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Cuts+Restructuring Media Releases


RELEASE: Community and union leaders announce legal action, demand Ford declare a moratorium to save the Durham hospital

(May 23, 2024) Toronto, Grey Bruce – The Durham hospital, located in Grey County, dates back to 1910. Its community supported its survival through two World Wars, the Great Depression, amalgamation, and many local hospital boards and provincial governments. Now, after more than a century, it is facing a potentially fatal blow with the imminent […]

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FACT SHEET: Two-Tier Health Care and Private Clinics

(March 8, 2022) Canada Health Act Principles The 1984 Canada Health Act is rooted in the core principles of equity and compassion. Its primary objective is “to protect, promote, and restore the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and to facilitate reasonable access to health services without financial or other barriers.” The Canada […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalitions Call for Increased Federal Health Care Funding and Accountability

(December 10, 2020) Ottawa, December 10, 2020- Canada’s premiers are meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to request an increase to federal funding for health care. Health coalitions from across the country support the call for a long-term increase to the Canada Health Transfer (CHT). This funding must be accompanied by a robust accountability framework […]

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RELEASE & SUBMISSION: Ford Government’s New Home Care Bill “Irredeemable” and Should Not Be Pushed Through During a Pandemic: Coalition Calls for it to be Withdrawn

(June 15, 2020) Toronto — The Ontario Health Coalition released its submission on Bill 175, the Ford government’s new home care law which guts existing home and community care legislation, dismantles public oversight and parcels out currently public home care functions to an array of providers including for-profit companies, according to the Coalition’s analysis. Coalition […]

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RELEASE & BACKGROUNDER: Pre-budget brief: Ontario so far behind that emergency funding just brings us to where we should have been pre-COVID-19

(March 25, 2020) In advance of the Ford government’s economic statement being released this afternoon, the Ontario Health Coalition released an analysis of the numbers to date to give some context to the announcements that are being made regarding COVID-19 health care funding as follows: “We believe that governments are beginning to flow resources and […]

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RELEASE: Residents Plan to Step Up Pressure to Ask MPP Fedeli to Save the North Bay Hospital’s Residential Addictions Treatment Program

(March 11, 2020) North Bay – About 40 people attended a public meeting last night to plan next steps to save the North Bay hospital’s residential addictions treatment program and committed to ratcheting up the pressure to ask MPP the Honourable Vic Fedeli to step in and stop the closure. The next step will be […]

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RELEASE: New CBC Hospital Overcrowding Data Should Compel Much More Substantive & Urgent Response from Ford Government: Health Coalition

(January 22, 2020) Toronto – Responding to the CBC’s release of new Ontario hospital overcrowding data that shows the majority of the province’s hospitals have been operating at gravely unsafe levels of overcrowding for more than a month out of the most recent six months measured, the Ontario Health Coalition reported that the data should […]

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SUBMISSION: Ontario Health Coalition’s Pre-Budget Submission to the Ontario Legislative Assembly

(January 17, 2020) Natalie Mehra, Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition, presented to the Ontario Legislature’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs today. Here is the Ontario Health Coalition’s pre-budget submission. It contains updated data on public health care funding in Ontario (2nd lowest rate in Canada); public hospital funding in Ontario (lowest in […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition & Broad Array of Groups Launch Campaign to Build Mass “Stadium-filling” Event to Save Local Health Care Services

(October 10, 2019) Chatham/S/W Ontario – Groups from Chatham Kent and across Southwestern Ontario are coming together to build an event that cannot be ignored. Their goal is to save the local Public Health Units and ambulance services from closure and protect their local governance. The groups are also advocating to stop funding cuts to […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government Cuts to Long-Term Care Funding Risk Already Over-Stressed Care Levels   

(July 10, 2019) Toronto — The Ontario Health Coalition raises concerns about the Ford government’s funding cuts to long-term care. The Ontario Health Coalition has been made aware that level of care funding has experienced significant real dollar cuts. The per diem rate has been increased by 1%, which does not meet the rate of […]

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RELEASE: Ford Governments Health Cuts Negatively Impact Patient Care: Coalition Calls Out Ford Government for “Dissembling” and Lack of Public Accountability

(June 19, 2019) Toronto – In what the Health Coalition has termed a bad news day for Ontario’s health care, the Ford government revealed that it has eliminated more than 800 full-time equivalent positions in the LHINs (Local Health Integration Network) and in the six health care agencies (including Cancer Care Ontario, Health Quality Ontario, […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Health Coalition Statement on Today’s Mental Health Funding Announcement by Ford Government

