospital Be Stopped

(March 21, 2016)   Toronto – At a press conference today at Queen’s Park, patients and concerned citizens from Welland issued an urgent plea to Ontario’s Minister of Health to overturn the decision to close the Welland Hospital, telling him that more than 100,000 people served by the Welland Hospital will suffer worse access to […]

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RELEASE: Welland Hospital Plan Unveiled: Precarious Services are No Replacement for Hospital Closure, Coalition Warns

(March 18, 2016) Welland/Niagara/Toronto: The Niagara Health System (NHS) revealed a sliver of its hospital plans today. In its email to the media, the hospital outlined its new proposal for an ambulatory care centre (outpatient clinics), an “urgent care” centre (walk-in clinic) and long-term care beds to be located in Welland. The timing of the […]

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RELEASE: Devastating Hospital Cuts & Flawed Process for Health Reform Consultation: Key Issues for this Session of the Ontario Legislature

(February 16, 2016) Toronto – Ontario’s premier stated that jobs and the economy are her priorities for this session of Ontario’s Legislature, which opened today. Impacting both jobs and local economies but not part of the Premier’s media messages, two key health care issues impacting Ontario’s communities will also be on the front-burner, including: Devastating […]

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RELEASE: More than 80,000 Ontarians Vote to Stop Wynne Government Plan to Cut Local Community Hospitals and Contract Out Care to Private Clinics: Health Care Advocates Call On the Premier and New Health Minister to Stop the Privatization Plan

(July 8, 2014) One of the first major controversial issues faced by Ontario’s new Health Minister is the government’s plan to cut clinical services from local public hospitals and contract them out to regional private clinics. Today at the Ontario Legislature, hundreds of health care advocates representing every region of Ontario gathered to deliver more […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget: Austerity Continues For Community Hospitals Plus Some Good News on Minimum Wage, Pensions

(May 1, 2014) In today’s Budget Speech, the Minister of Finance pledged “what we will not do is sacrifice important public services”. But for the fifth year in a row, community hospitals will see their funding levels set below the rate of inflation which will result in further cuts to needed care services, movement of […]

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RELEASE: More than 56,000 Ontarians vote to stop the dismantling of community hospitals in volunteer-led referendum: Health Coalition

(April 7, 2014) Over the last two and a half weeks, hundreds of volunteers with the Ontario Health Coalition have opened public voting stations to collect opinions about the government’s plan to cut services from local community hospitals and contract them out to high-volume private clinics. Balloting at over 100 voting stations and over 200 […]

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RELEASE: Scarborough-Ajax Facing Among the Worst Hospital Cuts in Ontario: Campaign Launched to Protect Services

(October 15, 2013) Today the Scarborough Health Coalition launched a campaign in Scarborough to protect hospital services. According to hospital documents, $28 million in “savings” must be found next year, meaning millions of dollars in hospital service cuts are underway and even more are being planned. The campaign will include town hall meetings, mass leafleting […]

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RELEASE: Ontario’s Wynne Government Plans to Bring In Private Clinics: Threatens Non-Profit Community Hospital Care

(October 8, 2013) The Ontario government plans to introduce private specialty clinics to take the place of local community hospitals’ services. The government’s proposal would bring in legal regulations under the Independent Health Facilities Act and the Local Health System Integration Act to usher in private clinics and shut down services in community hospitals.

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RELEASE: “OHC Austerity Index Part II” details how Hospital Cuts and Privatization Reach New Levels: Coalition Announces “S.O.S.” – Save Our Services – Day of Action

(January 25, 2013) At a Queen’s Park press conference this morning, the Ontario Health Coalition, representing more than 400 organizations dedicated to protecting public health care, warned that the Ontario government’s austerity budget is causing unprecedented cuts to and privatization of hospital services.

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RELEASE: Health Minister’s Veiled Threat Likened to Bullying: Health Coalition Livid over Health Minister’s Tactics

(November 9, 2012) Response by the Ontario and Niagara Health Coalitions to threats by Ontario Health Minister Deb Matthews’ to cancel the proposed hospital of Niagara. According to Matthews, if Niagara municipal leaders criticize her appointee’s choice of location for a still-fictional new hospital, the project – which has never been approved anyway – may […]

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RELEASE: Response to Niagara Hospital Consolidation Proposal

(May 3, 2012) Niagara Health System’s government-appointed Supervisor Kevin Smith has released an interim report recommending hospital restructuring in Niagara, including the closure of all the local hospitals outside of St. Catharines and the eventual construction of a new “mega hospital”. The OHC released a response to this proposal.