(May 6, 2019) Toronto – Today the Ford government announced mental health funding that appears had previously been announced, and in any case is actually a cut to planned mental health funding. This is being reported by the media as if it is an increase and as if it is new money without any critical analysis. […]

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RELEASE: More than 10,000 Protest to tell Ford Government to stop health privatization, cuts

(May 1, 2019) Toronto –  They came from across Ontario in the middle of a work day by the thousands with a message for the Doug Ford government. From a stage in front of the Ontario Legislature Natalie Mehra, executive director of the Ontario Health Coalition called on the crowd of more than 10,000 to […]

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UPDATE: 13++ Reasons to Come to the Giant Health Care Rally!

Doug Ford made cuts to OHIP+ and families with sick children now need to seek private insurance and pay deductibles and co-payments on medications for their sick children. Doug Ford cut planned mental health funding by more than $330 million! Doug Ford canceled ALL new planned overdose prevention sites. Doug Ford cut over $700,000 in […]

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RELEASE: Unprecedented Health Action Day Calls on Doug Ford to Halt Health Privatization Plans

Toronto – For the first time, more than 150,000 health professionals, nurses, support workers, doctors and tens of thousands of patient advocates are joining together in a Health Action Day, unified in their deep concern that the Ford government intends unprecedented health care privatization.  In hospitals and other health facilities tens of thousands will wear […]

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RELEASE: Ford’s ambulance and public health cuts and restructuring come with high costs, reduced services: Coalition warns

(April 18, 2019) Toronto – It has been done before and it resulted in enormous costs, not savings, and it compromised services. This was the message of the Ontario Health Coalition in reaction to the growing array of health care services that the Doug Ford government plans to restructure and cut. The Coalition released their […]

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RELEASE: Budget Health Care Briefing: What is being Cut, Myth Buster, What is Coming

(April 11, 2019) Toronto – In anticipation of this afternoon’s budget the Ontario Health Coalition provided a budget health care briefing for Ontarians.  The Coalition will issue an update after the budget is released. “There have been a lot of re-announcements and PR spin to cover for what is the leading edge of the most […]

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RELEASE, ANALYSIS & BRIEFING NOTE: Health Care Omnibus Bill Sets Up Ontario for Health System Mega-Mergers & Privatization: Worse than the Leaked Draft, Health Coalition Warns

(Updated: April 1, 2019) Click here for our submission to the Standing Committee on Social Policy regarding Bill 74 (April 2019) Click here for update on health omnibus bill hearings (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill briefing note (March 2019) Click here for printable version of health omnibus bill media […]

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VIDEO: Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott obfuscate questions on health privatization

Analysis Watch as Doug Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott sidestep the opposition leader, Andrea Horwath’s, question in the legislature on whether private for-profit health corporations will play a role in Bill 74, the new health care legislation. The Ford government repeatedly refuses to disavow for-profit privatization of our public health care system. It is […]

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EVENTS: Town Hall Meetings

(March 22, 2019) The Ford government is proposing massive restructuring to hospitals, long-term care, home care, community care, mental health, etc. The new legislation, which has been forged with no public consultation whatsoever, will take away local control of health care services. Protect our local health care services from mega-mergers and privatization. Town Hall Meetings – Locations, […]

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RELEASE: Ford Government is Steamrolling Health Restructuring Law Through in “Outrageously Undemocratic” Process Warns Health Coalition: Local Services at Risk

(March 18, 2019) The Ontario Health Coalition expressed outrage at the process by which the Ford government is rushing their new sweeping health care restructuring legislation through and is demanding public hearings across Ontario. In the new law, the Ford government has given itself new powers to order the privatization of health care services, along […]

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RELEASE: Warning that Leaked Health Care Omnibus Bill Would Create Health Care Chaos: Longstanding Leaders of Organizations Representing Patients, Care Workers, Doctors

Academic leaders, democracy advocates, patient advocates, front-line care workers and doctors are all speaking with one voice when it comes to the leaked health care omnibus bill that has secretly been planned by the Ford government for months: if passed, it would cause health care chaos that will last for years. Speaking at a Queen’s […]

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RELEASE: Leaked omnibus health bill goes far beyond merging the LHINs

posted February 1, 2019

(February 1, 2019) Preliminary analysis reveals new unprecedented powers to order privatization and contracting out, mega-mergers and the elimination of public interest provisions in LHIN legislation   By: Natalie Mehra, executive director Many of you will have heard about the new health care legislation drafted in secret by the Ford government and revealed to the […]

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BLOG POST: Ford Government Health Care Report Not a Prescription for a Cure: Coalition Takes Serious Issue with Devlin’s Claims

(January 31, 2019) Toronto — Rueben Devlin’s report was released today with the central communications headline from the Ford government that more hospital beds will not solve hallway medicine. This is politically and factually untrue, warned the Ontario Health Coalition. Mr. Devlin is the former CEO of Humber River Regional Hospital, where, under his leadership, […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Extremely Concerned About LHIN Restructuring Rumours

(January 24, 2019) Health Coalition Extremely Concerned About LHIN Restructuring Rumours Toronto – Following the story that broke on CBC news this morning revealing rumours that Ontario’s fourteen local health integration networks (LHINs) will be restructured into five the Ontario Health Coalition has raised questions about the Ford government’s intentions regarding this restructuring rumour. The […]

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RELEASE: Thousands Demand Doug Ford Disavow Health Care Privatization and Cuts – Other Political Parties Respond Positively to Coalition’s Demand for Services to be Rebuilt & Restored

(October 23, 2018) Thousands Demand Doug Ford Disavow Health Care Privatization and Cuts, Other Political Parties Respond Positively to Coalition’s Demand for Services to be Rebuilt & Restored Toronto – “Hands Off Our Health Care” chanted a capacity crowd of an estimated 8,000 people who joined hands and encircled Queen’s Park today at the largest […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Election 2018 Health Care Resources

Click on each heading for Ontario election resources: **New  Leaflet inside (note: if printing use legal size paper)  Leaflet outside (note: if printing used legal size paper) Election Platform- top issues and “asks” for our political parties Media Release Provincial Election Platform release Health Care Questions for Candidates  All Candidates’ Meetings Media coverage of Health […]

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RELEASE: $22 billion in cuts to funding for public services planned by Mr. Ford, worse than Harris, we are “extremely worried”

posted June 3, 2018

By Natalie Mehra, Executive Director Many Ontarians are captured by the idea of getting the same or more services for less money. But few know what the numbers might actually mean. Since Doug Ford did not release a clear platform, Ontarians know more about how much a beer may cost if the Conservative leader is […]

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RELEASE: Provincial Election Discussion Should be About Rebuilding Public Hospitals & Long-Term Care Not “Efficiencies” or “Lean” or Code Words for Cuts: Health Coalition Calls for Concrete Commitments to Redress the Crisis in Access to Care

(May 16, 2018) Toronto – After touring Ontario in recent weeks, Health Coalition spokeswoman Natalie Mehra returned to Toronto this morning at a press conference outside the Emergency Department at Mount Sinai Hospital to talk about the crisis in access to health care. Noting that the Coalition’s mandate is to protect public health care in […]

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RELEASE: Deeply concerned about Doug Ford’s planned revenue cuts, comparison of parties’ commitments on key health care issues

(April 13, 2018) Toronto – Following the release of Doug Fords “platform” the Ontario Health Coalition has tried to analyze how Mr. Ford’s plan will impact health care funding.  Over the next four years, with four days until the provincial election we still have no firm commitment on the level of hospital funding, nor any […]

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RELEASE: Doug Ford’s Figures “Way Off”: Coalition Deeply Concerned About His Statements on Hospitals in Northern Ontario

(April 13, 2018) On this week’s swing through Northwestern Ontario PC Party Leader Doug Ford cited wildly incorrect numbers for hospital bed costs and raised the spectre of another round of hospital bed cuts. Mr. Ford was quoted in Thunder Bay’s media yesterday falsely stating that comparable hospital beds cost $3,500 while long-term care beds […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: New Bill Allows Private For-Profit Hospitals & More Private For-Profit Clinics

(November 23, 2017) The Ontario government is moving forward with legislation that lifts the ban on private hospitals, rolls private hospitals in with private clinics and renames them, offensively, Community Health Facilities, and makes it easier for private hospitals and clinics to expand and more difficult for the Minister to stop them. This legislation was brought […]

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VIDEO: Impassioned debate in legislature on hospital cuts featuring quotes from OHC