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RELEASE: McGuinty Government Fails to Take Hospital Secrecy off the Table – Amendment to Budget Bill Gives Hospitals Wide Berth to Hide Information

(April/May 2011) The Ontario Health Coalition released a report appealing for equity and improved access to hospital services in rural Ontario. The report “Toward Access and Equality: Realigning Ontario’s Approach to Small and Rural Hospitals to Serve Public Values” is based on input received from more than 1,150 people who attended 12 hearings in regions […]

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REPORT: Toward Equality and Access: Realigning Ontario’s Approach to Small and Rural Hospitals to Serve Public Values

(May 17, 2010) The Ontario Health Coalition released a report appealing for equity and improved access to hospital services in rural Ontario. The report “Toward Access and Equality: Realigning Ontario’s Approach to Small and Rural Hospitals to Serve Public Values” is based on input received from more than 1,150 people who attended 12 hearings in […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget Will Not Help Save Hospitals from Closures, Cuts, Mass Layoffs

(March 26, 2009) In hard economic times, McGuinty’s failure to sustain local hospitals is out of line with the values and priorities of Ontarians.

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Announces Major Campaign in Response to Hospital Supervisor’s Refusal to Compromise

(August 26, 2008) Midland – No matter how Dr. Kevin Smith – provincially appointed supervisor for Huronia District Hospital- wants to dress it up, he is still recommending the elimination of the voting rights of 2400 community members and the 100 year history of democratic hospital governance, said the Southern Georgian Bay Health Coalition in response to […]

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Up to 23 New Hospitals to Be Privatized Under Government’s 5-Year Infrastructure Plan: Coalition Launches Major Plebiscite to Keep Hospitals Public

(May 25, 2005) Toronto/St. Catharines – Today the Ontario government released its 5-Year privatization plan for the province’s hospitals. The Plan was released on the heels of the launch of a major anti-P3 plebiscite in St. Catharines to keep the community’s new hospital public. The plebiscite is the first in a series planned for communities […]

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Up to 23 New Hospitals to Be Privatized Under Government’s 5-Year Infrastructure Plan: Coalition Launches Major Plebiscite to Keep Hospitals Public

(May 25, 2005) Ontario Health Coalition 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Y8 tel: 416-441-2502 fax: 416-441-4073 email: May 25, 2005  For Immediate Release Attn: Assignment Editor Up to 23 New Hospitals to Be Privatized Under Government’s 5-Year Infrastructure Plan: Coalition Launches Major Plebiscite to Keep Hospitals Public Toronto/St. Catharines – […]

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Budget Announcement Outlines Wholesale Hospital Privatization: Health Coalition Outraged at Betrayal

(May 11, 2005) Ontario Health Coalition 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 305, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Y8 Phone (416) 441-2502 Fax (416) 441-4073 email May 11, 2005 For Immediate Release Attn: Assignment Editor Budget Announcement Outlines Wholesale Hospital Privatization: Health Coalition Outraged at Betrayal Toronto – The Ontario government has announced its intention to bring in […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Health Coalition Vows to Continue Legal Action to Keep Hospitals Public

(October 1, 2003) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition and partners will file further legal action today to stop the Ministry of Health from signing off on any private (P3) hospital deals before the election or before the new government takes power. We are also continuing with our original legal case to nullify the signing […]

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RELEASE: Clement Plays with the Facts – Misrepresents Brampton Hospital Privatization

(September 26, 2003) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: $1.3 billion in private hospital deals since kick-off of election outrageous: Ontario Health Coalition

(September 26, 2003) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: For-Profit Hospitals & Clinics threaten the Future of Medicare

(March 31, 2003) Click here for Media Release

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RELEASE: Coalition Urges Government to Stop the Cover-Up in Hospital Emergency Services

(March 19, 2001) The OHC responds to the re-announcement of reorganized ambulance to hospital communications systems by lambasting the Minister for engaging in a propaganda strategy instead of taking serious steps to deal with critical issues affecting the province’s emergency rooms.

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