(November 2, 2017) Analysis The Ontario Health Coalition’s media release was featured in an impassioned debate in the Legislature. Following upon revelations that more than 4,300 patients were treated on stretchers in hallways and other makeshift areas in the first four months of this year in Brampton’s hospital, many waiting 40 – 70 hours for […]

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RELEASE: Thousands of Patients Lining Hospital Hallways in Brampton “Code Gridlock” Just the Tip of the Iceberg

(October 31, 2017) Coalition Calls for Long-Term Plan to Reinvest & Rebuild Hospital Bed Capacity Toronto – A memo obtained by the NDP, released in the media today, reveals that more than 4,300 patients stayed on stretchers in hospital corridors and the like for significant lengths of time, often waiting 40 – 70 hours for […]

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RELEASE: Wynne Government’s Hospital Bed Announcement a Temporary Band-Aid But Health Coalition Slams Expanding Health Care Privatization

(October 23, 2017) Toronto – The Ontario Health Coalition congratulated the Health Minister for recognizing the crisis in Ontario’s hospitals and announcing 1,200 new hospital beds today. However, the coalition cautioned that this is only temporary band-aid that will partially alleviate the crisis but not solve it. One-fourth of the hospital money announced today was […]

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RELEASE & REPORT: The Elephant at the Health Ministers’ Meetings: How Will Provinces Cope with $31 Billion Cut

(October 18, 2017) New National Report Outlines the Huge Cost of the Failed Health Accord As Health Ministers from across Canada meet in Edmonton today, Canada’s Health Coalitions released a report showing the recent bilateral health schemes pushed through by the Trudeau government have come at a huge cost.  The report “Health Accord Breakdown: Costs […]

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CALLOUT: Join the Campaign to fight the Hamilton hospital cuts

(August 8, 2017) Public Meeting to stop the cuts: Monday, September 25, 6:00 p.m. at USW Hall, 350 Kenilworth Ave. in Hamilton, Ont. We are collecting front-line stories about patient impacts of the cuts at the Hamilton hospitals. Do you, a friend or a family member have any? For example: patients left waiting in emergency […]

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RELEASE: Hamilton’s Hospitals Have Passed the Tipping Point: Urgent campaign launched to stop $27-million in cuts

(August 8, 2017) Hamilton – Hamilton’s hospitals are already beyond their tipping point and another massive set of cuts is “reckless and irresponsible”, reported advocates today in a press conference. The Ontario Health Coalition joined leaders from the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions/CUPE to warn the public about the newest cuts which amount to $27 […]

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RELEASE: Health Coalition Responds to Wettlaufer Inquiry Announcement

(August 1, 2017) Toronto – The Ontario government appointed Justice Eileen Gillese from the Ontario Court of Appeal to head a Public Inquiry into the murders of eight long-term care residents by Elizabeth Wettlaufer. The Ontario Health Coalition responded by raising concerns about the duration and the narrow mandate of the inquiry, noting that in […]

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RELEASE: Inquiry Should Look into All Recent Homicides, Systemic Issues in Long-Term Care: Health Coalition

(June 28, 2017) The Ontario Health Coalition is advocating for the public inquiry that the Ontario government has called as a result of the murders in long-term care homes in Woodstock and London be broad enough to cover the systemic issues that have contributed to a context in Ontario’s long-term care homes in which there […]

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EVENT: Public Consultation on Public Hospital Reform

(June 2, 2017)  Now is the time when we can make a difference Organizations and individuals are invited to attend and submit oral or written submissions on reforming Ontario’s hospitals in the public interest. We are holding public hearings across the province. Your input will be used to help create a report on reforming hospitals […]

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EVENT: We Can’t “Bear” to Lose Medicare Tour

(June 2, 2017) The giant teddy bear is 7-feet tall and 4 1/2 foot-wide: a much-loved and friendly prop to help educate our communities about the threat of health care privatization. Private for-profit clinics are trying to take over services from our local public non-profit hospitals. They charge user fees amounting to hundreds or even thousands […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget Health Care Investments Do Not Meet Expectations: Hospital Funding Inadequate to Stop Cuts & Meet Community’s Needs

(April 28, 2017) Despite the hype, the Ontario Budget did not provide the relief from a decade of hospital cuts that was hoped. Overall health funding will increase by 3 percent, less than the rest of the public sector. Home and community care funding increases are positive and appear to remain at the same rate […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget Health Care Investments Do Not Meet Expectations: Hospital Funding Inadequate to Stop Cuts & Meet Community’s Needs

(April 27, 2017) Despite the hype, the Ontario Budget did not provide the relief from a decade of hospital cuts that was hoped. Overall health funding will increase by 3 percent, less than the rest of the public sector. Home and community care funding increases are positive and appear to remain at the same rate […]

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RELEASE: As Prime Minister Trudeau meets with First Ministers, Health Coalition calls for both sides to give ground to forge a new Health Accord in the public interest

(December 9, 2016) In advance of tonight’s dinner discussion on health care between the provincial-territorial Premiers and the Prime Minister, the Ontario Health Coalition called out both sides for their intransigence and advocated a new Health Accord forged in the public interest. For months, provincial premiers and the federal government have been at odds over […]

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RELEASE: Coalition Applauds MPP Gates’ Call for Premier to Answer on Status of Niagara Falls Hospital

On Thursday, in advance of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s visit to Niagara Falls today, MPP Wayne Gates questioned the Health Minister in the Ontario Legislature on the slow pace of approval for a new hospital in Niagara Falls. He advocated that local contractors be used in the construction. All this is good. There is no question that the Niagara Falls hospital is old and a new one is required. Two years ago, the Niagara Health System submitted to the Ministry of Health a Phase I proposal to build a new hospital in Niagara Falls that has not yet been approved. Unfortunately, here in Niagara, as is the case in Scarborough, Durham, Picton and other areas, the government has used a vague and distant promise of a new hospital in what appears to be an attempt to stifle dissent about closure of needed health care services and a dismantling of local governance.

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RELEASE: More than 94,000 Ontarians Join in Grassroots Referendum to Stop Devastating Hospital Cuts

(May 31, 2016) Massive Piles of Votes delivered to Opposition Party Leaders Outside Ontario Legislature Toronto – From across Ontario representatives from dozens of communities facing devastating cuts to their community hospitals carted thousands of ballots to the Ontario Legislature. The votes – 93,840 of them as of last night – were cast in a […]

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RELEASE: Volunteer-Led Referendum Launched Across Ontario to Save Local Hospitals: Ontarians to Vote Saturday May 28

(April 25, 2016) Volunteer-Led Referendum Launched Across Ontario to Save Local Hospitals: Ontarians to Vote Saturday May 28                                                                       (Toronto, ON) […]

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ADVISORY CORRECTION: Volunteers in Communities Across Ontario are Mounting Referendum to Save Local Hospitals

(April 22, 2016) *PLEASE NOTE: The Sudbury media launch has been postponed until further notice.    Ontario is currently in the ninth consecutive year of real-dollar cuts to global hospital budgets, the longest stretch in Ontario’s history. These cuts mean that hospitals across the province, cannot keep up even with basic inflation. Hospitals have been […]

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RELEASE: Success! Patients, Residents Travel 700 kilometres to Ontario Legislature to Save the Wallaceburg Hospital’s Emergency Department

(April 18, 2016) Breaking News: Success! Patients, Residents Travel 700 kilometres to Ontario Legislature to Save the Wallaceburg Hospital’s Emergency Department   Toronto – At a press conference today at Queen’s Park, patients and concerned citizens from Wallaceburg issued an urgent plea to Ontario’s Minister of Health to stop the closure of the Wallaceburg Hospital’s […]

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EVENT: Upcoming Town Hall Meetings: Attend one near you!

(April 1, 2016) TOWN HALL MEETINGS: Lindsay, Hamilton, Windsor, Chatham, Wallaceburg, Sarnia, Pelham, North Bay, Port Colborne, Toronto, Orillia, Sault Ste. Marie, St. Joseph Island Hospitals across the province are facing serious cuts to services. London’s hospitals are planning $26 million in cuts this year and more cuts are expected to be announced. Lindsay’s Ross […]

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RELEASE: Welland Hospital Awareness Day at Ontario Legislature: Patients, Residents Demand Plan to Close Welland Hospital Be Stopped

(March 21, 2016)   Toronto – At a press conference today at Queen’s Park, patients and concerned citizens from Welland issued an urgent plea to Ontario’s Minister of Health to overturn the decision to close the Welland Hospital, telling him that more than 100,000 people served by the Welland Hospital will suffer worse access to […]

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RELEASE: Welland Hospital Plan Unveiled: Precarious Services are No Replacement for Hospital Closure, Coalition Warns

(March 18, 2016) Welland/Niagara/Toronto: The Niagara Health System (NHS) revealed a sliver of its hospital plans today. In its email to the media, the hospital outlined its new proposal for an ambulatory care centre (outpatient clinics), an “urgent care” centre (walk-in clinic) and long-term care beds to be located in Welland. The timing of the […]

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RELEASE: Devastating Hospital Cuts & Flawed Process for Health Reform Consultation: Key Issues for this Session of the Ontario Legislature

(February 16, 2016) Toronto – Ontario’s premier stated that jobs and the economy are her priorities for this session of Ontario’s Legislature, which opened today. Impacting both jobs and local economies but not part of the Premier’s media messages, two key health care issues impacting Ontario’s communities will also be on the front-burner, including: Devastating […]

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RELEASE: Patients, Concerned Citizens and Workers Rally Outside Pre-Budget Hearings to Stop Devastating Hospital Cuts, Privatization

(February 1, 2016) As MPPs from all three political parties from the Ontario Legislature traveled to Toronto for pre-budget hearings today, they were met with protests by patients, concerned residents and health care workers.  The message was clear: stop the devastating cuts to – and privatization of – local hospitals across Ontario.  The Ontario Legislature’s Standing […]

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UPDATE: Pre-budget hearing rallies!

(February 1, 2016) Ontario Health Coalition Executive Director presented to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs at the Ontario Legislature this morning. Here is the Ontario Health Coalition’s submission with the most recent hospital spending, nursing levels (all nurse classifications), and hospital beds and overcrowding statistics. Please share with those who might be […]

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EVENTS: Members of Provincial Parliament Traveling Across Ontario for Pre-Budget Hearings

(January 11, 2016) The Ontario Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs has chosen Hamilton, Windsor, Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, Ottawa and Toronto to hold pre-budget consultations. We are now entering the 9th consecutive year of hospital cuts – the longest stretch of hospital cuts in Ontario’s history. Every service cut is […]

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RELEASE: A Thousand People Rally to Send Strong Message to Wynne Government: “Stop the Devastating Cuts to Local Hospitals”

(December 4, 2015) A Thousand People Rally to Send Strong Message to Wynne Government: “Stop the Devastating Cuts to Local Hospitals” On Monday, the Northeastern Ontario Day of Action, organized by the Ontario Health Coalition and the North Bay Health Coalition, brought together patients, seniors, health advocates, hospital workers and local citizens to address the […]

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RELEASE: Giant Protest Sends Message to Wynne Government: “We Can’t Take Any More Cuts”

(November 13, 2015) Giant Protest Sends Message to Wynne Government: “We Can’t Take Any More Cuts” (Trenton, Ontario) – At a major regional rally today in Trenton, hundreds gathered to deliver a strong message to Lou Rinaldi, the senior Liberal MPP for the region. The Take Back Our Hospitals Rally, organized by the Ontario Health Coalition […]

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EVENTS: Take Back Our Hospitals: Fall Days of Action in S/E Ont, N/E Ont, and Scarborough/Durham

(October 23, 2015) Take Back Our Hospitals Days of Action in S/E Ontario, N/E Ontario and Scarborough/Durham Southeastern Ontario Rally Friday November 13, 12 p.m. Centennial Park, Trenton Buses will be traveling in from the whole region. For more info on buses email us at Active citizens have succeeded in stopping cuts all across Ontario. Let’s […]

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EVENTS: Southwestern Ontario’s Day of Action to Stop Privatization and Protect Our Public Healthcare and Services!

(July 6, 2015) Thank-you to everyone that came out to support Southwestern Ontario’s Day of Action on Friday, June 26. Over 200 people stood outside Deb Matthew’s office in London to raise awareness about the serious cuts that are happening to our hospitals and services. Stay tuned via Facebook, Twitter and/or our website for further events […]

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VIDEO: Stopping Health Care Cuts

(June 8, 2016) This was taken by Al Dupuis, from one of our public meetings with the Ottawa Health Coalition. Watch OHC Executive Director Natalie Mehra with Dr. John Lister, and Marlene Rivier, Ottawa Health Coalition’s Co-chair. Analysis

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EVENTS: Join us at the upcoming Southwestern Ontario Day of Action

(June 3, 2015) On June 26, at 12 p.m., please join us as we bring our Regional Days of Action to Southwestern Ontario to Minister Deb Matthew’s office in London, Ontario. We invite you to share the posters around and spread the word to your friends and family. Click here for Poster

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EVENTS: Join us at the upcoming Ottawa Region Day of Action

(May 29, 2015) Our next Regional Day of Action is fast approaching!

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RELEASE: Homecare Roadmap has potential, but beware of some dangerous pitfalls: Health Coalition

(May 13, 2015) The Ontario government’s plan to reform home care is short on details. The broad steps outlined in it contain potential for a strong and progressive vision to emerge, but there are also perils that Ontario Health Coalition is urging Health Minister Eric Hoskins to avoid. “We want to be positive and we […]

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RELEASE: Hundreds Rally to Stop Health Care Cuts and Privatization in First Day of Action — Protests Planned Across Ontario

(April 17, 2015) (Sudbury, Ottawa, Hamilton, Niagara, London) – In response to severe hospital cuts and the threat of privatization of home care and hospital services, organizations representing hundreds of thousands of seniors, patients, health care workers, nurses, health professionals and concerned citizens have joined forces to call for mass protests in each region of […]

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ADVISORY: Leaders of Organizations Representing More than Half-A-Million Ontarians Join Forces to Stop the Hospital Cuts & Hospital/Home Care Privatization

(April 15, 2015) Advisory: Leaders of Organizations Representing More than Half-A Million Ontarians Join Forces to Stop the Hospital Cuts & Hospital/Home Care Privatization   (Toronto) – Hospital wards, emergency departments, even entire hospitals are being closed down. Hundreds of nurses have received lay-off notices in recent months. Health professionals’ services are being systematically cut […]

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ADVISORY: Media Conference with International Expert Condemning Niagara Hospital Closures

(April 1, 2015) MEDIA ADVISORY  Media Conference with International Expert Condemning Niagara Hospital Closures (Toronto, ON) – The Ontario Health Coalition will be hosting a media conference with an international health policy expert with decades of experience analyzing global health policy reform who has conducted a full review of the plans to close five community […]

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RELEASE: Leamington Day of Action at Queen’s Park

(March 5, 2015) Pregnant Women, Mothers, Midwives and Community Members Issue Plea to Save Birthing Services (Toronto) A group of pregnant women, mothers, midwives and community members traveled to Queen’s Park today to raise the alarm about the proposed closure of birthing, maternity and maternal-newborn care at the Leamington Hospital. The closure would mean that […]

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RELEASE: Protest at Liberal Cabinet Minister Deb Matthews’ Office to Stop Closure of Birthing Services, Cuts to Smaller Community Hospitals

(February 28, 2015) (London) – More than 60 women, children, families and activists joined forces to protest the proposed closure of birthing and other obstetrical services at Leamington’s hospital outside MPP Deb Matthews’ office on Saturday in London, Ontario.  A large group, including pregnant women, travelled from Leamington to London to bring their message to […]

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ADVISORY: Essex County Residents to Deliver Hundreds of Newborn Hats to Cabinet Minister Deb Matthews’ Office in Rally to Save Maternity Services

(February 13, 2015) Get on the Bus! Your support matters, please let us know if you plan to attend by calling 519-325-0226 or 519-800-3040 by Friday February 20. All are welcome!

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ADVISORY: Thousands Rally at Ontario Legislature to Stop Unprecedented Cuts and Privatization that Threaten Community Hospitals All Across Ontario

(November 18, 2014) Thousands Rally at Ontario Legislature to Stop Unprecedented Cuts and Privatization that Threaten Community Hospitals All Across Ontario Where: In front of main doors (South doors) of Main Legislative Building, Queen’s Park When: Friday November 21 at 12 noon What: A massive rally at Queen’s Park with more than 3000 people in […]

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RELEASE: More than 80,000 Ontarians Vote to Stop Wynne Government Plan to Cut Local Community Hospitals and Contract Out Care to Private Clinics: Health Care Advocates Call On the Premier and New Health Minister to Stop the Privatization Plan

(July 8, 2014) One of the first major controversial issues faced by Ontario’s new Health Minister is the government’s plan to cut clinical services from local public hospitals and contract them out to regional private clinics. Today at the Ontario Legislature, hundreds of health care advocates representing every region of Ontario gathered to deliver more […]

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RELEASE: Ontario Budget: Austerity Continues For Community Hospitals Plus Some Good News on Minimum Wage, Pensions

(May 1, 2014) In today’s Budget Speech, the Minister of Finance pledged “what we will not do is sacrifice important public services”. But for the fifth year in a row, community hospitals will see their funding levels set below the rate of inflation which will result in further cuts to needed care services, movement of […]

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RELEASE: More than 56,000 Ontarians vote to stop the dismantling of community hospitals in volunteer-led referendum: Health Coalition

(April 7, 2014) Over the last two and a half weeks, hundreds of volunteers with the Ontario Health Coalition have opened public voting stations to collect opinions about the government’s plan to cut services from local community hospitals and contract them out to high-volume private clinics. Balloting at over 100 voting stations and over 200 […]

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(April 4, 2014) Vote to stop the Ontario government’s plan to cut local public hospitals and contract clinical services out to private clinics. Ontarians are asked to vote for one of the following statements in voting booths across Ontario: I support our local public hospitals. I do not want the government to cut their services […]

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RELEASE: Scarborough-Ajax Facing Among the Worst Hospital Cuts in Ontario: Campaign Launched to Protect Services

(October 15, 2013) Today the Scarborough Health Coalition launched a campaign in Scarborough to protect hospital services. According to hospital documents, $28 million in “savings” must be found next year, meaning millions of dollars in hospital service cuts are underway and even more are being planned. The campaign will include town hall meetings, mass leafleting […]

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RELEASE: Bad News Budget Will Result in Health Care Cuts and Privatization

(May 2, 2013) Rural communities funding and community care claims are merely “Smoke and Mirrors” says Health Coalition.

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OPEN LETTER: Formal Complaints Lodged Against LHIN: Request for Disclosure Launched in Ottawa Hospital Cuts and Privatization Scheme

(March 11, 2013) The Ontario Health Coalition and OPSEU have launched formal complaints about the Champlain LHIN’s process regarding the decision by the Ottawa Hospital to cut and privatize thousands of surgeries and other health care services.

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RELEASE: Myth Buster: OHC Challenges Health Minister’s Claims – Hospital cuts and privatization are not offset by home care

(March 5, 2013) The Ontario Health Coalition responded today to the Health Minister’s attempt to downplay and minimize the cuts to – and privatization of – hospital services that she and her government are making.

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RELEASE: Ontario-Wide Tour to Visit 15 Communities Warning of Ontario Budget Cutbacks to Health Care

(May 7, 2012) Most Ontarians don’t realize that the McGuinty government’s recent “austerity” budget will catapult the health system into another round of cuts and restructuring.

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RELEASE: The Drummond Commission & Public Service Cuts: Public Interest Groups Deeply Concerned About Undemocratic Process

(January 27, 2012) The McGuinty government is planning sweeping public service cuts and restructuring without public input and proper democratic processes, public interest groups revealed in a press conference this morning at Queen’s Park.

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RELEASE: OHC Calls on McGuinty Government to Stop NHS Privatization Plan in Welland

(April 28, 2011) The Niagara Health System is planning to close about 120 hospitals beds at the Welland Hospital.

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RELEASE: OHC Calls For Coroner’s Inquest in the Death of Reilly Anzovino

(January 25, 2010) The Ontario Health Coalition is requesting a coroner’s inquest into the death of Reilly Anzovino after a Boxing Day car accident.

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RELEASE: Budget Will Not Help Save Hospitals from Closures, Cuts

(March 26, 2009) “This budget does not provide even what is needed to maintain existing services, or save our local hospitals from major cuts,” noted Dora Jeffries, coalition co chair. “In hard economic times hospital closures, cuts to services and lay offs are the worst possible option. In many communities, the local hospital is vital […]

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EVENTS: Thousands Join Rally at Ontario Legislature to Stop Hospital Cuts

(March 26, 2009) More than 3,000 people came by bus, car pool and public transit to the front lawn of Queen’s Park on April 29, 2009 to demand that Premier Dalton McGuinty stop the cuts and closures of local hospitals across Ontario.

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Public Forum: Health care shouldn’t be a race.

(April 2, 2007) But Premier Dalton McGuinty is restructuring our health care system and turning service delivery into a big competition. He got the idea from Great Britain, where the result has been a race to the bottom. Hear about the British experience from former British health minister Frank Dobson; With speakers from the Ontario […]

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Save Public Medicare! Information

(February 28, 2006) The Ontario Health Coalition and local health coalitions across the province are organizing steamroller/bulldozer events for March 2 and March 3 to protest the undemocratic nature of the Liberal government’s intention to push through LHINs legislation that the Minister, cabinet and their appointees in LHINs major new powers to order health restructuring […]

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